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[数据库系统] pizzahut-analysis-sql

用于数据分析的最佳数据集。Shubham Gupta在MySql中进行比萨饼数据分析。该数据集由我在pizzahut实习的朋友提供。在必胜客中,他们使用该数据集进行训练和提问。这些数据没有透露任何关于比萨饼的信息。分享是安全的。数据
best dataset for data analysis. Pizzahut data analysis done by Shubham Gupta in MySql. This dataset is provided by friend of mine intern at pizzahut. In pizzahut, they used this dataset to train and ask question. This data does not reveal anything about the pizzahut. It is safe to share. data (2024-05-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] OilAndGas_Project

从头开始设计和实现了SQL Server数据库、维度建模中的数据仓库和SSIS包,以将新数据提取到事实表中。已将数据库和数据仓库迁移到Azure。设计了Azure Data Factory管道以将新数据提取到事实表。
Designed and implemented a SQL Server database from scratch, a data warehouse in dimensional modeling, and SSIS packages to extract the new data to the fact table. Migrated the database and the data warehouse to Azure. Designed an Azure Data Factory pipeline to extract the new data to the fact table. (2024-04-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] ecommerce-dimensional-model

This project builds on the previous Ecommerce Data Model and Analysis project. We re transforming the existing data model into a dimensional model using Snowflake and Azure to enhance analytics capabilities and gain deeper insights from ecommerce data. (2024-04-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] controle-de-entrega-e-devolucoes

控制日志,利用Excel,SQL e Power BI.Para demonstrar em Dashboard a criticidade as entrgas e devolues,afim de insights Para melhorar a satisfa o dos Clients。Os dados s o fictícios,criados por Allison戈麦斯
Controle logístico, utilizando Excel, SQL e Power BI. Para demonstrar em Dashboard a criticidade nas entregas e devolu es, afim de ter insights para melhorar a satisfa o dos clientes. Os dados s o fictícios, criados por Allison Gomes (2024-03-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] SQLAnalysis_PharmacyClaims

A SQL analysis project on pharmacy claims to find healthcare insights. It uses dimension and fact tables for member and drug data, employing a star schema. The goal is to analyze claims data, including demographics and drug details, to improve healthcare delivery, optimize operations, and guide policy decisions. (2024-03-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Case-Customer-sales-database-analysis

从不同来源收集数据,并将它们集成到分析数据集中,以通过基于规则的方法识别问题事务并揭示数据背后的故事。利用Azure SQL数据库中的T-SQL查询按产品、客户和时间维度分析销售绩效
Collected data from diverse sources and integrated them into analytical dataset to identify problem transactions and reveal the story behind the data through the rule based approach. Utilized T-SQL queries in Azure SQL Database to analyze Sales performance by product, customer & time Dimensions (2024-03-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Management-

基于Java+SpringBoot+Vue的街道办管理系统(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、用户 管理员:管理员登录街道办管理系统可以新增、修改或者删除系统首页、个人中心、用户管理、住户信息管理、流动人口管理、住户居住管理、住户迁出管理、缴费信息管理、投诉维...
The sub district office management system based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue (source code+database+ten thousand word document+ppt) Role: administrator, user administrator: administrator can add, modify or delete the system homepage, personal center, user management, household information management, floating population management, household residential management, household relocation management, payment information management, complaint maintenance (2024-01-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] intro_to_data_mooc_challenge

关于Code First Girls Data MOOC Challenge简介的小组项目。蓝色团队贡献者:哈尼娅·雷赫曼、莎朗·万杰鲁、帕梅拉·西尔、奇耶扎·恩胡维拉。
Group project in respect of Code First Girls Intro to Data MOOC Challenge. Team Blue contributors: Hania Rehman, Sharon Wanjiru, Pamela Seale, Chiedza Nhuvira. (2023-09-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] cubos-academy-backend-m03

Execícios relativos ao terceiro módulo do curso de Desenvolvimento de Software Cofoco em Cubos Academy后端iFood-达多斯银行
Exercícios relativos ao terceiro módulo do curso de Desenvolvimento de Software com foco em Backend da Cubos Academy iFood - Banco de Dados (2023-09-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] WgcloudDeployPro

This warehouse is established by Wgcloud (born in open source and supported by open source) for deploying Wgcloud Professional Edition and monitoring over 200 resources. Linux operation and maintenance monitoring tool, supporting system hardware information, memory, CPU, temperature, disk space and IO, hard disk smart, system load, network traffic monitoring, service interface (2023-05-26, Others, 2498KB, 下载0次)
