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[对话框与窗口] PngDlg

MFC window, can be realized without borders dialog box has no borders and the shadow of the operation, there are the maximize, minimize, and other functions (2014-07-01, Visual C++, 791KB, 下载89次)


[对话框与窗口] mfc

编写一个应用程序,含有“计算”菜单,包含菜单项“显示对话框”和“退出”。 单击“显示对话框”选项时,弹出“模式对话框”,此对话框中含有两个水平滚动条;四个按钮,分别为“加”、“减”、“乘”、“除”;三个编辑框,单击四个按钮中的任何一个进行计算操作,移动滚动条,两个编辑框中出现滚动条的位置,另一个编辑框中出现计算的结果。
Write an application, with " computing" menu that contains the menu item " Show Dialog" and " Exit." Click the " Show Dialog" option, pop-up " modal dialog" This dialog box contains two horizontal scroll bar four buttons, namely " plus" , " minus" , " ride" , " except" three edit boxes, click on any one of the four buttons in the calculation operation, move the scroll bar, two edit boxes appear scroll position, another edit box appears calculations. (2013-10-13, Visual C++, 38KB, 下载3次)


[对话框与窗口] CtrTest

The program based vc6.0, practical to a combo box, list box, edit box interaction between controls plus text, delete all selected to delete, and slider, its position corresponding display static text box (2012-11-03, Visual C++, 4325KB, 下载2次)


[对话框与窗口] RusSquare

I developed with VC++ with two people can play Tetris, complete source code, the vc interested learners is a good reference example. Simply related to the knowledge of the image loaded. This interface Hyun (2012-03-22, Visual C++, 3961KB, 下载5次)


[对话框与窗口] DareCalc

Practice writing their own dialog procedure to achieve such as XP, a simple calculator, you can use even the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, square root, find the arithmetic square root functions, suitable for beginners reference VC++ (2011-10-31, Visual C++, 31KB, 下载4次)


[对话框与窗口] NewProPage

建立具有两个属性页的对话框,分别用以录入男女信息: 男方需要录入的信息: 姓名:(编辑框,最多5个汉字) 出生年份:(使用组合框,组合框不可输入,列出1950到本年度的所有年份,最近的年份在前面) 简历:(编辑框,内容比较多,要求能够多行输入) 婚否:(使用复选框) 民族:汉族,回族,藏族,其他(使用单选框) 女方需要录入的信息: 姓名:(编辑框,最多5个汉字) 年龄:(编辑框加微调按钮,范围为 20 – 60,输入范围为 0 – 188,并可通过微调按钮修改) 简历:(因为简历内容一般都比较多,因此要求能够多行输入) 婚否:(使用复选框) 民族:汉族,回族,藏族,其他(建议使用单选框)
To establish dialog with two property pages, respectively, for men and women entered the information: the man need to input the information: Name: (edit box, up to 5 characters) Year of Birth: (use a combo box, combo box can not enter, lists 1950 to the current year all years, the most recent year in front) resume: (edit box, more content, requires the ability to multi-line input) Marriage: (check boxes) National: Han, Hui, Tibetan, and other (using radio box) the woman need to input the information: Name: (edit box, up to 5 characters) Age: (edit box plus spinner, the range of 20- 60, the input range of 0- 188, and can be modified through the spinner) Resume: (more than normal because of resume content, it requires the ability to multi-line input) Marriage: (check boxes) National: Han, Hui, Tibetan, and other (recommended one box) (2011-07-17, Visual C++, 2253KB, 下载4次)


[对话框与窗口] SkinMagicpojieban

Writing MFC program to beautify the interface is very troublesome, but we can use third-party libraries, plus a few lines of code to get a beautiful interface. This is a SkinMagic crack version, also with instructions for use, can use (2011-07-12, Visual C++, 616KB, 下载73次)


[对话框与窗口] calculatorx_vivitue

MFC源码 开发工具:VC++6.0 编程语言:C++ 主程序代码:1300+行 运算精度:小数点后17位。显示框最大显示字符数21个 计算器功能说明: 1)完成计算器基本运算功能 2)二进制◆八进制◆十进制◆十六进制 相互转换 3)支持角度与弧度显示 4) 完成三角函数+反三角函数、对数、指数运算、取余、倒数与开方运算 5)计算n!.扩展整数n为双精度数x。计算x! 算法f(x)=x(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)......3*2*1 5)具有记忆功能 MS:存储 MR:读取 MC:清除 M+:加存的数据 6)左清&右清 ->: Forwardspace(清除最左边1个数) <-: Backspace(清除最右边1个数) Tip:D78C.后面小数点表非十进制数。八、二、十六进制数在显示部分有小数点。以区别十进制数
Calculator MFC codes (2011-01-27, Visual C++, 123KB, 下载32次)


[对话框与窗口] SelfProgressBar

have done a cprogressbar the category, you can derive from such changes in the progress of the background color, increases above text, and with a front-end Caterpillar continuous advancement in the animation effect. (2006-06-06, Visual C++, 163KB, 下载53次)
