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[大数据] sales-data-analysis

销售数据分析——使用Java Streams分析特斯拉汽车2016年至2019年的销售数据。从CSV文件中读取数据,计算年销售额,并确定每个型号(型号3、型号S、型号X)的最佳和最差月份。
Sales Data Analysis -- Use Java Streams to analyze sales data for Tesla vehicles from 2016 to 2019. Read data from CSV files, calculate yearly sales, and determine the best and worst months for each model (Model 3, Model S, Model X). (2024-04-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] flink-spark-kstreams-comparsion-dp

Toto je projekt k diplomové práci na téma "Proudy událostí a nástroje na jejich zpracování". (2024-04-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] AlFu-assignment-06

销售数据分析——使用Java Streams分析特斯拉汽车2016年至2019年的销售数据。从CSV文件中读取数据,计算年销售额,并确定每个型号(型号3、型号S、型号X)的最佳和最差月份。
Sales Data Analysis -- Use Java Streams to analyze sales data for Tesla vehicles from 2016 to 2019. Read data from CSV files, calculate yearly sales, and determine the best and worst months for each model (Model 3, Model S, Model X). (2024-04-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] lucas-becker-assignment-6

销售数据分析——使用Java Streams分析特斯拉汽车2016年至2019年的销售数据。从CSV文件中读取数据,计算年销售额,并确定每个型号(型号3、型号S、型号X)的最佳和最差月份。
Sales Data Analysis -- Use Java Streams to analyze sales data for Tesla vehicles from 2016 to 2019. Read data from CSV files, calculate yearly sales, and determine the best and worst months for each model (Model 3, Model S, Model X). (2024-03-24, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] algorithm-princeton-partI

Solution to problem assigments of Data Structures and Algorithms - Part I by Princeton University offered in Coursera platform (2020-07-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] algorithm-princeton-partI

Solution to problem assigments of Data Structures and Algorithms - Part I by Princeton University offered in Coursera platform (2017-10-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Assignment-6-TeslaSalesApplication

This assignment will analyze sales data for the sales of Tesla vehicles between 2016 and 2019. The program will read the data from 3 different CSV files and store that information for analysis and reporting. It will then use Java Streams to output the following information onto the console for each model. (2023-11-02, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] trigrams-with-mapreduce

Trigrams resolution exercise using map reduce paradigm. FMI: , (2014-10-24, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] SIT

This is a learning time management system based on android client. The server uses java servlet, which uses big data naive Bayes and other algorithms (2017-02-27, Java, 33KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] ColorRead

彩阅 新闻源来自于新华网,人民网RSS源。实现了简单的新闻添加功能。 后台数据库使用BMOB云。实现了查询,排序,上传功能。 分享使用友盟,实现了微博,qq好友的分享。 图片列表使用第三方库实现CardView效果。 下拉刷新,下拉加...
Colorful reading news source comes from Xinhuanet and People s Daily RSS feed. Realize simple news adding function. Background database uses BMOB cloud. Realize the functions of query, sorting and uploading. Sharing uses Youmeng, realizing the sharing of microblog and QQ friends. The picture list uses a third-party library to achieve the CardView effect. Drop down refresh, drop down add (2015-12-14, Java, 28198KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Swing-TCP-mysql

During the junior year, javaSwing was used to build the client interface, multithreading and SocketSerivce were used to build the server, mysql was used for data storage, and TCP was used for the communication between the server and the client to build a supermarket management system, which realized the basic business functions. For the reference of students just entering the computer. (2018-01-01, Java, 601KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] VecutePoint

The spatial point thinning algorithm, with a complexity of o (n), is suitable for thinning one-dimensional or multi-dimensional spatial vector data. This example uses gis map data as an example for coding. The core of thinning algorithm is to use spatial matrix, and then randomly select a value falling in the small matrix as the result. Take a column, for example, take one-dimensional data {8, 2, 7, 4, 9, 6 (2017-12-07, Java, 6KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] EDA-Fase2-4

EDA-Fase2-4、Fases 2、3和4是卡洛斯三世大学Datos和Algorimos学院的最后一次实践...
Fases 2, 3 y 4 de la práctica final de la asignatura Estructura de Datos y Algoritmos de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2013-08-02, Java, 52KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] EDAT-TPO-Mundial-Rusia

EDAT TPO Mundial Rusia,Estructura de datos es una material de segundo a o de la Licensiatura en la UNCO俄罗斯联邦贸易和发展局
EDAT-TPO-Mundial-Rusia,Estructura de datos es una materia de segundo a o de la licenciatura en la UNCO (2021-03-06, Java, 652KB, 下载0次)
