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[多国语言处理] sistema_gerenciamento_carros_python

第二阶段计划实验室项目。O sistema foi feito com一种语言Python e desempenha O papel de“sistema de gerenciamento de carros”。Ele conta com um CRUD para os carros e um banco de dados feito em sqlite3 para salvar os dados。阿卢诺斯:伊曼纽尔·维克托·德·梅洛·布雷巴尔和埃弗顿字体阿伦卡尔。
Projeto da matéria de Laboratório de Programa o II. O sistema foi feito com a linguagem Python e desempenha o papel de "sistema de gerenciamento de carros". Ele conta com um CRUD para os carros e um banco de dados feito em sqlite3 para salvar os dados. Alunos: Emanuel Victor de Melo Brebal e Everton Fontes Alencar. (2024-05-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] sans-forgetica-extended

Fork of the Sans Forgetica字体使用认知心理学原理设计,有助于更好地记住学习笔记。为中文hány pény n字符添加字形:。https:en.wikipedia.org维基Sans_forgetica
Fork of the Sans Forgetica font designed using principles of cognitive psychology to help better remember study notes. Adds glyphs for Chinese hànyǔ pīnyīn characters: ǎěǐǒǔǖǘǚǜǎěǐǒǔǖǘǚǜ. https: en.wikipedia.org wiki Sans_forgetica (2024-03-29, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] ng2-fittext

An Angular2+ directive that autoscale the font size of an element until it fit the upper level container dimension. (2024-01-10, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] scheme-spell-checker

Multiple hash based spell checker written in Scheme for Rutgers Computer Science Course, Principles of Programming Languages 198:314 (2015-10-20, Scheme, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] VICWANTSchoolHandAustralia

This font family is made to support handwriting instruction as offered in Western Australia, Northwest Territory, and Victoria, Australia, (2023-10-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] SendScriptAsBranquelasWhatsapp

脚本que envia o roteiro拍摄《布兰奎拉斯》♀ ♀ 或Whatsapp。Com base em
Script que envia o roteiro do filme As Branquelas ♀ ♀ por Whatsapp. Com base em , (2023-10-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] Linguistics-Pro

Linguistics Pro字体系列是一个项目的一部分,该项目旨在开发具有保加利亚现代字体模型的免费字体...,
The Linguistics Pro font family is a part of a project for development of free-to-use fonts with the modern Bulgarian letterform model in Cyrillic Unicode range. (2023-09-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] karmilla

惊人的Karla Web字体的扩展版本,增加了对各种语言(法语、德语、挪威语、匈牙利语、拉脱维亚语、冰岛语...,
An expanded version of the amazing Karla webfont, adding support for various languages (French, German, Norse, Hungarian, Latvian, Icelandic...) (2020-11-20, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] new-word-discover

基于b站弹幕的新词发现,无先验词 库 (其实是我还没加功能),从单 字 开始发现新词。,
Based on the bullet screen of station b, there is no transcendental thesaurus (in fact, I haven t added the function), and new words are found from single words., (2019-06-08, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] font-carrier

font-carrier是一个功能强大的 字 体操作 库 ,使用它你可以随心所欲的操作 字 体。让你可以在svg的维度改造 字 体的展现形状。,
Font container is a powerful font manipulation library, with which you can manipulate fonts as you like. It allows you to transform the presentation shape of fonts in the dimension of svg., (2015-08-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] image-process

这是数 字 图像处理(冈萨雷斯 第三版)的python代码实现,使用opencv 库,
This is the python code implementation of digital image processing (Gonzalez version 3), using the opencv library, (2020-06-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] FxxkingHackerPWD

对密码、 字 符串进行 打乱 | 加盐 | SHA1 加 解密,用于网站用户密码的验证&&存储,让宕出数据 库 的Hacker手足无措吧。,
The password and string are scrambled | salted | SHA1 encryption and decryption, which is used for the verification&&storage of website user passwords, leaving Hacker stranded when the database is down., (2019-07-12, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] 共现矩阵

The multi-dimensional co-occurrence matrix is transformed into two-dimensional array form, and the high-dimensional data group is transformed into two-dimensional data group, which is convenient for data processing staff to analyze data, and includes natural language processing (2020-07-02, Python, 1KB, 下载1次)


[多国语言处理] scala-shell-code_09.scala

Make text classification based spark, partakers word feature extraction TFIFDF keyword, Bayesian classification times, word2vector (2016-01-05, Java, 7KB, 下载28次)


[多国语言处理] xSpliter-0.1

基于朴素贝叶斯文本分类,准确率能达到80 ,可以作为参考。
Naive Bayes text classification, the accuracy rate can reach 80 , can be used as reference. (2012-06-07, Java, 140KB, 下载37次)


[多国语言处理] pcgames_DotA_v6.74c

许多人在宝宝加成数据存在着二大误区 1.认为和法宝一样,是一项加一项。 2.认为和人物属性一样加成。 这都是错误的,由于大家对宝宝的加成数据不太了解,因此在刷小孩时出现了很多问题,如有人为了加魔防刷了精神小孩。现在为大家提供精确的小孩加成数据,便于大家能在刷小孩时钱花在刀刃上。
Many people in the baby bonus data there are two major errors. And magic, is one plus one. (2) and character attributes, like addition. This is wrong, the baby bonus data do not quite understand, so many problems have arisen in the brush of a child, if a person in order to Mofang brush with the spirit of a child. Provide accurate child Addition data, easy to brush children spend wisely. (2012-05-26, Visual C++, 8099KB, 下载2次)


[多国语言处理] 76149838MdiImage

许多人在宝宝加成数据存在着二大误区 1.认为和法宝一样,是一项加一项。 2.认为和人物属性一样加成。 这都是错误的,由于大家对宝宝的加成数据不太了解,因此在刷小孩时出现了很多问题,如有人为了加魔防刷了精神小孩。现在为大家提供精确的小孩加成数据,便于大家能在刷小孩时钱花在刀刃上。
Many people in the baby bonus data there are two major errors. And magic, is one plus one. (2) and character attributes, like addition. This is wrong, the baby bonus data do not quite understand, so many problems have arisen in the brush of a child, if a person in order to Mofang brush with the spirit of a child. Provide accurate child Addition data, easy to brush children spend wisely. (2012-05-26, Visual C++, 80KB, 下载2次)


[多国语言处理] TestICTCLAS

source code of text mining and text classification (2009-10-31, Visual C++, 23494KB, 下载200次)


[多国语言处理] word_vc

vc++ achieve dictionary-based Chinese word segmentation algorithm, based on the Bayesian probability network algorithm for Chinese word segmentation, as well as the text similarity comparison algorithm. (2007-12-08, Visual C++, 1112KB, 下载270次)


[多国语言处理] SplitWord_Java

produced by the Chinese word DLL files, under the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the Chinese word rewrite the C system (2006-04-10, Java, 2419KB, 下载104次)
