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[其他书籍] GNSS

这本书延伸科学畅销书“全球定位系统 - 理论与实践”,以涵盖全球导航卫星系统(GNSS),包括俄罗斯GLONASS,欧洲伽利略系统,以及其他系统。书是指在一般意义到GNSS来描述各种现有参考系统的坐标和时间,卫星轨道,卫星信号,可观察,数学模型的定位,数据处理,和数据转换。本书是一本大学级入门教材,目的是作为学生的参考以及为专业人士和科学家在大地测量领域,测量工程,导航和相关学科。
This book extends the scientific bestseller GPS- Theory and Practice to cover Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and includes the Russian GLONASS, the European system Galileo, and additional systems. The book refers to GNSS in the generic sense to describe the various existing reference systems for coordinates and time, the satellite orbits, the satellite signals, observables, mathematical models for positioning, data processing, and data transformation. This book is a university-level introductory textbook and is intended to serve as a reference for students as well as for professionals and scientists in the fields of geodesy, surveying engineering, navigation, and related disciplines. (2016-09-24, Visual C++, 5366KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] calculating-hamming-distance

汉明距离是以理查德• 卫斯里• 汉明的名字命名的,有兴趣的朋友可以了解下这位先辈。除了汉明距离,还有汉明重量、汉明码等理论在信息论、编码理论、密码学等领域都有应用。
Hamming distance is Richard Wesley, named after hamming, interested friends can see the ancestors. In addition to the hamming distance and hamming weight, hamming code and other theory in the field of information theory, coding theory, and cryptography are used. (2014-09-02, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] art-and-science-of-c

从库函数的角度讲解c,国外经典教材,斯坦福计算机学院老师编著 很好的入门书
c language of science and art (2014-04-07, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] Shelling-art

Software protection is an important part of software technology and packers technology is one of the most effective methods of software protection, software crack in shelling is difficult, this tutorial details today' s mainstream shelling technology. (2013-03-09, Visual C++, 523KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] 9-Algorithms-That-Changed-the-Future

普林斯顿大学出版社2012年新出的《9 Algorithms That Changed the Future》(改变未来的九个算法),普及型读物。作者John MacCormick教授系牛津出身的计算机博士。本书精彩地介绍了搜索引擎、PageRank、公开密钥加密、纠错码、模式识别、数据压缩、数据库、数字签名等内容。
MacCormick Professor Oxford is born to the dr computer. This book introduces the wonderful search engine, PageRank, public key encryption, the ecc, pattern recognition, data compression, database, and digital signature, etc. (2012-04-29, Visual C++, 2802KB, 下载18次)


[其他书籍] DPFTD-Transform

Help you understand the special treatment of spikes, the Gibbs effect for signal processing has a better solution (2011-05-18, Visual C++, 147KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] Digital-image-processing

数字图像处理第三版(冈萨雷斯),教育部高等教育司推荐,国外优秀信息科学与技术系列教学用书(英文版) WordNet的参考文献: [51]http://wordnet.prineeton.edu/ [52]Miller G,Beekwith R,Fellbau C.Introduetion to WordNet:an on-line lexieal database.In International Journal of LexieograPhy,1990,3(4):235-244.
Digital Image Processing Third Edition (Gonzalez), Department of Higher Education recommended, outstanding foreign teaching Information Science and Technology Book Series (English) WordNet references: [51] http://wordnet.prineeton. edu/[52] Miller G, Beekwith R, Fellbau C. Introduetion to WordNet: an on-line lexieal database.In International Journal of LexieograPhy, 1990,3 (4) :235-244. (2010-12-18, Visual C++, 1106KB, 下载197次)


[其他书籍] IntroductiontoProbability

概率论始于17世纪法国伟大的法国时2 数学家布莱斯帕斯卡和Pierre费尔马,相当于超过两个问题 从比赛的机会。如Pascal和费马问题的解决继续 作为惠更斯影响,伯努利这种早期的研究人员,以及在建立德穆瓦夫尔 一个概率的数学理论。今天,概率论是一个沿用已久的 数学分支,发现在每一个领域应用学术 活动从音乐到物理,从日常的经验,天气预测 预计新的医疗治疗的风险。
Probability theory began in the 17th century when the two great French French Mathematician Blaise Pascal and Pierre Fermat, the equivalent of more than two issues From the matches. Such as Pascal and Fermat to resolve the problem continues Impact as Huygens, Bernoulli these early researchers, as well as in the establishment of Demoivre A mathematical theory of probability. Today, probability theory is a well-established Branch of mathematics, found application in every area of academic Activities from music to physics, from daily experience, weather forecast Estimated the risk of new medical treatment. (2010-06-12, Visual C++, 2867KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] dsgdg

The part of the document collection for the Gaussian model are all PDF format documents, describes the process of Gaussian model and some improved algorithms. Need can be downloaded. (2010-06-02, Visual C++, 6720KB, 下载12次)


[其他书籍] song

Inside is a PDF file, there is music playing on the C language program, the program of each row has a corresponding interpretation. Clarity! (2009-11-07, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载22次)


[其他书籍] dip2e_student_problem_solutions

Digital Image Processing 数字图像处理 冈萨雷斯 第二版 英文版 习题解答
Digital Image Processing Second Edition Problem SolutionswStudent Set Rafael C. Gonzalez Richard E. Woods (2009-09-23, Visual C++, 1123KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] 3D_Model_Search_Engine

Princeton University, the realization of three-dimensional model of search engine, introduced in English. (2009-08-04, Visual C++, 3019KB, 下载77次)


[其他书籍] MorseCode

莫斯编码 但如何发送信号,编码是什么? 其实,国际通用的求救信号,使用的是摩斯码。 摩斯码并不高深,非常简单而且容易学会。
Morse code represents characters as variable length sequences of dots and dashes. In practice, characters in a message are delimited by short pauses. (2009-05-30, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] StudyofTransferAlignmentTechniquesinSDINS

摘要 本论文研究了基于捷联惯导系统的几种不同的传递对准技术,其中包括 速度匹配、姿态匹配、角速度匹配及速度加姿态匹配方法。
Abstract This paper deals with several transfer alignment(TA) techniques of SDINS (Strap-Down Inertial Navigation System),including velocity matching, attitude matching, angular rate matching and velocity-plus-attitude matching approaches. (2009-05-08, Visual C++, 2052KB, 下载118次)


[其他书籍] ACEProgramingGuide-CHN

马维达翻译的学习ACE的经典书籍,是学习ACE网络编程不可少的工具书。ACE自适配通信环境 (Adaptive Communication Environment)是面向对象的框架和工具包,它为通信软件实现了核心的并发和分布式模式。ACE包含的多种组件可以帮助通信软件的开发获得更好的灵活性、效率、可靠性和可移植性。
Mahuida translation of classic books to learn ACE, ACE network programming is essential learning tool. ACE Adaptive Communication Environment (Adaptive Communication Environment) is object-oriented framework and tool kit, it realized the core communication software of concurrent and distributed model. ACE contains a variety of components can help the development of communication software for better flexibility, efficiency, reliability and portability. (2008-11-06, Visual C++, 733KB, 下载384次)


[其他书籍] aybook.cn_xdystjs0202

搜索巨人Google和Autonomy,一家出售信息恢复工具的公司,都使用了贝叶斯定理(Bayesian principles)为数据搜索提供近似的(但是技术上不确切)结果。研究人员还使用贝叶斯模型来判断症状和疾病之间的相互关系,创建个人机器人,开发能够根据数据和经验来决定行动的人工智能设备。
Search giant Google and Autonomy, a sale of information-retrieval tools which are using the Bayes theorem (Bayesian principles) for the data search to provide similar (but technically incorrect) results. The researchers also used Bayesian models to determine the symptoms and the interrelationship between diseases, create personal robots, developed based on data and experience to determine the action of artificial intelligence equipment. (2008-03-26, Visual C++, 5498KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] randomdata

用C语言编写随机信号的产生:包括均匀分布,高斯分布,二项式分布,锐利分布, 对数高斯分布,泊松分布,拉普拉斯等分布。
Using C language of the generated random signal: including uniform distribution, Gaussian distribution, binomial distribution, a sharp distribution, logarithm Gaussian distribution, Poisson distribution, Laplace distribution. (2008-01-29, Visual C++, 2183KB, 下载297次)


[其他书籍] 111000111000

计算机组成原理 .有试验报告 程序可以完成由定点运算实现浮点运算,根据用户的输入和运算符的选择进行相应的操作,并能对用户的错误输入给出提示信息,并且在用户选择连续操作时可以无需重启程序,多次连续运算。有该程序可以方便地实现加、减、乘、除操作,并且如果想加入新的操作也十分方便(程序是分模快设计的应而可以很方便地实现功能的扩充);同时程序的各个功能部分都给出了详细的注释,清晰易懂,方便修改、增进
Principles of Computer Organization. There are test reporting procedures to be completed by the fixed-point calculations to achieve floating-point operations, based on user input and choice of operator for the corresponding operations, and is able to enter the user is given the wrong message, and the user selects a row operation will not be required to restart the process, many times for computing. The program can easily add, subtract, multiply, with the exception of the operation, and if you want to add a new operation is also very convenient (sub-module program is designed to be and it is easy to achieve the function of the expansion) at the same time the various procedures functional part of the Notes given a detailed, clear and easy to understand, easy to amend and enhance (2007-12-24, Visual C++, 314KB, 下载37次)


[其他书籍] huangweitong-VisualC++

清华大学出版社书籍黄维通Visual C++面向对象与可视化程序设计.pdf
Tsinghua University Press books Tong links Visual C and Visual Object-oriented program design. Pdf (2007-07-02, Visual C++, 11500KB, 下载127次)


[其他书籍] netsafe

爱因斯坦在20世纪初出的这个谜语。他说世界上有98%的人答不出来。某家公司在面试应聘者时借用了爱因斯坦的这个IQ题,考查应聘者的IQ,现在我们暂且不去讨论这个公司用这样的题目来考查应聘者的IQ有多“变态”,如果是你,拿到了这样的笔试题目,你能做得出来吗?   1、在一条街上,有5座房子,喷了5种颜色。   2、每个房里住着不同国籍的人   3、每个人喝不同的饮料,抽不同品牌的香烟,养不同的宠物   问题是:谁养鱼?   提示:   1、英国人住红色房子   2、瑞典人养狗   3、丹麦人喝茶   4、绿色房子在白色房子左面   5、绿色房子主人喝咖啡   6、抽Pall Mall 香烟的人养鸟   7、黄色房子主人抽Dunhill 香烟   8、住在中间房子的人喝牛奶   9、 挪威人住第一间房   10、抽Blends香烟的人住在养猫的人隔壁   11、养马的人住抽Dunhill 香烟的人隔壁   12、抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒   13、德国人抽Prince香烟   14、挪威人住蓝色房子隔壁   15、抽Blends香烟的人有一个喝水的邻居   以上是爱因斯坦在20世纪初出的这个谜语。他说世界上有98%的人答不出来。 用递归算法实现
Einstein in the early 20th century out of this riddle. He said the world have 98% of the people not answer. A company in interviews when candidates use Einstein's IQ that, to investigate the IQ candidates, we will put aside the discussion of the company do not use this topic to test the IQ candidates how "abnormal", if you get such a written subject, can you come up with? ? One, in a street, five houses, sprayed the five colors. Two, every room of different nationalities lived three people each drink different drinks, pumping different brands of cigarettes, raising the pet question is : Who fish? Tip : 1, the British Red lived two houses, three dogs Sweden, Denmark, four tea, green house in the house left five white, green coffee house owner 6, pumping Pall Mall cigarettes be (2006-04-03, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载33次)
