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[嵌入式Linux] AI_Train

模拟Acela从波士顿到WDC的运行,以及新伦敦到斯坦福德CT的本地运行。使用Python、Raspberry PI 4控制乐高火车和TrixBrix硬件。
Simulating Acela run from Boston to WDC and local run of New London to Stamford CT. Using Python, Raspberry PI 4 to control Lego Trains and TrixBrix Hardware. (2024-01-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] Morse-Code-BBB-Distro

BeagleBone Black的microSD卡上的自定义Linux发行版,其中包含作为内核一部分的莫尔斯代码字符驱动程序。欢迎...,
Custom Linux distro on a microSD card for the BeagleBone Black that contains morse code character driver as part of the kernel. It welcomes the user by flashing "Welcome to Embedded Linux" when the BBB boots from the microSD card (2021-01-08, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] pi-web-agent

The project that won the university challenge at HackManchester 2013. A web based desktop replacement for our beloved Raspberry PI s, (2023-02-04, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] C-program-of-BSS-and-examples-2

在linux平台下,纯c写的盲信号分离的代码.它采用基于卷积混合的盲信号分离算法,不但可以分离人工合成的混合信号,而且对于真实环境中的卷积混合的语音信号也能够分离.在本程序中,包含了两个测试文件,makefile后便可以直接使用. 另外值得一提的是,压缩包里包含有一些语音处理方面的常用函数.例如fft变换,读取写入wav文件,以及一些常用的一维向量和二维矩阵变换的函数.这些可以直接应用在其他应用程序里去.
Linux platform, the blind signal separation of pure c write code. Blind signal separation algorithm based on convolution mixed, can be separated not only synthetic mixed-signal and voice signal convolution mixed in real environment can separation in the program, contains two test files can directly use the makefile after. Also worth mentioning is that the compressed bundle includes voice processing commonly used functions such as fft transform read write wav file, as well as some of the commonly used one-dimensional vector and two-dimensional matrix transform function. these can be applied directly into other applications. (2012-10-26, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载17次)


[嵌入式Linux] C-program-of-BSS-and-examples-1

在linux平台下,纯c写的盲信号分离的代码.它采用基于卷积混合的盲信号分离算法,不但可以分离人工合成的混合信号,而且对于真实环境中的卷积混合的语音信号也能够分离.在本程序中,包含了两个测试文件,makefile后便可以直接使用. 另外值得一提的是,压缩包里包含有一些语音处理方面的常用函数.例如fft变换,读取写入wav文件,以及一些常用的一维向量和二维矩阵变换的函数.这些可以直接应用在其他应用程序里去.
Linux platform, the blind signal separation of pure c write code. Blind signal separation algorithm based on convolution mixed, can be separated not only synthetic mixed-signal and voice signal convolution mixed in real environment can separation in the program, contains two test files can directly use the makefile after. Also worth mentioning is that the compressed bundle includes voice processing commonly used functions such as fft transform read write wav file, as well as some of the commonly used one-dimensional vector and two-dimensional matrix transform function. these can be applied directly into other applications. (2012-10-26, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载22次)


[嵌入式Linux] Windows_to_Linux

本书讲述的是从windows到linux的学习资料。本教程适用于:Linux爱好者。(感谢岳海 、郭守华、宋雪娇、陈纯、月下刀客、冷风等原创作者) 。传承经典给广大Linux初学者重新洗牌。   不再沉默,让我们一起学习Linux。立即告别Linux初学者进入中级、高级阶段。
This story is from windows to linux study materials. This tutorial applies to: Linux enthusiasts. (Sense Xieyue Hai, Guo Shouhua, Song Xuejiao, CHEN Chun, month under the Swordsman, cold and other original author). Linux beginners classical heritage to the general re-shuffle. No longer be silent, let us learn Linux. Now say goodbye to Linux beginners into intermediate and advanced stage. (2011-05-25, Unix_Linux, 3340KB, 下载4次)


[嵌入式Linux] fangkuai

According to the source code to modify a simple Tetris game source code, can be ported to the embedded development board, the modified source code with touch screen control. We also need to improve some functions. (2011-03-21, QT, 20KB, 下载12次)


[嵌入式Linux] 83390078DDS

DDS的工作原理是以数控振荡器的方式产生频率、相位可控制的正弦波。电路一般包括基准时钟、频率累加器、相位累加器、幅度/相位转换电路、D/A转换器和低通滤波器(LPF)。频率累加器对输入信号进行累加运算,产生频率控制数据X(frequency data或相位步进量)。相位累加器由N位全加器和N位累加寄存器级联而成,对代表频率的2进制码进行累加运算,是典型的反馈电路,产生累加结果Y。幅度/相位转换电路实质上是一个波形寄存器,以供查表使用。读出的数据送入D/A转换器和低通滤波器。
DDS works the way we are digitally controlled oscillator frequency, phase controlled sine wave. Circuits generally include reference clock, frequency accumulator, phase accumulator, amplitude/phase converter circuit, D/A converter and low-pass filter (LPF). The frequency accumulator to accumulate the input signal operation to produce the frequency control data X (frequency data or phase stepping volume). From the N-bit phase accumulator and the N-bit full adder cascade accumulation register is made on behalf of the frequency of the two binary codes accumulation operation, is a typical feedback circuit, resulting in cumulative results of Y. Amplitude/phase converter circuit is essentially a waveform register for look-up table to use. Read out the data into the D/A converter and low pass filter. (2010-01-25, VHDL, 43KB, 下载43次)


[嵌入式Linux] LED_QtCode

自己写的qt控制数码管的小程序 今天写了一个基于qt-embedded4.4.0的qt控制数码管的小程序,可以作为qt入门的参考吧,希望对大家有帮助。 板子是用的博创的2410,底层的数码管驱动 程序的功能是在桌面上建立一个面板,上面添加3个按钮,其中两个按钮用于数码管数字的加1或者减1操作,另一个用作退出程序。 具体代码见附件。 大家有问题可以互相讨论,关于linux驱动和qt应用的都可以。
Qt write their own control of the small digital tube procedures today to write a qt-embedded4.4.0 based on the qt to control a small digital tube procedure can be used as reference for entry-qt it, I hope all of you help. Board is used Fiberxon of 2410, the underlying driver of the digital control function is the establishment of a panel on your desktop, add the top three buttons, two of which the number of buttons for digital control of plus 1 or minus 1 operation, and the other used as an exit. Specific code is attached. There are problems we can talk amongst qt on linux drivers and applications can be. (2009-07-06, Unix_Linux, 17KB, 下载41次)


[嵌入式Linux] commsetdeviceid_vc++

设备ID烧写程序.exe 软件使用说明: > 1)先打开此程序.设备好串口号.其它取默认值就可以了.打开串口(默认开机自动打开串口1). 然后,设备按OK键开机. > 2)打勾"自动生成下一个设备ID" 产品ID会自动加1. 当产品ID达到最大999999时,生产批次自动加1,产品ID置为1000001 > 3)烧写完一台机器后,不用关闭程序,只需将串口插入下一台机器OK开机即可,进入UBOOT,先点击命令发送等握手后,再开始烧写设备ID. > 4)只有烧写成功后,才自动生成下一个设备ID,才写入C:\ID.TXT文件中. > 5)点击读取已写设备ID时,将在调试区显示所有以前写成功的时间及设备ID,也可以直接查看C:\ID.TXT > 文件. > 6)已烧写的设备ID存储文件可以更改. > 7) 字段 产品型号 产品ID 硬件代码 软件代码 生产批次 范围 101~999 100001~999999 A~H 01~99 01~99 8)每次启动后,自动进入普通用户模式.输入权限密码后,就进入管理员用户.在下方的状态 指示中有当前用户显示. 9)下方有显示当前用户类型,已成功烧写个数. 10)初始权限密码为dongyao 11)每次关才程序时会自动保存ID信息及已烧写个数信息. 12)BUG: 不要在权限密码框内按回车健.否则会退出. (2008-05-29, Visual C++, 5053KB, 下载12次)


[嵌入式Linux] vivi

vivi是MIZI公司开发的系统引导程序,原本只支持串口下载。本文以S3C2410处理器加CS8900网络芯片为例,介绍一种在vivi基础上增加网络支持的设计方法,使vivi能够通过TFTP下载文件,可以有效地缩短系统的开发周期,方便用户使用。 关键词 vivi Bootloader TFTP协议 网络功能扩展   随着嵌入式的发展,基于ARM的系统越来越流行。在开发ARM系统时,第一步就是要选择一种合适的Bootloader。目前网络上可得到的Bootloader很多,一般几十KB,所以除非要求把Bootloader限制在几KB以内,否则没有必要自己去写一个Bootloader。Bootloader一般存放在Flash中。当前主流的Flash分为NOR Flash和NAND Flash。前者价格比后者高出很多,而性能相差无几。如果系统采用的是NAND Flash,那么vivi可能会是一个好的选择。
err (2007-12-17, C/C++, 493KB, 下载111次)


[嵌入式Linux] hotplug.tar

This is on the usb hot swap, etc. source code, I am now hot-swappable disk u transplant, I hope those who have a common love plus I QQ149572748 (2007-09-02, Unix_Linux, 32KB, 下载82次)


[嵌入式Linux] zlg.fs

广州 周立功 的文件系统源码,适用于ucos2 操作系统,不知源码是否已经存在. 我怀着虔诚的心想加入这个大家庭,自己开发的高质量源码不多,望这个源码能为联合开发网添砖加瓦.
Guangzhou Zhou Ligong file system source code, apply to ucos2 operating system, I do not know whether the source already exists. I thought with the pious to join the family of nations and its own source of high-quality small, this source will look for joint working on building blocks. (2006-01-18, C/C++, 30KB, 下载176次)
