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[SQL Server] 2505f3029830

随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,不仅是在企业中,而且在学校中利用计算机实现管理都势在必行。本系统是一个结合学校实际情况、具体制度的实际需求,采用功能强大的Microsoft Visual Studio 2005作为开发工具、Microsoft SQL Server作为数据库开发出来的综合测评管理系统。能完成学生管理的全过程,包括班级管理、学生管理、成绩管理、加分管理与报表输出,在实际应用中能实现课程成绩、综合测评成绩、学生基本信息设计,并且可以实现报表输出打印。实际使用证明,本系统可以满足学校综合测评管理的需要。系统具有友好的界面,操作方便。
With the rapid development of computer technology, the popularity of computer applications in business management, not only in the enterprise, and the use of computers in schools are to achieve the management imperative. This system is a combination of the actual situation of the school, the actual needs of specific systems, the use of powerful Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 as a development tool, Microsoft SQL Server as a developed by the Comprehensive Assessment Management System. Students can complete the entire process management, including classroom management, student management, performance management, plus management and report output, in practical applications can achieve the course grade, Scores, students basic information design, and can print the report output. Proof of actual use, the system can meet the needs of schools Comprehensive Assessment Management. System has friendly interface, easy operation. (2015-05-14, C#, 910KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] twitter

twitter可以看成是一种微博客,其基本结构由发布者和跟随者组成。设计如下表格: user(uid, uname, rank), 初始时rank=0; follow(idol, fan), 表示fan跟随了idol;message(msg_id, uid, msg_content),存储所有发布的消息,uid是消息发布者的标识。 使用触发器完成如下功能:当往message表中插入新消息后,检索follow表,把该消息发送给它的生成者的fans,当然只要显示“***收到了****消息”即可。 同时使用触发器维护user表中的rank,rank=(用户发布的消息数*该用户的fans数量)/100,当然你可以给出更精确的定义。
twitter can be seen as a micro blog, its basic structure from the publisher and the composition of the follower. Design the form as follows: user (uid, uname, rank), initially rank = 0 follow (idol, fan), said the fan following of the idol message (msg_id, uid, msg_content), store all the news published, uid is the message publisher identity. Use the trigger to complete the following functions: When the message table to insert new messages, the search follow the table, to the message sent to it the formation of those fans, of course, as long as the display "******* received the message" can . Also use triggers to maintain user in the table rank, rank = (number of users to publish news of the fans* The number of users)/100, of course, you can give a more precise definition. (2010-06-13, SQL, 1KB, 下载26次)


[SQL Server] bjMobile

后台加个“更新日期” 前台首页: 1. 客户留言不要! 2. 在精确搜索的上面每一位数上注明,1位,2位,3位,4位,5位,6位,7位,8位,9位,10位,11位 3. 全球通。神州行。动感等他们所属图标不要, 4. 首页上不要神州行畅听卡及号码,全球通,动感地带,神州行在首页上显示的号码多点! 5. 动画不要! 6. 公告在右上角,联系方式在左上角,特价区在左下角,情侣号字右下角, 7. 号码分类在上面 横着 8. 先看着弄,麻烦了 !明天给你电话
Background plus a " updated" front page: 1. Feedback Do not! 2. In the search for an exact indicated on the top of each digit, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 3. GSM. Shenzhouxing. Dynamic and so their respective icons will not, 4. Do not listen to home page Shenzhouxing smooth card and number, the global pass, M-Zone, Shenzhouxing number displayed on the home page more! 5. Animation Do not! 6. Notice in the upper right, contact in the upper left corner, special district in the lower left corner, lower right corner of the word couple No. 7. Numbers in the above categories sideways 8. First, get looked at, in trouble! Call you tomorrow, (2009-08-28, ASP, 2393KB, 下载3次)



本软件用delphi5+sql server2000开发,xp下测试通过。 超级用户可以输入修改学习内容,题库内容。其他用户进入只能学习其中内容或者做测试题。测试题主要包括:选择、填空、判断三类,出题类型包括1.章节课后题 2.系统随机选题两大类。测试完成后可以进行判断对错(评分),及时解答等功能;如果自己机器上面没有安装数据库sql server,则进入演示版。如果哪位朋友需要这方面的资料(源码)可以联系QQ:34636908(注明要求,否则本QQ号不随意加人)。
The software used delphi5+ sql server2000 development, xp under test. Super-user can enter modified learning content, content questions. Other users can only enter the study or to do one of the content of test questions. Tests include: selection, fill in the blank, determine the three categories, questions types include 1. Chapters after title 2. Systematic random selection two broad categories. Upon completion of the test can be judged right or wrong (score), timely answers and other functions if their machine is not installed above the database sql server, then enter the demo. Friend, if any required information in this regard (source) can contact QQ: 34636908 (specify the requirements, otherwise the No. QQ not add people at random). (2009-03-23, Delphi, 457KB, 下载111次)


[SQL Server] 20064914296002

用户名:SYSTEM 密码:空 第一次运行请先恢复数据库 DATABASE 到SQL服务器,也可在桌面建立应用程序的快捷方式加-restore参数进行自动恢复。 压缩包的安装包目录里面是旧的版本,切勿将其中的数据库恢复。 程序使用的各控件在DELPHIBOX里均有下载,EHLIB、ETree等 可以对瓶装液化器的钢瓶进行管理,收取租金、押金,到期提醒,并可以对液化气的进、销、存进行管理,如须进行库存管理,请直接联系本作者,有正式版。 导航图控制,方便易懂。 多帐户付款管理,更灵活避SHUI。
User Name: SYSTEM Password: empty the first time you run to restore DATABASE database to SQL server, can also be established on the desktop application shortcut plus-restore parameters of automatic recovery. Compression package directory inside the installation package is the older version, not to one of database recovery. Procedures used in the control in both DELPHIBOX download, EHLIB, ETree such as bottled liquefied can s cylinder management, rent collection, deposit, due reminders, and can feed on the liquefied gas, sales, deposit management, such as subject to inventory management, please contact the authors, there is a formal version. Navigation control, convenient and understandable. Multi-account management, more flexible to avoid SHUI. (2008-12-30, Delphi, 6834KB, 下载21次)


[SQL Server] feihuanebusniss

开发语言:ASP.NET 源码演示:http://www.flyring.com.cn/ 飞环技术ASP.NET电子商务网站SQL版,包括强大的后台管理、技术论坛、产品浏览等!请自行将数据库目录下两个ACCESS数据库导入SQL2000数据库并修改每个aspx页面的SQL数据库连接信息即可调试成功!另外经过修改也可使用ACCESS作为网站数据库 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
The development of language: ASP.NET source code demo: http://www.flyring.com.cn/ Flying Ring Technology SQL version of ASP.NET e-commerce sites, including a strong management background, technical forum, product browsing, etc.! At your own will database directory two SQL2000 database into ACCESS database and modify aspx pages for each SQL database connection information can debug successfully! In addition a modified can also use the ACCESS database as a Web site in this article come from the shrimp-off source http://www.xkxz.com (2008-05-13, ASP, 221KB, 下载14次)


[SQL Server] 5_3951_w

ASP。NET整站程序 应广大网友要求,现在免费发布,供大家学习交流,不得进行商业使用。 商业程序版权所有,未经本人的协议允许,不得使用。 如发现不名使用者,后果自负! ,***************************** 如购买本软件,请直接联系本人 刃の无痕 QQ:7957864 E_mail:gnl8@163.com 如有问题请加QQ群共同探讨研究 QQ群号:11497963 刃の网技 ,****************************** 在数据库里建立 hrb_lyb 留言本数据库 还原文件 修改数据库连接 /guestbook/Global.asax.cs 这个要在方案里修改,得生成一下。
ASP.NET whole process should stop the majority of netizens, now free, for all studies and exchanges, not for commercial use. Copyright commercial procedures, the agreement without my permission, shall not be used. If users do not, at your peril! ,***************************** Purchase of the software, please direct contact their edge Traceless I QQ : 7957864 reproduced : if there are questions please gnl8@163.com increase QQ study group to explore QQ groups : their net 11497963 edge technology, SUMMARY database established in Spelling _lyb message database Reduction Document Database Connection/guestbook/Global.a sax.cs to the Lane changes in the program may generate about. (2006-06-06, ASP, 228KB, 下载6次)
