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按分类查找All 3D图形编程(78) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(78) 

[3D图形编程] ply2pcd

Point cloud data file conversion. PCL can convert PLY files, and vice versa. Which uses a point cloud library PCL code. (2017-02-22, Visual C++, 3161KB, 下载89次)


[3D图形编程] PhysicalChemistryPVTmodel

物理化学 通过范德瓦耳斯方程建立pvt物理过程模型,并求解熵变焓变 opengl模型显示
Changes in the physical and chemical processes simulation gaseous van der Waals equation of the gas can enter the relevant parameters to establish pvt model various gases and establish more state solving entropy enthalpy, etc. (2015-12-17, Visual C++, 3315KB, 下载7次)


[3D图形编程] rodrigues

Rhodes Gris transform, source code download, when dealing with three-dimensional space, the need to rotate a 3* 3 matrix characterization of space (2015-05-06, Visual C++, 4035KB, 下载9次)


[3D图形编程] CN201110439675.2

描述了一种3D 的下倾角调整的方法 利用垂直维和水平维的信道信息,通过预编码可以是当前信息更适合当前信道
3D describes a method of adjusting the inclination of the vertical dimension and horizontal dimension using the channel information may be present by pre-coding information is more suitable for the current channel (2013-09-23, Visual C++, 359KB, 下载6次)


[3D图形编程] 3Dtuxingxuanranyinqinshejiyushixian

本文通过对三维图形引擎流水线的研究,建立了一个简单的图形渲染引擎以满足对案件现场重建的需要。研究的主要内容包括下面几点: 1)3D引擎中的数学运算。 2)3D引擎中的基本3D流水线。 物体数据或渲染列表中多边形数据在流水线中各个坐标系之间的转换。 3)光照和着色处理 研究四种光源类型:点光源、定点光源、聚光灯和环境光源,两种着色模式: 恒定着色和Gottraud着色。 4)纹理映射 插值计算纹理坐标和一维空间采样。 5)Z缓存
Based on the three-dimensional graphics engine pipeline studies, the establishment of a simple graphics rendering engine to meet the needs of crime scene reconstruction. The main contents include the following points: 1) 3D engine math. 2) 3D engine to the basic 3D pipeline. Rendering objects in the list data or polygon data in the pipeline between the coordinate system conversion. 3) Treatment of four kinds of light and color light types: point source, point, spot and ambient light, two kinds of color modes: constant shading and Gottraud coloring. 4) The interpolated texture mapping coordinates and one-dimensional texture sampling. 5) Z Cache (2013-07-02, Visual C++, 1733KB, 下载5次)


[3D图形编程] pcd2ply

Good point cloud data format pcd convert ply method, this is the source, it is worth learning. (2013-04-11, Visual C++, 22988KB, 下载230次)


[3D图形编程] Pixar

皮克斯 细分曲面技术 OpenSubdiv,在Maya中它的实时变形细分曲面帧数有50 FPS。
Pixar Subdivision Surface technology OpenSubdiv 50 the FPS real-time deformation of subdivision surfaces frames in Maya. (2012-08-13, Visual C++, 359KB, 下载9次)


[3D图形编程] 3D-stere

Three-dimensional reconstruction of a Russian doctoral thesis, the main image segmentation, accompanied by a source, highly worthwhile to look at (2012-07-25, Visual C++, 2567KB, 下载68次)


[3D图形编程] 3dstyle-and-real-image

This program is a larger program. It contains most of the 3D transform, 3-dimensional shape representation, elimination of hidden surfaces, realistic graphics and other knowledge, is an ideal learning program (2011-09-03, Visual C++, 338KB, 下载18次)


[3D图形编程] OpenGL

This code is able to draw up the 3 surround the ball and 3 surround the cube, to the ball and cube and light around a different direction, rotating sphere and cube and the cube to zoom function, can be recommended! (2011-06-21, Visual C++, 44KB, 下载69次)


[3D图形编程] 3d_face_re

强大的人脸识别程序,三维点云重建,不保留了 上传加人品。对毕业课设有很大帮助的。
Robust face recognition program, three-dimensional point cloud reconstruction, plus character is not retained upload a. (2011-03-23, Visual C++, 47KB, 下载200次)


[3D图形编程] 3Dgame_computergraphics

one book about 3D and computer graphics,you can learn more about math method of this. (2010-01-18, Visual C++, 6446KB, 下载75次)


[3D图形编程] BUNNY_Data

这是一个完整的斯坦福兔子的数据,Bunny.txt是数据,数据的每行分别按照x y z 的格式存储;BunnySrc.txt是将该数据赋值个数组格式;BunnyTriId.txt是在matlab中使用trimesh函数生成三角形的点序号。
This is a complete data on the Stanford rabbits, Bunny.txt is the data, respectively, each row of data in accordance with the format of xyz storage BunnySrc.txt be to assign one array of data formats BunnyTriId.txt in the use of trimesh function matlab point of the triangle generated serial number. (2009-08-24, Visual C++, 1569KB, 下载42次)


[3D图形编程] 3Model

基于小波变换的三维模型提取技术的毕业论文,包括代码和答辩ppt.1.实现了三维模型的表示和规范化预处理过程,在此基础上,开发了进行检索实验的可视化特征提取实验平台。 2.结合球面调和变换获取旋转不变量具有降低特征向量维数的特性,实现了基于光线投射的特征提取方法,通过检索评价实验确定了参数的最佳取值。 3.分析了基本的光线投射方法和改进的光线投射方法的缺陷,提出了一种基于三维小波变换的特征描述方法。对光线投射算法进行了扩展,将切比雪夫采样点序列进行离散小波变换,然后利用球面调和变换获得旋转不变的特征向量。 4.将小波变换引入到体素表示的三维模型中,分别实现了表面体素小波变换和实体体素小波变换的特征提取,通过实验比较分析实体体素小波变换优于表面体素小波变换。
Wavelet-Based Extraction of three-dimensional model of thesis, including the reply code and ppt.1. Three-dimensional model of the implementation and standardization of the express pre-treatment process, on this basis, developed a visual search experiment of feature extraction experiment platform. 2. Combination of spherical harmonic transform to obtain rotation invariant feature vector with reduced dimension of the characteristics of ray-casting based on the implementation of feature extraction methods, the evaluation by searching the parameters of the experiment to determine the best value. 3. Analysis of the basic ray casting method and the ray casting method to improve the shortcomings, a wavelet transform based on the three-dimensional characterization of the Ways. Ray-casting algorithm for the expansion of the sampling points Chebyshev sequences discrete wavelet transform, then the use of spherical harmonic transform to obtain rotation invariant feature vector. 4. Wavelet tr (2009-04-07, Visual C++, 2571KB, 下载399次)


[3D图形编程] tuxiangzhenshiganshanweijianmo.pdf

形状和表面颜色是表征真实物体属性的两个要素.随着三维扫描技术的发展,获取精确稠密的三维数据已经 比较容易.通过对获取的三维数据做相关处理,就能够生成正确表达物体形状的几何模型,但仅仅如此还不足以精 确建模真实物体.为了建立照片真实感的三维模型,还需要将物体的表面颜色和几何模型融合.如果彩色相机和三 维扫描仪固定在一起,这个问题很容易解决.但是,这种固定采集方式在应用时很不方便,对采集数据限制很大,因 此需要将三维数据和彩色图片采集分开进行,通过后期合成方式来融合两种数据.
err (2008-03-03, Visual C++, 58KB, 下载16次)


[3D图形编程] ScanView-1.21-Installer

三维测量可执行文件 ,斯坦福大学作品,对于从事三维测量的有一定参考价值
Three-dimensional measurement of the executable file, Stanford University work, for three-dimensional measurement of a certain reference value (2007-11-13, Visual C++, 3953KB, 下载88次)


[3D图形编程] scanalyze-1.0.3_source_code

Stanford University in the development of a 3D point cloud generation reconfigurable mesh, NURBS surface generation further increases and the effect of illumination system. Generation can be achieved on the 3D graphics rotation, movement and different angles graphics Mosaic (2007-03-21, Visual C++, 932KB, 下载1616次)


[3D图形编程] VirbMax

development of a VC MAX plug-derived example. MAX can be derived within the scene, surfaces, objects, lights and materials. Then according to your own wishes to preserve. adopted a similar console in order. Chu author of lunatics. Canada must use VS2003 3dMax7.0SDK computer. (2007-03-11, Visual C++, 27KB, 下载83次)
