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按平台查找All FlashMX(77) 

[FlashMX/Flex源码] eeluosi-20150608

Graduation design, the tetris system based on flash design, simple design, for beginners to see (2015-06-17, FlashMX, 3955KB, 下载5次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] as3maze

想想一个没有循环的精美迷宫。 跟经典游戏中某人在放满敌人的陷阱里收集物品不同,将一个完美迷宫游戏变为一个随机生成地牢的围困游戏其实没那么难。 来自维基百科: 围困游戏是可以任意时刻重新开始玩,总是死不了,使用ASCLL图形只需要基本方向运动即可的游戏。游戏场景里有典型的地牢,很多怪物,很多物品。死亡是经常且可以避免的。许多这种游戏主要使用键盘来与物品及环境进行交互。游戏名字是1980年Rogue起的。 我将要介绍的代码是使用回溯法的。
THE LOST MAP (2013-05-09, FlashMX, 1KB, 下载2次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] myHash_Final

The source code is based on FLASH hash find, in the demo, hash search provides two hash function to choose, the conflict solution using linear plus one way. (2012-07-02, FlashMX, 2626KB, 下载6次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] anjiandaima

这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:按键的代码。阿斯科马表
This is a flash source file, the effect is very good, the test platform for Flash 8 ( if the question please choose the right version to try), code effect is: key code. Asko stopwatch (2011-12-18, FlashMX, 21KB, 下载3次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] loukongxuanzhuan

这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:镂空加旋转源码
This is a flash source file, the effect is good, the test platform for flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code is: hollow and rotation source (2011-11-11, FlashMX, 153KB, 下载3次)


[其他智力游戏] Russian

一个简单的俄罗斯方块游戏,用老版的Flash Profession 8制作的小游戏,是Flash初学者的好参考
A simple Tetris game, with the old version of the Flash Profession 8 production of small game, is a good reference for beginners Flash (2011-07-02, FlashMX, 25KB, 下载4次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] o

圆圈旋转,展示图片功能FLASH源码,虽然很简单但很实用,如果要变成图片的环绕效果~只要把元件【text】中的字母换成图片就可以了~ 如果图片太大或太小,请修改以上代码中的radius = 180;这句~只要改变值180即可 如果图片不是12张~请修改元件【text】的帧数~第一帧照样留空~修改第一段代码for(i=1 i<13 i++)中的13为图片的张数加一
Circle rotation, display picture functions FLASH source, although very simple but very useful, if you want to become a picture of the surround effect of ~ as long as the components】 【text of the letter can be replaced by images of the ~ if the image is too big or too small, please modify the above code radius = 180 phrase ~ as long as you can change the value of 180 if the image is not 12 ~ Please modify components】 【text of the first frame still blank frames ~ ~ modify the first paragraph of the code for (i = 1 i < 13 i++) in 13 the number of sheets for the pictures plus a (2010-02-15, FlashMX, 38KB, 下载9次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] The-flash-demo-of-various-algorithms

The flash demo of various algorithms (a total of 45: B tree removal, growth process, a single linked list node insert, delete, binary sort tree generation, deletion, Huffman tree construction algorithm simulation, Kruskal construct minimum spanning tree algorithm, adjacency list that breadth-first traversal of the graph to find clues to the sequence of binary tree nodes designated successor ......) (2010-01-10, FlashMX, 942KB, 下载23次)


[其他智力游戏] flashp

You do not read the source code of the Russian box must not miss唷~ soon as possible to download the bar (2009-10-29, FlashMX, 131KB, 下载11次)


[其他智力游戏] puzzle

Re-implementation of the jigsaw puzzle flash, flash call through java program so that players can upload images like cut into puzzles, and preferences based on degree of difficulty for the customization of the jigsaw puzzle (2009-05-08, FlashMX, 3028KB, 下载31次)


[xml/soap/webservice] sjzl

简介:前些日子发了个ASP+ACC+Flash的留言本,没想到这么受大家的欢迎. 那个留言本的功能正在增加和完善中.制作完成将会第一时间在CNZZ发给大家.共享是美德嘛~!哈哈~! 这款漂亮的Flash网站,花费了好些时候,直到今天才完成的.左下角的登录框是后台跳转用的.只要在用户名处输入Crystal (区分大小写).按确定,就可以跳转到后台..后台帐号和密码均为: admin 部分功能介绍: 1.flv视频播放.可在"myadv.xml "文件里加 2.MP3歌曲播放.可在"list.xml"里加 3.友情链接.可在"link.xml"修改.哈哈,希望给本站做个链接(凌云网址导航). 其它功能,自己看,也可以自己修改.
err (2008-08-23, FlashMX, 5725KB, 下载16次)


[xml/soap/webservice] photoFlow_AS3_001

A square image display system, using FLASH+ XML, directly in the document can add pictures, do not need to change the code (2008-07-31, FlashMX, 4709KB, 下载27次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] j_9215_flash

Four clock express Tokyo, Islamabad, London, New York, four different times, mainly the time difference algorithms. Yes! (2008-02-27, FlashMX, 7KB, 下载4次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] mofeishijing1

莫非是静 FLASH整站 共分 两部分 第一部分为 主程序和主程序代码 第二部分 为连接代码和 FLASH留言本程 加Q群4299732
static FLASH whole stands of the first two parts of the main procedures main program code and the second part is even FLASH access code and the way the voice plus Q-4299732 (2006-10-04, FlashMX, 4992KB, 下载34次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] 3dTeacher

3D tutorial, succinctly described how the flash to achieve three-dimensional coordinates into screen coordinates, also explains how to rotating 3D objects. 3D contains several source files. (2006-06-29, FlashMX, 161KB, 下载1511次)


[Windows编程] 2003082219080225378

tushuguan中联数字化图书馆网络解决方案.zip Davnet引领UOBPlaza&ShawHouse进入无线接入 世界.zip 对于格林斯博罗市来说,采用无线 ... CallCenter投诉业务子系统需求规格 说明书.doc 客户服务中心系统方案建议书.doc 业务咨询子系统系统设计
tushuguan-linked digital library network solutions. Zip Davnet UOBPlazaShawHouse lead the world into the wireless access. Zip City for Greensboro, the wireless business ... CallCenter complaints subsystem needs specification. Doc customer service center program proposals. Doc industry Advisory Services subsystem design (2006-04-02, FlashMX, 458KB, 下载20次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flashb

本人在空暇到网上载了一些Flash的源程序,十分的精彩,不敢独用,现与大家分享,希望给未来的闪客做个参考! 说明:1、因时间关系没有分类!2、下载文件为zip格式,每个zip中有源程序10-15个。
online Flash contains some of the source, very exciting, not only used now to share with you and hope for the future to be a reference to the Flash! Note : 1, due to the time not classified! 2, the download file format for zip, zip each source is 10-15. (2005-07-20, FlashMX, 1569KB, 下载5次)
