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[其他] The-Case-of-the-City-Botucaiba

雷恩·布拉斯:《城市博图卡巴的案例》是世嘉土星的一部神秘视觉小说,讲述了一名侦探雷恩·布雷斯的故事,她前往博图卡巴岛调查城市周围的神秘事物。2022年提交@museudoamanha的Cidades Habitáveis游戏果酱
Renne Bras: The Case of the City Botucaiba is a mystery visual novel for the Sega Saturn about Renne Bras, a detective who travels to Botucaíba to investigate the mysteries surrounding the city. Submitted in 2022 s Cidades Habitáveis game jam from @museudoamanha (2024-03-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 42-piscine

该存储库是我在2024年3月于新加坡SUTD校园举行的42 s Piscine期间所有项目的汇编。
This repository is a compilation for all my projects during 42 s Piscine, held on March 2024, in the SUTD campus, Singapore. (2024-03-02, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Electronic_Calculators

该知识库包含由罗马托尔韦加塔大学工程师Alessandro Pellegrini教授主持的工程学院电子计算器课程的项目测试。
This repository contains the project tests of the electronic calculators course of the engineering faculty held by Prof. Eng. Alessandro Pellegrini at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. (2024-02-26, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] prog2PremidAnswers

The following code are answers I wrote for the six item pre-midterms for programming 1 given by the DCISM department of the University of San Carlos. (2024-02-21, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Prog2_Premidterms_Coverage

This repository contains C code that aligns with the University of San Carlos’ DCISM Programming 2 curriculum for the second semester pre-midterms. (2024-02-15, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Imagineer-3D-Printer

我的DIY 3D打印机Imagineer充满激情和精度,是两周实践奉献的结晶。此GitHub存储库记录了旅程、共享设计文件、故障排除技巧和培养创客社区。加入个性化3D打印的发展#DIY#3D打印
Crafted with passion and precision, my DIY 3D printer, Imagineer, is the fruit of two weeks of hands-on dedication. This GitHub repository documents the journey, sharing design files, troubleshooting tips, and fostering a community of makers. Join the evolution of personalized 3D printing! #DIY #3DPrinting (2024-02-04, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] interpreter-redux

从C到C#的TeCom Interlane住宅公用事业计费语言解释器端口。《口译员》最初是由加里·斯佩格尔构思的,由斯佩格尔和我自己在1996年至1998年的某个时候写的,当时我们在TeCom,一家TECO能源公司合作。TeCom为商业和住宅市场构建了能源管理系统。
Port of the TeCom Interlane residential utility billing language interpreter from C to C#. Interpreter was originally conceived by Gary Speegle and written by Speegle and myself sometime between 1996 and 1998 when we worked together at TeCom, A TECO Energy Company. TeCom built energy management systems for commercial and residential markets. (2024-01-29, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Solved-CSCI-224-ECE-317-Computer-Architecture

A variant of the ORG course by St. Louis University that covers the first four chapters of CS:APP, culminating with a study of processor … (2024-01-24, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 42-Philosophers

Dining philosophers problem is a problem created by Edsger Wybe Dijkstra in 1965 to explain the deadlock state of an operating system, wh… (2024-01-12, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SMDB

This repo is exclusive dedicated to a univesity s project of mine and my colegue Lucas. It is a project where we should develop a DB file based with C. (2023-12-15, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] barebones32xproject

使用奇莉·威利(Chilly Willy)基于维克多·卢希茨(Victor Luchits)的毁灭32X拯救项目的32X工具包的32X项目。目的是为了...,
A bare bones 32X project using Chilly Willy s 32X Toolkit based off of Victor Luchits s Doom 32X Ressurection project. The intent is to convert as much of the assembly code to C to make it more readable and extendable. (2023-10-25, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Couresera-C-Programming-with-Linux

I made this repo to document my journey in learning C language. Instructed by "Institut Mines-Télécom, Dartmouth College" roadmap, hope you find that helpful (2023-10-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] vita-tetris

使用vitaGL实现3D图形的Playstation Vita的俄罗斯方块开源自制版本,
Open source homebrew version of Tetris for Playstation Vita using vitaGL for 3D graphics, (2023-09-23, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] hwprak-vns

德累斯顿工业大学(TU Dresden.)硬件实践课程中使用的冯·诺依曼(Von Neumann)计算机的非官方简约汇编模拟器。,
An inofficial minimalistic assembler emulator for the Von-Neumann computer used in the hardware practice course at TU Dresden., (2018-07-02, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] salahtime

A small command line application written in C for Linux and BSD that displays the Islamic prayer times for Europe Copenhagen, (2021-07-16, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] RP2040matrix-v2

This project shows a LED matrix panel with 64x64 full RGB pixels driven by a RP2040 Rasberry Pi micro chip. It runs at 50Hz frame rate in BCM mode to get an absolute flicker free display. This is only a tiny demo program running several tasks using FreeRTOS. The driver uses 2 state machines of one PIO device. Each state machine is feeded by a (2022-02-05, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 8_bit_hubble

Generate random pixel art galaxies! In honor of Hubble Space Telescope, SNES videogames and Bob Ross (2022-03-14, C, 6436KB, 下载0次)


[其他] PokerSim

给定单个玩家的手,运行简单的蒙特卡洛德克萨斯州Hold Em模拟来确定最可能的相对...
Given a single player s hand, runs simple Monte Carlo Texas Hold Em simulations to determine the likeliest relative strength of the given hand. (2013-12-24, C, 21KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GxBlueAmp

Single - ended head amplifier simulation inspired by late 1950s Fender “Princeton” and “Champ” amplifier designs, it delivers tight bass, clean mids and highs. (2023-03-08, C, 183KB, 下载0次)


[其他] KA10sn32

Simulation code for the specific PDP-10 serial number 32 at the Stanford A. I. Lab in 1974 as a solo processor with all the I/O devices simulated as on the PDP-10. Omit the co-processor PDP-6 sn16. (2021-04-23, C, 27208KB, 下载0次)
