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[加密解密] lg-soar

LG-翱翔是一套全部开源的快速高性能的开发平台,推崇默认为主兼顾扩展个性化配置,具有简单易用不失灵活的特性,具有微服务与单体无缝切换,同一套代码既可以部署成微服务也可以部署成单体、多租户、多数据源、多规则互联网协议(Internet Protocol)白名单拦截、好用的前端查询器、自动签名验签、自动数据脱敏、敏感数据加密、枚举字典翻译、分布式锁、统一异常处理、统一响应数据格式、丰富的开发工具、redis +咖啡因+ spring cache的缓存实现、可插拔的雷迪斯支持等丰富的功能,毫无保留给个人及企业免费使用。https://gitee.com/lgx1992/lg-soar (2024-05-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] damai

大麦抢票damai,piao,qiangpiao 余票监控,逆向破解,加密算法,frida,hook,https加解密,app端请求,演唱会,演出,猫眼,票星球pxq,纷玩岛fwd,周杰伦jay,林俊杰 JJ,王嘉尔,伍佰,邓紫棋,杭州,北京,上海,泉州
Damai, piao, qiangbao, ticket surplus monitoring, reverse cracking, encryption algorithm, frida, hook, https encryption and decryption, app request, concert, performance, cat s eye, ticket planet pxq, playing island fwd, Jay Chou, JJ Lin, Jiaer Wang, Wu Bai, Deng Ziqi, Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Quanzhou (2024-02-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] password-manager

Qryptix Password Manager is a secure and convenient way to store and manage your passwords, notes, cards, and files. It uses a 4096 bit quantum proof algorithm to encrypt your data, and syncs it with your browser and a private encrypted cloud (2024-01-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] cSharp_aes

128,192,256 key encryption and expressly multiple grouping is automatically populated with AES encryption software written in C#, (2012-06-22, Others, 66KB, 下载48次)


[加密解密] PasswordTest

work with C# code WPS prepared by the testing tool primarily used to test compatibility with MSO documents (IO) writes. function mainly by the MSO document encryption. WPS fight open, and then by WPS encryption, opened by the MSO. Each document encryption are based on the type of encryption to increase. this code. universal encryption and decryption are different. So does not apply to the need for encryption and decryption code reference (2006-12-07, Others, 3004KB, 下载2次)
