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[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] stm32 MMS8451

MMA8451三轴加速度计 STM32F103c8t6单片机控制程序,可以设置加速度计量程,±2g、±4g、±8g,但是程序里2g和4g模式下精度很高很准确,8g模式下采集到的数据存在问题,通过串口打印输出,显示单位是g。程序内关键部分已添加注释,希望可以帮到大家。
MMA8451 three axis accelerometer STM32F103c8t6 microcontroller control program, can set the accelerometer range, + 2G, + 4G, + 8g, but the accuracy of 2G and 4G in the program is very high and accurate, the data collected under 8g mode has problems, print output through serial port, display unit is g. The key part of the program has been annotated, hoping to help you. (2018-04-13, C/C++, 7381KB, 下载9次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] CSR8670_sink

基于CSR官方sink例程修改增加SPP,亲测可用,但是CSR8670开发半开源的,所以烧录程时要配合Sink Configuration Tool和PSTool进行相应配置烧录才能实现SPP双向通讯。
The official CSR sink SPP based on routine modification increases, pro test is available, but the development of CSR8670 semi open source, so the burning process with Sink Configuration Tool and PSTool SPP to achieve the corresponding configuration of burning two-way communication. (2017-06-20, C/C++, 9989KB, 下载50次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] Electronic-circuit

3. 创建一个工程文件,编程实现将0 1 2 E F、姓名等显示在LCD屏上,编程实现将3到4位数据小数点后保留一位(如10.2、100.6)分别显示在三组LED屏上。 4. 编程实现按键输入功能,将按键信号显示在LED或LCD屏上,(如按▲键,,使屏幕信号逐渐加1,从0加到10,再按▼键,从10减到0。 5. 编程实现D/A转换(下行通道),输出(4~20mA)电流,并进行0点和斜率校正。 6. 编程实现A/D转换(上行通道)实现数据采集,将采集信号显示在LED和LCD屏上。程序要求分别具有平均值滤波、中值滤波和滑动滤波功能,并进行量程校正。
Electronic circuit experiment training projects (2017-05-27, C51, 448KB, 下载7次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] duo-gong-neng-dian-zi-zhong

功能:一个具有电子钟基本功能的电子钟,功能包括:秒表、闹钟、整点报时、校时、按键 音 按键定义:键盘最下一行,依次为 返回电子钟模式/闹钟停闹/秒表清零、时间减/秒表停止/闹钟开关、时间加/秒表开始/闹钟 开关、功能键
Function: the basic functions of an electronic clock electronic clock features include: stopwatch, alarm, hourly chime, school, touch-tone keys defined: keyboard most next line, followed by the return of the electronic clock mode/alarm clock stopped downtown/stopwatch cleared time reduction/stopwatch stop/alarm clock switch time plus/stopwatch start/alarm clock switching function keys (2012-12-12, Visual C++, 660KB, 下载6次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 201204161548

嵌入式系统的内核引导启动过程浅析.pdf 摘 要 引导加载程序(Bootloader) 是嵌入式系统CPU 加电后第一个开始运行的代码。在内核映像执行之前完成相关的底层硬件的...
Built-in system of inside pit guide start process shallow Xi.pdf summary guide s adding to carry procedure(Bootloader) is built-in system CPU to add an electricity the first code that starts circulating is behind.Inside complete related first floor hardware before pit reflect be like a performance... (2012-04-16, Visual C++, 25KB, 下载4次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] rtc

RTC的英文全称是Real-Time Clock,翻译过来是实时时钟芯片. RTC是PC主板上的晶振及相关电路组成的时钟电路的生成脉冲,RTC经过8254电路的变频产生一个频率较低一点的OS(系统)时钟TSC,系统时钟每一个cpu周期加一,每次系统时钟在系统初起时通过RTC初始化。8254本身工作也需要有自己的驱动时钟(PIT)。
English name of the RTC Real-Time Clock, translated real-time clock chip RTC crystal and associated circuitry on the PC motherboard clock circuit to generate a pulse, the RTC after the 8254 circuit of variable frequency to produce a lower frequency of the OS(system) clock TSC, the system clock a cpu cycle plus one, each time the system clock in the system since the beginning of initialization through the RTC. The 8254 work also need to have their own drive clock (the PIT). (2012-04-04, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载6次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] Boot-number-of-memory

单片机编写程序,每次开机都将次数加1 并存储到EEPROM。这样就能直观的看到机器的使用次数,用P1口 LED做为显示,次数大于256是将溢出,按复位模拟开机 或者直接通过开关开机
Microcontroller programming, each boot will increase the number of 1 and stored to the EEPROM. So you can visually see the frequency of use of the machine, as the port P1 LED display, the number of greater than 256 will overflow boot or directly through the switch boot, press the reset simulation (2012-04-03, C/C++, 16KB, 下载4次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] ll-clock

The date, clock, stopwatch and alarm functions to achieve separation. Select a date mode, only displays year, month, day. Select the clock mode, only displays hours, minutes, seconds. Select the stopwatch mode, only the display seconds and milliseconds. Select an alarm mode, display hour, minute, seconds, plus one extra alarm. (2011-12-27, C/C++, 167KB, 下载5次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] CC2430-based-application-ADXL345

The ADXL345 is based on the CC2430 application (based on IAR), is a very good wireless embedded development demonstration program is embedded that things related to the development and application of ZIGBEE researchers have an excellent guide, experimental procedures have been adopted to ensure quality. (2011-11-30, C/C++, 49KB, 下载127次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] SoCBasedPWMMotor

介绍了基于单片机用PWM实现直流电机调整的基本方法,直流电机调速的相关知识,及 PWM调整的基本原理和实现方法。重点介绍了基于MCS一51单片机的用软件产生PWM信号的途径,并 介绍了一种独特的通过采用计数法加软件延时法实现PWM信号占空比调节的方法。对于直流电机速度控 制系统的实现提供了一种有效的途径。
Introduced based microcontroller PWM DC motor adjusted to achieve the basic method, knowledge of DC motor speed control, and PWM to adjust the basic principles and implementation methods. Highlights based on MCS-51 microcontroller with a PWM signal generated by the software approach, and describes a unique software through the use count plus time delay method of the PWM signal duty cycle adjustment method. DC motor speed control system for the realization of an effective way. (2011-11-14, C/C++, 116KB, 下载8次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] EXAMPLE4.15

PIC16887A a two-machine communications microcontroller, two asynchronous serial communication interface connected to Microcontroller way: RX and TX cross-docking, the left side of the microcontroller U1, S1 each key is pressed to send a number of bytes, starting from 0x20 to send, each send a data, this number plus 1. send the output port D at the same time. Right of the microcontroller U2 to receive state, the use of interrupt and, if receive interrupt, the interrupt will be received directly on the number of output port D (2011-06-04, C/C++, 32KB, 下载7次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 89c51-stepper-motor-drive-design

89c51步进电机的驱动设计.设计要求. 开机后,电机不转,按下启动键,电机旋转,速度为25 r/min,按下加1键速度增加,按下减1键,速度降低,最高速度为100 r/min,最低转速为25 r/min,按下停止键,电机停转。速度值要求在数码管上显示出来。
89c51 stepper motor drive design. Design requirements. Turned on, the motor does not turn, press the start button, the motor rotation speed 25 r/min, press the button to add a speed increase by a button press, the speed reduction The maximum speed is 100 r/min, the minimum speed of 25 r/min, press the stop button, the motor stopped. Velocity required in the digital tube display. (2011-05-22, Asm, 98KB, 下载11次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] stc-Proteus

Stc-Proteus let Proteus join Stc microcontroller!!!!! (2011-03-05, Others, 6KB, 下载147次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] pingpang

This paper describes the use of programmable system on chip (System-on-a-chip, SOPC) technology to construct a table tennis simulation Game, and after the circuit by adjusting the signal displayed on the oscilloscope waveform. This course requires FPGA platform with the specified combination of SOPC Technology to construct a table tennis game, after the software programming, respectively, with two I/O output of two different pulse-width modulation wave, respectively, after PWM low pass filter from the mean voltage, input to the dual-channel oscilloscope. Scope of work in the X/Y mode, the oscilloscope screen Spot on the screen representative of table tennis, table tennis, X/Y control voltage on the screen produces a table tennis simulation trajectory. Link Real-time digital control over the score will be displayed, and have reset function. One additional subsystem in part by the software to complete, with the break detection Are there key is pressed, combined with the look- (2011-02-23, C/C++, 2KB, 下载9次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] DHT11_081206

********************************** DHT21使用范例 单片机 : AT89S52或 STC89C52RC 功能 ; 串口发送温湿度数据 波特率 9600 硬件连接: P2.0口为通讯口连接DHT11,DHT11的电源和地连接单片机的电源和地,单片机串口加MAX232连接电脑 公司 ; 广州奥松电子
********************************** DHT21 usage examples SCM: AT89S52 or STC89C52RC function serial port temperature and humidity data baud rate of 9600 hardware connection: P2.0 port as communication port connected DHT11, DHT11 the power and ground connections and power microcontroller, the microcontroller serial plus MAX232 connected computer companies Guangzhou Aosong Electronics (2010-12-04, Visual C++, 696KB, 下载48次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] (ICC)

以学习板蜂鸣器和EXT0按键为硬件电路 2、TC0用作计数器 3、程序模块化练习,捆绑编译的应用 4、TC0工作于计数状态,T0引脚上升沿/下降沿将使计数器加1,计数溢出后蜂鸣器 长鸣500ms。信号由按键EXT0产生
Buzzer and EXT0 to learn key board as the hardware circuit 2, TC0 used as a counter 3, a modular training program, compile the application bundle 4, TC0 counting work in the state, T0 pin rising/falling edge will counter by 1 , overflow buzzer sounding after 500ms. Signal generated by the key EXT0 (2010-11-30, C/C++, 51KB, 下载4次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] zdsjdt

自动升降电梯控制器设计 要求: 设计一个6层楼的电梯控制器。 该控制器可控制电梯完成6层楼的载客服而且遵循方向优先原则,并能响应提前关门延时关门,并具有超载报警和故障报警; 同时指示电梯运行情况和电梯内外请求信息。
Auto-Lift elevator controller design requirements: design of a six-story elevator controller. The controller can control the completion of six-story elevator containing the principle of giving priority customer service, and follow the directions, and can respond to close ahead of schedule delay closing, and has overload alarm and fault alarm also instructed the elevator and elevator operation request information both inside and outside. (2009-09-24, VHDL, 138KB, 下载15次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] STM32F103RBT62.8TFT

This information is based on the master chip STM32F103RBT6 do, 2.8TFT LCD touch screen plus the schematic diagram and PCB board (2009-08-13, Others, 267KB, 下载211次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] can_show_remote

CAN bus articulated two nodes, when one node (Node 1) of the button is depressed, in addition to its own digital tube display 1,2 plus one, but also to the node 2 to send a remote frame node 2 receiver to the remote frame after the bus would like to send a data frame, if node 2 button is pressed, in addition to its own digital tube display 1,2 plus one, but also send data to the bus frame, making node 2 digital tube 3,4 show its consistency. (2008-12-31, C/C++, 46KB, 下载22次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] img2num

This matlab process 320 × 240 for the tft LCD screen can be in any format of the picture to tft used 16-bit (65536 colors) LCD s said and written in one-dimensional array c documents, easy picture shows call. (2008-06-18, Others, 1KB, 下载26次)
