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[系统编程] sushu.txt

Two prime sieve methods: Elata Terney sieve method and Euler sieve method. The function can be used directly call the prime number will be stored in the su array (2017-05-25, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[系统编程] reduction

输入矩阵的维数以及各个元素,选择矩阵分解的方法,进行分解。 有四种分解方法: 1、LU 分解 2、Gram-schmidt分解 3、Householder分解 4、Givens分解
matrix decomposition methods (2016-10-11, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[系统编程] PythonAPI

hello ,ok ,do you know. (2016-05-02, Visual C++, 1267KB, 下载1次)


[系统编程] xp3389_src

XP下双开3389源码 编译后,直接运行,XP的终端自动开启激活guest,密码为vipver,加管理员组,并且可以多用户登录,源码,可直接点击运行,不缺少任何文件
XP under dual open source compiler 3389, the direct running, XP activation of the terminal automatically open guest, password vipver, add the Administrators group, and can be multi-user login (2012-10-28, Visual C++, 7207KB, 下载29次)


[系统编程] bayes-sort

For Classification Rule Mining Algorithm for Constructing Bayesian Belief (2011-03-07, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载3次)


[系统编程] Read_write_disk

1. 演示了一种可以绕过卡巴斯基的实时检测将病毒写到磁盘中的方法。
1. Demonstrates a real-time detection can bypass Kaspersky' s virus written to disk method. (2010-10-25, Visual C++, 37KB, 下载14次)


[系统编程] Xml2Htm

convert xml documents to html documents for easier observation,cos. it s kinda boring to choose color,so this tool have only 4 color layers. (2010-03-31, Visual C++, 41KB, 下载8次)


[系统编程] skyblue_Rect

经典的俄罗斯方块游戏,用visual C++编写,实用好用,还可以用来玩单击游戏哦。
The classic Tetris game, using visual C++ to prepare, practical easy to use, but also can be used to play click the game Oh. (2010-03-18, Visual C++, 253KB, 下载24次)


[系统编程] 1

The purpose of this program is to achieve the inverse of an array set about to reverse a one-dimensional array (2009-12-28, Visual C++, 496KB, 下载3次)


[系统编程] eluosifangkuaidaima

采用visual c++ 6.0平台编写的俄罗斯方块源代码,希望对大家有所帮助
Using visual c++ 6.0 platform Tetris written in the source code, and want to help everyone (2009-12-09, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载2次)


[系统编程] Els

一个完整得俄罗斯方块设计程序,功能齐全,界面美观,师兄写的 很好哦
Tetris was a complete design process, functional, beautiful interface,师兄oh well written (2009-08-25, Visual C++, 128KB, 下载5次)


[系统编程] ResolveOptmizationProblemswithconjugategradientmet

There are two compression package code, a conjugate gradient method for optimal solution, one-dimensional search using a search method inaccurate, and the other is from the keyboard input code equation expression (2009-08-05, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载11次)


[系统编程] jflock

加枫电脑锁源代码,可以获取用户名、 定时器、禁用"Ctrl+Alt+Del","Ctrl+Ese","Alt+Tab"三组热键关机等
Canadian Maple lock the computer source code, you can obtain the user name, timer, disable the " Ctrl+ Alt+ Del" , " Ctrl+ Ese" , " Alt+ Tab" hotkey shutdown, such as three groups (2009-08-04, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载42次)


[系统编程] EncryptAES_CNG

Next Generation Cryptography API(CNG)是Vista新一代加解密API,取代Crytography API.源码介绍CNG用法
Next Generation Cryptography API (CNG) is a new generation of Vista encryption API, replace the Crytography API. Source introduced CNG usage (2009-06-13, Visual C++, 13KB, 下载17次)


[系统编程] Insure

Insure++是一款商用内存检测工具,功能全面 在Linux下,使用Insure++检测程序,需要用Insure命令协同编译器来编译和连接程序,在源编译器编译前加Insure命令。 程序为其使用的一个例子
Insure++ is a commercial instrument Detected memory, full-featured at Linux, the use of Insure++ Detect procedures required collaboration with Insure command compiler to compile and link procedures, at pre-compiler to compile the source Insure add command. Procedures for its use an example of (2009-03-09, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载14次)


[系统编程] SoftSnoop1.3.2

相对于SoftSnoop1.3版新增功能 1)可以捕获从任一模块产生的到任一模块的Api调用,包括动态加载的模块;可以在调用Api之前输出Api名称,Api所属模块,Api参数及调用这个Api的地址;可以在Api返回之后输出Api返回值 2)可以像OllyDbg那样附着到正在运行的目标进程并捕获其Api,可以随意终止和继续捕获,目标进程不受影响 3)可以选择是否对目标进程进行调试,对一些检查调试器的程序可以选择不调试目标进程,对Api捕获没有影响;由于修改了ApiHook方式,因此对于加过壳或修改了输入表的程序也可以进行Api捕获 4)添加了中文版 5)解决了1.3版中在加载目标进程时偶尔会产生内存访问越界的问题
err (2008-11-04, Visual C++, 236KB, 下载88次)


[系统编程] TimerStop

Russia used to crack the Vista master of reverse analysis TimerStop driver source code (2008-04-27, Visual C++, 19KB, 下载12次)


[系统编程] timer

In the application plus a small clock, both functional and beautiful. This procedure using VC to prepare, with some slight modifications can be used for the actual procedure. (2008-04-16, Visual C++, 1986KB, 下载2次)


[系统编程] regedit

注册表加解锁, 簡單的演示實現, 絕對源碼 需要這麽多字么
Add to unlock the registry, a simple demonstration of the realization of the absolute source of so many characters you need (2008-04-08, Visual C++, 154KB, 下载39次)


[系统编程] cmd漏洞

Win2000的CMD漏洞.你是不是经常在开始菜单的运行窗口里运行命令呢?win2000和xp在执行搜索的时候, 首先查找根目录。而开始菜单的运行窗口里执行命令, 也是首先在系统盘的根目录里进行查找.这个漏洞其实是已经是公开的秘密了.本程序功能是:加一个加超级管理员用户和执行cmd.exe的功能.
Win2000 loopholes. You are not always at the beginning of the operation of the menu window for running order? WIN2000 and xp in the implementation of the search, the first find the root directory. The menu began operation in implementing the order window, the system is the first set of root directory for you. The flaw is in fact is already an open secret. This program functions : Add a plus super admin users cmd.exe and implementation of the function. (2005-01-20, Visual C++, 45KB, 下载9次)
