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按分类查找All GDI/图象编程(72) 
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[GDI/图象编程] GifCodec

参考网上的资料写的gif编解码。 编码用gdi解析常用图片格式,然后组装成gif 解码吧gif的每一帧转换成dib gif文件格式网上有很多介绍 gif用的变长lzw压缩算法: 没弄懂原理,只知道过程。压缩取一个字符作为后缀,看看字符串是否存在。存在,用对应的编码作为前缀继续取;不存在把字符串添加到字典,前缀添加到输出流,后缀作为前缀继续取。解压取一个编码看看字典中是否存在。存在用对应的字符串的第一个字符作为后缀,看看当前字符串是否存在,不存在添加到字典中,后缀作为前缀,前缀对应的字符串添加到输出流,继续取;编码不存在,前缀对应的字符串的第一个字符作为后缀(这时当前字符串肯定不存在,字典中下一个可用编码肯定等于刚取出的编码),字符串添加到字典中,编码作为前缀,前缀对应的字符串添加到输出流,继续取。 编码流转换成字节流是按位从低到高的,window是小端模式(低字节在低地址),字节内低位在右边。 24位dib转换成8位dib时使用的八叉树算法 图片拉伸时参考的网上的双线性插值算法。 字典满了位数加一,位数是12时不加
Online reference materials written gif codec. Encoded using gdi resolve common image formats, and then assembled into a gif Each frame decode it into a gif dib There are many online gif file format introduced gif lzw with variable length compression algorithm: Did not understand the principle, only know the process. Compression takes a character as a suffix, and see if there is a string. Exist as a prefix to continue to take with the corresponding encoding there is no string to add to the dictionary, a prefix added to the output stream, the suffix as a prefix to continue to take. Take a look at extracting coding dictionary exists. Exist with the corresponding first character string as a suffix to see the current string exists, there is no add to the dictionary, the suffix as a prefix, the corresponding string to the output stream, continue to take coding does not exist, prefix corresponding first character string as a suffix (when the current string certainly does not exis (2015-01-17, Visual C++, 428KB, 下载8次)


[GDI/图象编程] MITKTest32

Ply an open and display the source code file, written using VS2008, based mitk library, is configured using the header files and libraries. ply format developed at Stanford University is a three-dimensional image display mode. (2011-09-23, Visual C++, 13273KB, 下载17次)


[GDI/图象编程] PfzDrawingSample

本文介绍了类,代表了全托管代码的位图。 一个位图,基本上是一维数组,使用了一些计算被视为一个二维数组看到。在这种数组中的值可以是颜色索引(当使用调色板)或RGB值直接使用某种类型的编码。托管位图具有PixelArray,这是一个字节数组,GrayscaleBitmap的诠释(System.Int32的),为ArgbBitmap为ColorBitmap颜色和简单的类。他们也知道有一个宽度,计算出的X / Y坐标。高度值,然后计算作为其宽度PixelArray长度划分。他们当然有一些其他方法。它们可以被转换成和相互System.Drawing.Bitmaps,也可以复制一个唯一的“块“到另一个
A bitmap is basically a one-dimensional array that uses some calculation to be seen as a two-dimensional array. The values in such array could be color indexes (when using color palettes) or the RGB values directly, using some type of encoding. The managed bitmaps are simple classes that have a PixelArray, which is an array of bytes, for GrayscaleBitmap, of int (System.Int32) for ArgbBitmap and of Color for ColorBitmap. They also have a Width to know to calculate a X/Y coordinate. The height value is then calculated as a division of the PixelArray length by its Width. They, of course, have some additional methods. They can be converted to and from each other and System.Drawing.Bitmaps, and also can copy only "blocks" from one to another (2011-03-22, Visual C++, 89KB, 下载6次)


[GDI/图象编程] Russiafangkua

In the VC environment to achieve Tetris game. Enables users to use the process of this program in order to feel pleasure (2010-03-07, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载1次)


[GDI/图象编程] EdgeContour

Edge detection, contour detection, Sebel operator, Gaussian Laplacian, Robert operator, Prewitt operator, Kersch operator, etc., Hough transform, parallel line detection, contour extraction, seed fill, contour tracking (2010-01-14, Visual C++, 71KB, 下载114次)


[GDI/图象编程] WIN32_BALLv3.2

纯win32 环境加GDI, 模拟以前FC游戏 弹球(pinball) 开发的一款小游戏. 其中使用到单例设计模式, STL常用用法等, 代码共2k 行左右, 仅供游戏开发初学者参考.
Pure win32 environment, plus GDI, simulated game before the FC pinball (pinball) the development of a game. Cases in which the use of design patterns into a single, STL common usage and so on, the code line of a total of 2k or so, game development for beginners for reference purposes only. (2009-11-09, Visual C++, 54KB, 下载18次)



GDI+编程必备的源码库,包含GDI+各个方面的编程示例,VC 6.0 下编译成功。。
GDI+ programming essential source database, including all aspects of GDI+ programming examples, VC 6.0 compile successfully under. . (2009-05-21, Visual C++, 5779KB, 下载1175次)


[GDI/图象编程] Edgedetectionadtrackingexercise

On the general camera opencv-based video streaming of the Laplace transform, and then through the module before and after comparison, to determine fixed-point tracking (2009-03-20, Visual C++, 1353KB, 下载44次)


[GDI/图象编程] KelvinRussia

这是一个总所周知的俄罗斯方块游戏!大家可以下来玩一玩! 这次俄罗斯方块的编写,我主要是想提升一下自己面向对象的感觉,但是写下来还是觉得有些不舒服的地方。不过还是希望能够对新手有些帮助,更希望得到高人指点。一直都是通过网络的帮助来学习的,所以发这篇短文希望也能帮助别人。
This is a total known Tetris game! We can play it! The preparation of the Russian box, I mainly want to enhance your own sense of object-oriented, but write it down or feel a little uncomfortable place. But still hope to be able to help some novices, but also want an expert advice. Through the network has always been helpful to learn, so fat, I hope this essay can also help others. (2008-11-18, Visual C++, 188KB, 下载20次)


[GDI/图象编程] 2CAD

with MFC write simple two-dimensional CAD, graphics can achieve replication, rotation, mirroring, zooming, mobile capabilities. (2006-07-05, Visual C++, 998KB, 下载281次)


[GDI/图象编程] vectorgraph__CQ

a simple vector graphics device said, the paintings can be preserved vector map form or BMP format. inside development documents, I welcome the QQ : 398754767, we will study together. (2006-06-25, Visual C++, 313KB, 下载219次)


[GDI/图象编程] VC_imagetest

含有功能为: 图像读取与显示、保存 24位彩色图转化为256色灰度图 灰度图像反色、增加亮度 给灰度图像加边框 还有: 对操作进行计时,精确到毫秒 在确认对话框上显示信息 输入对话框中输入参数
contain functional : read and display images, preservation of 24 color into a 256-color grayscale image-gray color and brightness to increase Gray Image frame include : the operation for a time to the exact millisecond in the confirmation dialog box displayed on information input dialog box input parameters (2006-05-15, Visual C++, 52KB, 下载256次)
