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[J2ME] owghat_sharee

calculate pray time of Muslims in J2ME paltform(RIP :D) for java and Symbian mobile platform. I wrote this application to learn how to develop in mobile platforms in 2010. I loved to mix my knowledge of computer and astronomy and this way I did it :) (2016-07-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[J2ME] J2meBase64

纯手机端开发的一款j2me手机Base64编码解码工具! 版本:2.0 在上一版本的基础上做了很大改进: 1、支持Base64编码明文、密文的相互转换! 2、支持对无限大的文件进行准确无误的Base64编码/解码,让你在手机上也可以把图片等文件转换成Base64编码文件,而不必再依赖于网络在线转换的文件大小等诸多限制 3、增加了一个简单有效的异或(xor)加密引擎!支持对无限大文件进行快速的加解密。 软件内含源代码(有详细的中文说明),方便j2me初学者研究学习!
The pure mobile terminal development of a j2me mobile phone Base64 encoding and decoding tools! Version: 2.0 on the basis of the previous version to do a lot of improvements: 1, support the Base64 encoded plaintext, ciphertext conversion! 2, support for unlimited file accurate Base64 encoding/decoding, phone pictures and other documents converted to Base64-encoded file, without having to rely on online converted file size limitations, a simple and effective exclusive-or (XOR) encryption engine! Supports unlimited large files fast encryption and decryption. The software contains source code (with a detailed description of the Chinese) to facilitate the learning of j2me beginners study! (2013-04-27, Java, 28KB, 下载16次)


[J2ME] KetrisMidpGame

一个基于MIDP1.0的俄罗斯方块游戏的设计方案,并给出全部实现源代码。该游戏的最大特色是屏幕自适应,无论各种手机,PDA的屏幕大小如何,该游戏总是能获得最佳的显示效果。游戏在J2me wireless toolkit 2.1的4种模拟器上测试通过。
Based MIDP1.0 Tetris game design program, and given the full realization of the source code. The most significant feature of the game the adaptive screen, regardless of the variety of mobile phones, PDA' s screen size, the game can always get the best display effect. Game J2me wireless toolkit 2.1 4 simulator test passed. (2012-12-11, Java, 44KB, 下载10次)


[J2ME] GamesW

The source for the j2me source, recycling of aircraft flying from left to right, the initial position (0,0), then randomly set the location coordinates (X, 0), bottom of the screen is able to move around and press the direction keys to launch bullet tanks, plus 10 hit points plane. (2011-06-09, Java, 24KB, 下载12次)


[J2ME] Java

/** * J2ME GPS 应用工具 (jsr179) * 通过手机内置的JSR-179 API,获取地理坐标信息 * 并将其显示于屏幕 * * 本源已在诺基亚 E71 和 6210 上测试通过 * 要求: 手机已安装 TinyGeocoder reverse geocoding * 手机已安装 JSR-179 API */ /** * 工作原理: * 1. 利用 J2ME Wireless Toolkit (JSR179),取得经纬度, * La = get Latitude() //取得维度 * Ln = get Longitude() //取得经度 * 2. 结合google map 显示 */
/** * J2ME GPS 应用工具 (jsr179) * 通过手机内置的JSR-179 API,获取地理坐标信息 * 并将其显示于屏幕 * * 本源已在诺基亚 E71 和 6210 上测试通过 * 要求: 手机已安装 TinyGeocoder reverse geocoding * 手机已安装 JSR-179 API */ /** * 工作原理: * 1. 利用 J2ME Wireless Toolkit (JSR179),取得经纬度, * La = get Latitude() //取得维度 * Ln = get Longitude() //取得经度 * 2. 结合google map 显示 */ (2011-04-14, Java, 3KB, 下载12次)


[J2ME] 1

 用C#写的比较基础的windows Form 程序,该计算器实现了基础的数学运算,如加,减,乘,除等任务.主要是通过该程序学习vs.net的   编程环境,以及windows Form程序.主要针对初学者
Comparison with C# to write programs based on windows Form, which implements the basic math calculator operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other tasks. Primarily through the program learning vs.net programming environment, and windows Form procedures. mainly for beginners (2011-02-20, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[J2ME] SlidingBlocks2

A somewhat similar with Tetris small example, in his interview in gameloft do a side item, use the canvas canvas, and uses an image, all image blocks are obtained through the interception of (2011-01-25, Java, 405KB, 下载10次)


[J2ME] SlidingBlocks

A small example j2me, j2me not long after just learning to write their own, the Russian box, drawing canvas using the canvas, the use of two arrays, respectively, have been falling and is being kept falling blocks, the interface is relatively simple, but in general the functions realized (2011-01-25, Java, 49KB, 下载5次)


[J2ME] MyMidlet_Game

J2me tetris, reference source, can free download. Code is a low-level interface is developed, and may not be very professional, be good for beginners. (2010-08-22, Java, 5KB, 下载31次)


[J2ME] PropertyUtil

鉴于j2me里没有配置文件的API,我自己写了一个简单的Property工具类,实现程序可配置。提供getValue(String key)方法得到相应的属性,但是属性文件写入的时候有点限制,每一条属性占一行,格式为“key=value”文件末尾加“ ”,标识文件末尾。
In view of j2me where there is no configuration file API, I wrote a simple Property tools to achieve program can be configured. Provide getValue (String key) method of the corresponding attribute, but the properties file is written when the somewhat limited, each one attribute per line, in the format " key = value" end of the file plus " " , marking end of the file. (2010-01-12, Java, 1KB, 下载6次)


[J2ME] KetrisGame

一个用J2ME实现的俄罗斯方块的例子,原本是下的别人的 后面我自己增加了一些逻辑处理,像是用RMS保存分数记录等。同时处理了一些BUG J2ME新手可以参考学习下
Implemented using a J2ME Tetris example, was originally under the back of someone else I added some logic processing, such as with the RMS to save scores of records. Also dealt with some BUG J2ME novice can refer to learn the next (2009-12-25, Java, 182KB, 下载21次)


[J2ME] N7370

Monster Classes and the coexistence of the mainland, Like the original Dragon Monster lead suddenly ignited the flames of war Legion.哀鸿遍野the people, but unable to save the country. Warriors around the world have set foot on the road to Dragon, but so far no one can come back alive. It is gradually beginning in the habit of trampling on Dragon Legion, a young man out名叫奥蒂斯 (2009-03-20, Java, 391KB, 下载36次)


[J2ME] grids

我写的手机版俄罗斯方块游戏! 里面就两个类! 有很详细的注释! 参考文献: 精通java手机游戏与应用程序设计 陈立伟 张克非 黎秀红/编者
I wrote a mobile phone version of Tetris game! Inside on two categories! A very detailed notes! References : proficient java mobile games and applications design-Yi Zhang Lixiugong/Editor (2006-04-16, Java, 5KB, 下载16次)
