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[Bootstrap] Library-management-system-2

基于SSM 的图书馆管理系统拥有两个角色,分别为管理员和学生。具体功能如下: 管理员:查看、添加图书,查看添加学生,借还管理,修改密码等 学生:查加检索图书、查看个人信息、查看个人借阅情况、修改密码 2、项目技术 后端框架:SSM(Spring、SpringMVC、Myba...
The library management system based on SSM has two roles: administrator and student. The specific functions are as follows: administrator: view and add books, view and add students, borrow and return management, modify passwords and other students: check and retrieve books, view personal information, view personal borrowing, modify passwords 2. Project technology back-end framework: SSM (Spring, SpringMVC, Myba (2024-01-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] Website-and-Admin-Panel

This is a website made for a fivem community using Bootstrap. There s also an admin panel made with a backpack(framework for laravel). However, the panel isn t released as the framework is paid. (2023-12-19, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] CovidImpact

COVID-19 is impacting countless small businesses across Canada, we all face uncertainty. Several colleagues and I asked what we could do to help? After a weekend of non-stop coding we’ve put together #CovidImpact, a FREE Small Business Care Package which features: A curated list of programs to help them through the crisis. Real-time news (2023-01-05, Vue, 9582KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] serve-bootstrap

Serve为前端原型设计提供了一个干净的起点。功能HTML5 Boilerplate 2.0,指南针,哈姆尔,萨斯,你...
A clean starting point for front-end prototyping with Serve. Features HTML5 Boilerplate 2.0, Compass, Haml, Sass, your choice of grid frameworks, and lots of best practices. (2011-08-14, Ruby, 138KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] faces

The 400 Faces - A script that will scrape your face off. The plot revolves around Linus Torvalds, who leads 400 Spartans into battle against the Persian "God-King" Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and his invading army of more than 300,000 soldiers. ???♂? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ![:godmode:](https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/godmode.png) ?? ?? ?? ???♂? ?? ?? ?? ?? (2021-02-14, HTML, 28671KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] Pakistan-Tourism

Pakistan??Tourism an Online Booking?? Site made with Asp.Net MVC Technology using C#, Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, and EntityFramework. (2023-03-03, HTML, 9159KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] jenkins-bootstrap-shared

Jenkins as immutable infrastructure made easy. A repository of shared scripts meant to be used as a git submodule. Packing Jenkins, plugins, and scripts into immutable packages and images. (2023-04-30, Groovy, 213KB, 下载0次)
