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[*行业应用] 综合运维技术方案

ITSM (IT Service Management,IT服务管理 ),它是一套帮助企业对IT系统的规划、研发、实施和运营进行有效管理的高质量方法。它结合了高质量服务不可缺少的流程、人员和技术三大要素。标准流程负责监控IT服务的运行状况,人员素质关系到服务质量的高低,技术则保证服务的质量和效率。ITSM是一套面向过程、以客户为中心的规范的管理方法,它通过集成IT服务和业务,协助企业提高其IT服务提供和支持能力。 本次项目的体系规划建设中,将主要采用ITSM领域的相关方法论ITIL、ISO20000、ITSS,CORBIT来进行设计。
ITSM (IT Service Management) is a set of high-quality methods to help enterprises plan, develop, implement and operate IT systems effectively. It combines three essential elements of high quality service: process, personnel and technology. Standard process is responsible for monitoring the operation of IT services. The quality of personnel is related to the level of service quality, while technology ensures the quality and efficiency of service. ITSM is a process-oriented, customer-centric and standardized management method, which helps enterprises improve their IT service delivery and support capabilities by integrating IT services and business. In the system planning and construction of this project, ITIL, ISO20000, ITSS and CORBIT will be adopted as the main methodologies in the field of ITSM. (2019-06-14, Java, 12828KB, 下载5次)


[*行业应用] Data_Analysis

IIR filter design, including Chebyshev I, Chebyshev II, Butterworth, elliptic filter, program very effective (2018-09-13, matlab, 1KB, 下载1次)


[*行业应用] pg141-dds-compiler

The Xilinx LogiCORE IP Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) Compiler core implements high performance, optimized Phase Generation and Phase to Sinusoid circuits with AXI4-Stream compliant interfaces. (2018-06-21, Verilog, 895KB, 下载14次)


[*行业应用] ACORR-双侧向和双感应测井侵入校正表格及方法论述

The Atlas logging tool was calibrated and the resistivity of the formation was corrected by interpolation. (2018-06-12, Fortran, 158KB, 下载1次)


[*行业应用] CDGM

one method of programming glasscat in codev (2018-05-15, SQL, 6KB, 下载8次)


[*行业应用] scc

对CAD的图元或者图元的相对距离零碎数归整,如端点、顶点、线段的 ;;;长度的零碎数归整,轴线之间距取整等等。 ;;;适用于斯维尔,天正,直线,圆,弧,多段线,块。 ;;;可以自定义容差。在这个容差内的数据将会被归整。 ;;;譬如歪斜不平的线段可以摆平,轴线间距归整,Z坐标归零等等。 ;;;程序可用于整理他人所提条件图、其他程序产生的误差和完美主义者.
The relative distance of CAD or the number of bits of primitive primitive integer, such as endpoint, vertex, line The length of the system;;; the number of integer, the distance between the axis of rounding and so on. Where applicable;;;,, Tianzheng, straight line, circle, arc, polyline, block. ;;; can customize the tolerance. The tolerance within the data will be sorted. For example;;; segment the uneven spacing axis could settle, integer, Z coordinates zero etc.. ; procedures; it can be used to sort out other people's conditional maps, errors produced by other programs and perfectionists. (2018-04-16, LISP, 2KB, 下载9次)


[*行业应用] Thermal hydraulic power

The thermal hydraulic calculation of one dimensional flow in a single channel of a PWR Core is calculated by semi analytical method and a homogeneous flow model is used to deal with the boiling problem. (2018-03-14, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载8次)


[*行业应用] MEGA2560 MODBUS

采用arduino MEGA2560做MODBUS从站,配合Labview或者维伦通HMI上位机主从通信,实现00000(读写线圈),10000(读开关量输入),30001(读模拟量),40001(读写保持寄存器即PWM)
Using arduino MEGA2560 do MODBUS from standing, cooperate with Labview or whalen HMI upper machine Lord from communication, achieve 00000 (read and write coil), 10000 (read switch input), 30001 (read analog), 40001 (namely PWM register, speaking, reading and writing) (2018-02-14, WINDOWS, 446KB, 下载15次)


[*行业应用] GaussTrans

Gauss realization of positive and negative calculation: geodetic coordinates converted to Gauss coordinates, Gauss plane converted to geodetic coordinates. (2017-09-27, C/C++, 53KB, 下载1次)


[*行业应用] 单轴压缩实验

PFC compression test procedure (2017-09-02, matlab, 1KB, 下载24次)


[*行业应用] PFC建模

PFC uniaxial compression modeling, aiming at geotechnical mechanics, geological engineering and other related professional numerical simulation research (2017-08-06, C++, 117KB, 下载16次)


[*行业应用] CAD计算插件

xas.lsp 使用说明 hzh:坐标标注,标高标注等 数字高度 参数需初始化。 bgth:标高替换,用于纵断面5线谱.在UCS下,点取标高点,选取数字,用标高替换该数. bz:坐标标注;文字方向任意 bz1:坐标标注;文字方向水平 bz2:坐标标注;文字方向水平,且标注线定长定角度。 bg:标高标注; bgmm:标高标注mm; cx:批处理加粗线; dc:选取任意arc,line,pline,将其线条加粗,与第1条线等粗. dg:修改n个字体与样本字体等高, zx:字型匹配,字高不变. ju:数字累加;显示输出. jg:前n-1数字累加,结果赋予最后一个数n,保留2位小数。 j0:前n-1数字累加,结果赋予最后一个数n,保留0位小数。 ji:数字相减,结果显示输出; jk:两数相乘,结果显示输出; jcs:批处理将所选数字加一个常数,并更新 j1:第1个数减后面n-1个数,并减1个常数,结果赋予第n个数; kl:累计直线、弧线长度;
CAD numerical calculation (2017-07-20, LISP, 7KB, 下载18次)


[*行业应用] 舰船运动

By the influence of ship sea breeze has six degrees of freedom: pitching, yaw, roll, heave, sway and heave motions, Knox class ships deck motion simulation deck motion model using sine wave superposition method, the motion simulation program procedures for the ups and downs (2017-07-07, matlab, 24KB, 下载39次)


[*行业应用] ncrArticle20

Article System 2.0 Nanchong human NET source code, a useful article system that can comment on the article, and expression evaluation, the article url using pseudo-static technology, combined with Flash to achieve online photographs, and can add border effects. (2010-03-12, C#, 2920KB, 下载6次)


[*行业应用] CTCT

1. 系统登录 本系统又称为餐厅管理、饭店管理、酒店管理、用餐管理、酒水管理、点菜管理、客服管理系统。为商业级系统,不是毕业课题、毕业论文、课程设计这样简单的源码。3.1 预定空位 选中“大厅1号”,点鼠标右键。弹出小菜单,选择“预定”。如果餐厅维修,也使用预定功能。 3.2 餐桌信息 餐桌或餐厅通常要记录一些特殊信息,例如预定状态要记录预定人的联系方式, 左键选中一个餐间或餐位,输入餐桌预约信息,或损坏停用的起始至停止时间。 3.3 餐厅使用 先选择一个餐厅或餐位,点右键,选择“登记” 在登记界面中,输入客户名称,桌号(餐位)是默认的也可以再修改,登记一下就餐人数等其它信息。 登记完后,显示黄色,表明该餐位正在消费,不能进行预约、使用等其它操作。
1. System Login The system is also known as restaurant management, hotel management, hotel management, meal management, alcohol management, ordering management, customer service management system. 1.1 The selection of meals 1.2 Operator selection Click OK to enter the system after the 2. Code maintenance Click or "menu- tools- code maintenance," the following interface 2.1 meals do not maintain (2010-02-12, VFP, 4096KB, 下载19次)


[*行业应用] MiniCA

Small-scale CA system. Making cool tools for a digital certificate, you can also encrypt and decrypt the data, but also on the network data secure transmission. (2010-01-03, Visual C++, 1610KB, 下载40次)


[*行业应用] 32001541222541

课程设计,宾馆管理信息系统VB SQL,共享 另计算机毕业设计出售,全套 论文加程序答辩通过,历届
Curriculum design, hotel management information system VB SQL, shared another graduate design computer for sale, plus a full set of procedures for thesis defense is passed, successive (2007-09-15, Visual Basic, 34KB, 下载22次)


[*行业应用] 2222221111

ASP网站论文 另计算机毕业设计出售,全套 论文加程序答辩通过,历届
ASP website design graduate thesis another computer for sale, plus a full set of procedures for thesis defense is passed, successive (2007-09-15, ASP, 1540KB, 下载216次)


[*行业应用] pjmanager

the specialized software for the management of the catering industry point of the menu, drinks menu-plus other important instruments of their use and recycling of paper to ensure that scientific management and standardization. (2005-05-20, Delphi, 4067KB, 下载43次)


[*行业应用] 电磁场有限元分析

I directed another finite element software, used to solve electromagnetic acoustic electrostatic field problems. This is an operation. After a lot of efforts. The procedure modeling, load, and solving color pictures show results. Model and output documents, and the outcome document. The output of the document can be read into the process for the next analysis. (2004-12-03, Visual C++, 282KB, 下载560次)
