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[PostgreSQL] le-Data-Analytics-Case-Study-Cyclistic-Bike-Share

A case study on the fictional company Cyclistic, a bike-share company in the Chicago metropolitan area. RStudio was the main tool used to conduct analyses and create visualizations. (2024-04-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] Web-Study-Jams

Web Study Jams是维萨卡帕特南(VSKP)GDSC吉塔姆大学的一项倡议,旨在为学生提供一个平台,以提高他们的Web开发技能。该计划侧重于实践学习、项目和资源,以增强学生在web开发领域的能力。
Web Study Jams is an initiative by GDSC Gitam University, Visakhapatnam (VSKP), aimed at providing students with a platform to enhance their web development skills. This initiative focuses on practical learning, projects, and resources to empower students in the field of web development. (2024-03-04, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] quiz-english

Unleash your inner brainiac with Quiz-English! Our clever AI gathers real-world knowledge from news, videos, podcasts, and more, crafting quizzes that challenge and intrigue history buffs, science geeks, and anyone who loves learning something new. (2024-02-21, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] Ollivanders_store

与Ollivanders商店一起进入魔法世界!探索并购买哈利波特系列中的各种魔法师魔杖。♂ 立即购买,享受迷人的体验#奥利凡德斯魔术
Dive into the wizarding world with Ollivanders Store! Explore and purchase a variety of magical wizard wands from the Harry Potter series. ♂ Shop now for an enchanting experience! #OllivandersMagic (2024-02-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] compass

Source code and other project-related files for Compass, the all-in-one Princeton academic planning app. (2023-11-15, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] lignarius

Lignarius:一个具有许多服务的Docker Compose集成环境:Localstack;PostgreSQL;MySQL;Memcached;詹金斯;诱惑框架...,
Lignarius is a Docker Compose integrated environment with many services: Allure Framework; Gitea; Kafka; Jenkins; Localstack ; Memcached; Mongo; MySQL; NGINX; OpenSearch; Portainer; PostgreSQL; Redis; Wordpress; Zookeeper. Upcoming: ELK/EFK (Elasticsearch, Logstash/Fluentd, Kibana); Grafana; Nextcloud; Prometheus. (2023-08-07, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] Data-Modeling-with-Postgres

A project to design a fact and dimension star schema for optimizing queries on a flight booking database using PostgreSQL, a relational database management system. This schema is well-suited for a flight booking database, as it allows for efficient querying of data such as booking dates, flight routes, and passenger information. (2021-08-15, PLpgSQL, 43945KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] bikes-and-bond-dashboard

A full-stack James Bond style dashboard app, where you can get recommended a mission with the best bike to complete it. Made with React, ASP.NET Core, and PostgreSQL. (2021-04-24, C#, 228KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] PostgreSQL-DBA-tools

This repository contains a number of UNIX scripts, and PostgreSQL queries. The author, Melvin Davidson, originally distributed them on the pgsql-general mailing list and has allowed me to create this repository for them. These scripts and queries are donated "as is" and are not guaranteed in any way. (2015-05-26, Shell, 70KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] Back-end_Tesla-Booking

这个应用程序是通过创建我们的API,使用Ruby on Rails,在我们的数据库中包含一些特斯拉模型信息...
This application was made by creating our API, using Ruby on Rails, containing some Tesla models info in our database. In the front end, made with React & Redux, the user is allowed to create an account and book any of the cars we have displayed. Admin users can add entirely new models by sending data to the API. (2022-11-08, Ruby, 64KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] neabi-backend

Este projeto é uma API que fornece uma plataforma centralizada de armazenamento de objetos educacionais para o NEABI do IFBA - Campus Brumado, permitindo a cria??o de aulas de maneira eficiente e personalizada. Ele inclui recursos de gerenciamento de objetos educacionais e busca avan?ada. Desenvolvido com Node.js, Typescript, Docker, PostgreSQL. (2023-05-06, TypeScript, 783KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] product-catalog

An online store with apple products. Mobile first , responsive UI, Frontend done, backend work in progress.. Teckstack: React, Typescript, Scss, Express.js PostgreSql (2023-04-12, TypeScript, 15067KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] WebTool3

Django web application, supporting full time employees and volunteers staff of the DAV (German Alpine Club) section Allg?u Kempten (2023-05-24, TypeScript, 2970KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] Karpully-Backend

Carpooling Application which manages and organizes carpools between Tunisian cities. (2021-06-12, TypeScript, 1215KB, 下载0次)
