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[C#编程] 骨骼点旋转信息

Kinect-based skeleton framework identification source code. Based on VS2010 + SDK 1.5, the file needs to be imported into coding4fun. kinect. wpf. 1.5.0 to be used. Do not know how to add me QQ: 576848692 (2019-01-11, Visual C++, 277KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] 455d

用 Silverlight 2.0(c#) 开发一个七彩俄罗斯方块 玩法 ↑ - 变形;← - 向左移动;→ - 向右移动;↓ - 向下移动 1、每个形状都是由4个“块”组成的,也就是“块”是俄罗斯方块的最小单位,首先要有一个“块”的用户控件。要求可以设置“块”的位置和颜色 2、经典俄罗斯方块一共7种形状,把每种形状所需要的功能抽象出来写一个抽象类,7个具体形状分别继承这个抽象类,并重写其抽象属性和抽象方法
With Silverlight 2.0 (c#) to develop a colorful Tetris Play ↑- deformation ←- move to the left →- move to the right ↓- move down 1, each shape is by four block component, which is the block is the smallest unit of Tetris, we must first have a block of user control. Requirements can set the block position and color 2, a total of seven kinds of classic Tetris shapes, each shape to abstract out the functions required to write an abstract class, seven specific shape inherit this abstract class, and override its abstract properties and abstract methods (2014-09-28, Visual C++, 552KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] china-code.net.zhy.0

Visual C#动态修改图片-在图片上添加描述信息,类似图片加水印的功能,特别是加文字文印,先给选中的图片上写上具体的ID编号,还需要判断文件类型是否为图像类型
Visual C# dynamic modification Image- add descriptive information on the image, similar to picture watermark function, especially the addition of text printed text, give the selected picture to write on a specific ID number, you need to determine whether the type of image file types (2013-10-31, Visual C++, 33KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] Cpp1

题目:输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天? 1. 程序分析:以 3 月 5 日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加上 5 天即本年的第几天,特殊情况, 闰年且输入月份大于 3 时需考虑多加一天。
Title: Importation of a certain date, judgment day is this year s first few days? 1. Program analysis: 3 Month 5 Japan for example, should add up to two months before the first, then add 5 Day of the year the first few days, special circumstances, Enter the month and leap year is greater than 3 Should be considered when more one day. (2013-10-09, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] dsw

JP10与J12,JP8和JP1用8PIN排线连接,20秒倒计时换通道时 黄灯闪烁3秒,本实验只开通了一个通道有兴趣的学员可以自己加通道。
JP10 and J12, JP8 and JP1 cable to connect with 8PIN, 20 seconds countdown yellow light flashes when changing channels for 3 seconds, the experiment only opened a channel Interested students can add their own channels. (2013-06-21, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] Minimum

The program features is that of one-dimension integer array element index of the smallest value, and it is located in. (2012-11-20, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] dv

代码说明: DV文件夹是可编译的程序源代码,需要VS2010编译环境。Release文件夹内是可直接运行的程序。 1.关与距离 本程序使用8作为路由投递的最大距离,通过吧距离设为8作为路由不可达的标志。 2.关于路由回路 本程序同时采用了水平分割,毒性转换,和抑制时间来避免路由回路的产生。即不再想X发送从X处学得的路由信息;把到故障路由的距离设置为最大值8,表示不可达;不接受除故障路由外的其它路由发来的故障路由恢复的信息。 3.程序操作指令说明: 1.N 动态输出路由器的邻居路由 2.T 动态打印路由器的路由表 3.0~9 转发分组。注:本程序设置TTL=2 4.R X(注:此处R与X之间必须加空格) 路由器拒绝包含X的路由更新信息 5.r X(同上) 路由器恢复接收包含X的路由更新信息 6.“路由中止”和“路由恢复”按钮 用来使路由器停止或恢复发送路由表
DV文件夹是可编译的程序源代码,需要VS2010编译环境。Release文件夹内是可直接运行的程序。 (2012-01-06, Visual C++, 736KB, 下载12次)


[C#编程] cSharp-colcor

C# to achieve the color gradient (2011-09-09, Visual C++, 33KB, 下载18次)


[C#编程] 5

C language learning, learning a C-stand, but the crowd closer to (2011-05-10, Visual C++, 12942KB, 下载49次)


[C#编程] dongtaiyouxiandiaodusuanfa

用C 语言实现对N个进程采用优先权优先算法的进程调度。通过优先权改变原则:1. 进程在就绪队列中等待一个片,优先权值加1 2 .进程每运行一个时间片,优先权值减3 实现对优先权的控制.
N with a C language implementation of the priority of a process using the process of priority scheduling algorithm. By changing the principle of priority: 1. The process in the ready queue waiting for a film, the priority value plus 12. The process of running a time of each film, the priority value by 3 to achieve the priority control. (2011-01-14, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[C#编程] 9

功能: 可通过M键切换显示模式:日期(年、月、日)、时间(小时、分、秒)、秒表(小时、分、秒、1/100秒)、闹钟(小时、分、秒)。 在日期显示模式,可通过A键依次使年、月、日闪烁或变色,这时可通过I键加1调整。 在时间显示模式,可通过A键依次使小时、分、秒闪烁或变色,这时可通过I键加1调整。 在秒表显示模式,可通过I键切换(启动/暂停)计时,当暂停计时时可通过A键复位。 在闹钟显示模式,可通过A键依次使On/Off标志、小时、分、秒闪烁或变色,这时可通过I键切换On/Off标志或加1调整。 调整和秒表操作不影响日期和时间的准确性。 可通过Q键结束程序
Function: M key to toggle through display modes: Date (year, month, day), time (hours, minutes, seconds), stopwatch (hours, minutes, seconds, 1/100 second), alarm clock (hours, minutes, seconds). The date display mode, followed by A key to year, month, day, flash or change color, then can I add a button to adjust. In the time display mode, followed by A key to hours, minutes, seconds, flicker or change color, then can I add a button to adjust. In the stopwatch display mode, can I key switch (start/pause) timing, when the pause time when the A button can be reset. In the alarm display mode, followed by A key to On/Off flag, hours, minutes, seconds, flicker or change color, then I can be to switch On/Off marks or plus an adjustment. Adjustment and stopwatch does not affect the accuracy of the date and time. Q button to end the process through. (2010-07-23, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] MSS

VC++检测移动存储设备并加解密作安全设置源码实例,本源代码 就是一个与此相关的例子,对U盘数据加密,保护信息隐蔽,防止隐私泄露。本程序在运行时首先检测本地计算机的移动设备是否存在,然后选择移动设备,实现加密。
VC++ to detect mobile storage device and encryption and decryption source code examples for security settings, origin code is a related example of the U disk data encryption to protect information hiding, to prevent the loss of privacy. This program at run-time detection of the local computer, the first mobile device exists, and then select mobile devices, to achieve encryption. (2010-03-18, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载19次)


[C#编程] Gobang

由于五子棋比一字棋难,规则多,又有禁手限制,无法采用简单的搜索和加分方式。 为了分清各种情况的轻重缓急,我们采用一次性打分的策略: 对棋盘上的每个空位根据情况的轻重缓急,越重越争分越高,反之越低,然后根据打分找出分值最高的的位置下子。 打分事实根据有:是否赢棋(最高),对方是否要赢棋,是否禁手,可形成四连的个数,和形成三连(包括活三)的个数,对方可可形成四连的个数,和形成三连(包括活三)的个数,等等。 本算法的好处在于,既有攻又有守,而且攻守较严。
Gobang difficult than chess because of the word, rules and more restrictions there are cut-off hand can not be a simple way of search and processing points. The advantage of this algorithm, both have defensive attack, but more stringent attack and defense. (2009-12-07, Visual C++, 1385KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] bank1

[问题描述] 客户业务分为两种。第一种是申请从银行得到一笔资金,即取款或借款。第二种是向银行投入一笔资金,即存款或还款。银行有两个服务窗口,相应地有两个队列。客户到达银行后先排第一个队。处理每个客户业务时,如果居于第一种,且申请额超出银行现存资金总额顺得不到满足,则立刻排入第二个队等候,直至满足时才离开银行;否则业务处理完后立刻离开银行。每接待完一个第二种业务的客户,则顺序检查相处理(如果可能)第二个队列中的客广,对能满足的申请者予以满足,不能满足者重新排列第二个队列的队尾。注意,在此检查过程中,一旦银行资金总额少于或等于刚才第一个队列中最后一个客户(第二种业务)被接待之前的数额,或者本次已将第二个队列检查或处理了一遍,就停止被盗(因为此时已不可能还有能满足者)转而继续接待第一个队列的客户。任何时刻都只开一个窗口。假设检查不需要时间。营业时间结束时所有存户立即离开银行。 写一个上述银行业务的事件驱动模拟系统,通过模拟方法求出客户在银行内逗留的平 均时间。
[description] Our clients are divided into two kinds. The first kind is obtained from the bank for a loan or withdraw funds, namely. The second is to put a fund, bank deposits or payments that. Banks have two service window, correspondingly has two cohort. After the bank customers arrive first row first team. With each customer service, in the first, and if the application amount exceeds the amount remaining Banks can not satisfy, immediately into the second waiting until satisfaction before leaving the bank, After processing otherwise leave immediately. Each receives a second business customers order inspection and handling (if possible), the queue for the guest can satisfy the applicant shall meet, cannot satisfy the rearranged second queue queue. Note that in the process of inspection, once the total capital is equal to or less than Banks had first queue last client (second) is the amount, or before the second queue inspection or already will handle again, because this has stolen ( (2009-07-22, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] 32M_V40

用非常流行的AT89C51SND1C芯片作为主控制器,加32M flash,原始代码全部公开,对于想移植为1G flash等有很大的帮助,配合开发板上电后可以当U盘用,费用方便学习。改代码在硬件平台上测试通过,播放效果也非常好
AT89C51SND1C very popular as a main controller chip, plus 32M flash, source code of all open, who want to transplant, such as for the 1G flash of great help with the development of on-board power that can be used as U disk, the cost to facilitate learning. Change the code in the hardware platform to test is passed, the results would be a very good player (2008-09-25, Visual C++, 272KB, 下载12次)


[C#编程] 07

建立一个类,具有以下功能: 1.维护多个学生和其成绩的数据。(把存储这些数据的数组的两个维数设成常数置于源文件头部,便于修改) 2.可以对成绩从高到低和从低到高排列。 3.可以增加新学生,删除一个老学生。
The establishment of a category, has the following features: 1. The maintenance of a number of students and their performance data. (The storage of these data array dimension is set to two constant head placed in the source file, easy to modify) 2. Can result from high to low and from low to high order. 3. Can add new students, delete an old student. (2008-04-19, Visual C++, 873KB, 下载3次)
