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[NFT] rrdao.github

Russian Roulette DAO is a crypto tax ponzi, a bear market community hedge concept. Using taxes to explore stability & sustainability. Idea inception December 2021. TG <https://t.me/rrdao_1700AD> (2022-09-06, CSS, 55555KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] GreenDaoExample

Android GreenDao使用总结(包括模型生成、增删改查、修改存储路径、数据库更新升级和加解密数据库)。其中数据库更新升级参考了[https: github.com yuweiguocn GreenDaoUpgradeHelp...](https: github.com yuweiguocn GreenDaoUpgradeHelper%E3%80%82%E8%AF%A6%E7%BB%86%E4%BB%8B%E7%BB%8D%E5%8F%AF%E5%8F%82%E8%A7%81%E5%8D%9A%E5%AE%A2%EF%BC%9Ahttp: blog.csdn.net wjk343977868 article details 53943135%E3%80%82)
Summary of Android GreenDao usage (including model generation, addition, deletion, modification, storage path modification, database update and upgrade, and encryption and decryption of databases). The database update and upgrade refer to [https: github. com yuweiguocn GreenDaoUpgradeHelp...] (https: github. com yuweiguocn GreenDaoUpgradeHelper% E3% 80% 82% E8% AF% A6% E7% BB% 86% E4% BB% 8B% E7% BB% 8D% E5% 8F% AF% E5% 8F% 82% E8% A7% 81% E5% 8D% 9A% E5% AE% A2% EF% BC% 9Ahttp: blog. csdn.net wjk34 3977868 article details 53943135% E3% 80% 82) (2016-12-30, Java, 105KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] mybatis-dsc-generator

集成最全的代码生成工具:entity集成lombok、格式校验,swagger;dao自动加[@Mapper](https: github.com Mapper),service自动注释和依赖;Controller实现restful 增删改查API,并集成swagger。
Integrate the most comprehensive code generation tools: entity integration lombok, format validation, swagger; Dao automatically adds [@ Mapper] (https: github. com Mapper), and service automatically annotates and relies on it; The Controller implements restful addition, deletion, modification, and query APIs, and integrates with Swagger. (2022-06-20, Java, 40KB, 下载0次)



I build this project following along with Scrimba, I learned many things, even things that I coverd before but repetation stay the mother of skilss (2022-09-03, HTML, 465KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] dyve

Dyve unlocks NFT shorting opportunities with a decentralized & trustless lending and borrowing platform. Hodlers receive premiums to list NFTs, borrowers pay for the ability to sell those NFTs promising to either return ANY NFT from the collection or forfeit posted collateral. (2023-01-27, TypeScript, 8924KB, 下载0次)
