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[SQL Server] Consultorio-Beatriz

Criei um aplicativo no Visual Studio 22 em jun o ao Sql服务器。Onde esse aplicativo faz和平地籍,梅迪科斯地籍(Crm e dados necesários)eépossível marcar horário para担任顾问
Criei um aplicativo no Visual Studio 22 em jun o ao Sql server. Onde esse aplicativo faz cadastro de pacientes, cadastro de Médicos(Crm e dados necessários) e é possível marcar horário para as consultas (2024-05-15, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Nashville_Housing_Market_Project

在这个项目中,我采取原始的纳什维尔住房市场数据,并在SQL Server中执行各种SQL查询和数据清理技术,以确保…
In this project I take raw Nashville housing market data and perform various SQL queries & Data Cleaning techniques in SQL Server to ensu… (2024-01-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] ETLProjectSSIS

这是我使用AdventureWorksDW2022和WideWorldImporters数据集的SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS)上的ETL项目。成就:连接创建、变量创建、容器创建、数据转换、查找、派生列创建、聚合和排序、连接和条件拆分、多播和缓变维度
This is my ETL Project on SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) using the AdventureWorksDW2022 and WideWorldImporters datasets. Achievements: connection creation, variable creation, container creation, data conversion, lookups, derived column creation, aggregations and sorting, joins and condition splits, multicast and slow changing dimesion (2023-12-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Projeto-Restaurante-SQL

达多斯银行(Banco de Dados)的系统将SQL Server作为餐厅的歌剧。
Sistema de Banco de Dados feito em SQL Server que gerencia todas as opera es de um determinado restaurante. (2020-07-24, TSQL, 55KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Data-Warehousing-and-Sales-Data-Mart-Analysis

Created a Dimensional model of the AdventureWorks database by creating a Data Warehouse. Performed ETL using SSIS to create a data warehouse in SQL Server. Designed a Business Intelligence Dashboard to answer Business Demands by Microsoft Power BI. (2022-12-11, TSQL, 5223KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Strava

Strava活动通过API调用提取到SQL Server数据库中,然后转换为维度化结构...
Strava activities are extracted via API call into a SQL Server DB then transformed into a dimensionalised structure, using SSIS to manage the workflow. A PowerBI data model and visualisations are built on this. (2021-09-01, TSQL, 664KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] SQl-Server

使用Sql server链接如下:此存储库用于更好地理解和调用Sql server。虚拟盒子[h...](https://www.virtualbox.org维基下载)
Use Sql server the link s are below as: This repository for better understanding and recall SQL Server. virtual box <https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads> windows 2016 <https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2016> sql server 2017 <https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads> 2017 ssms [https://docs...](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download- sql-server-management-studio-ssms?view=sql-server-2017) (2022-03-28, TSQL, 150KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Hotel-Website-ASP

An ASP.net Web Site developed for a resort in Sri Lanka. This web application was developed on top C#.NET, which was designed following the Three Tier Architecture. The website is also integrated with MS-SQL Server. The web application was developed to cater to Globalization requirements which allows users to translate the entire website to (2017-01-14, JavaScript, 6671KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] SisTur-Backend

拉巴斯信息应用程序的节点后端应用程序和SQL Server(酒店和地点)
Aplicación backend en nodejs y SQL Server de la app de información turística de La Paz (hoteles y sitios turísticos) (2022-04-29, JavaScript, 101KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] forum-for-devs_server

Este repositório traz uma API Rest em NodeJS de um fórum de perguntas公司。埃斯塔API服务于seus dados para uma aplica o w...
Este repositório traz uma API Rest em NodeJS de um fórum de perguntas. Esta API serve seus dados para uma aplica??o web desenvolvida em ReactJS. (2020-09-27, JavaScript, 2238KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] POSMalwareC2TrackerProject

Author: Vitali Kremez. [Targets the following POS malware: *POSCardStealer.O *Dexter *Alina *POSmalware *JackPos *BlackPOS] [Function: Creates a SQL table with over 100 known point-of-sale malware command-and-control servers and visualizes the database via GoogleMap API.] (2018-03-30, Python, 10KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] peopleresource

One geeks have written peopleresource software, but does not directly run the corresponding mysql, now corresponds beitaizhong peopleresource compiled by a number of software input data, it can be used directly. After you install mysql, create a new , named peopleresource, then you can import through sql. (2015-06-27, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] gongziguanlixitong

用Delphi7.0 和Microsoft SQL Server 2008开发的工资管理系统,并附加报告。它能自动对在职人员和离退人员的基本工资、个人所得税金和各种津贴进行管理,并生成多种相关的财务报表,具有保存、删除等功能的一套综合管理系统。
Wage management system developed using Delphi7.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and additional reports. Can automatically basic salary for serving and retired personnel, personal income tax and various allowances, management, and generate a variety of related financial statements, save, delete a set of integrated management system. (2013-04-11, Java, 5680KB, 下载12次)


[SQL Server] K3BillDisplayFieldAdjust

K3单据界面显示字段调整: 1、去掉单界面显示字段的空格,若为必录字段加缀“(*)”显示 2、调整后,不影响查询及套打 3、适用于 K3 及 KisPro
K3 document interface to adjust display fields: 1, remove the single interface display field of space, will be recorded if the field is decorated " (*)" display plus 2, adjusted, does not affect the query and Printing With 3, for K3 and KisPro (2011-08-30, SQL, 1KB, 下载24次)


[SQL Server] daima

此为建库和查询代码 针对 了解数据库和 数据库实验使用 逻辑结构设计 将E-R图转换成关系模式: 管理员(编号,账号,密码,权限) 房 间(编号,类型,价格,状态,入住客户编号) 客 户(编号,姓名,性别,年龄,身份证号,住址,入住时间,预计天数,房间编号,退房时间,押金,住宿费,登记人) 管理员房间管理(管理员编号,房间编号) 管理员客户管理(管理员编号,客户编号)
This is the code for building a database and query the database and the database to understand the logical structure of experimental design will use the ER diagram into relational schema: manager (number, account number, password, permission) rooms (number, type, price, status, check account number) Customer (ID, name, sex, age, ID number, address, Check, expected number of days, room number, check-out, deposit, accommodation, registration person) room management administrator (administrator ID, room number) management member of client management (administrator number, customer number) (2011-06-12, Others, 1KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] vbworker

VB+SQL工作安排管理查询系统,四大模块:安排工作、变更安排、执行任务、查询统计。事先请参看代码修改数据库连接,并附加数据库。程序原型为书中的一个讲解范例,主要介绍数据库知识,一些基本操作,比如添加、修改 、查询数据库中的内容等。
VB+ SQL query work management system, four modules: organization of work, change the arrangements, the implementation of the task, the query statistics. Please refer to code changes prior database connection, and attach the database. Procedure prototype for the book, a brief example introduces the database of knowledge, some basic operations such as add, modify, query the database content. (2010-09-09, Visual Basic, 606KB, 下载9次)


[SQL Server] c

作SQL增、删、改操作: (1) 删除学生SHANWANG的记录。 (2) 删除计算机系全体同学选课的记录。 (3) 插入一个选课记录:(010903,C134,4) (4) 将数学系的学生年龄均加1岁。 (5) 将数学系的学生年龄全置20。 作SQL视图定义并作视图操作将结果显示打印: (6) 定义一个计算机系学生姓名、修读课程名及其成绩的视图S_SC_C。 (7) 在视图S_SC_C上作查询: 1) 修读课程名为:“DATABASE”的学生姓名及其成绩。 2) 学生‘MINGWU’所修读的课程名及其成绩。 (8)定义一个年龄大于18岁的学生学号、姓名、系别及年龄的视图SW。
sql (2009-12-29, SQL, 144KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] zhaopin

Online Recruitment system, divided into individual users and business users two, individuals can fill in additional personal information, job search intention, enterprises have business-related information, can be two-way selection (2008-06-07, Others, 639KB, 下载59次)


[SQL Server] dy2006sqlquangongneng

动易2006sql全功能版 如果遇到MD5加密文件,而又不知道密码的, 请在数据库中换上这组加密的数据469e80d32c0559f8 密码就是admin888 此程序如需调试后方能使用,请您在百忙中抽出一点点时间,把调试好的程序打包发给我们。 为了您和大家都能使用到无错的代码,也为了程序的质量,请大家贡献自己的一份力量,为 创建更好的学习环境,让我们一起努力。 广告投放请与3E建站客服联系: QQ:486689 广告位置和价格请查看: http://3easp.com/support/advertise.asp全功能商业版,带齐了所有功能,注意将版本全部改为3,后台才可以打开所有模块:
moving easily 2006sql fully functional version of the event MD5 encrypted documents, and do not know the password. please database with a group of data encryption password is admin 469e80d32c0559f8 For this procedure 888 debugger for use in the thick of you out a little bit of time, Commissioning procedures put packaged good to us. To you and you can do nothing wrong to use the code, as well as to the quality, please contribute to a force, to create a better learning environment for us to work together. Advertising, please call the establishment of the station 3E contact : QQ : 486689 advertising spaces and prices, see : http :// 3easp.com/support/advertise.asp full-featured commercial version. the challenge for all functions, attention to converting all three versions, the background ca (2006-07-02, ASP, 13036KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] 图书管理1

VB production library management system, vb production, the source code (2005-03-24, Visual Basic, 376KB, 下载147次)
