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[多国语言处理] Spell-Checker-Project

拼写检查器:一个Python项目,利用彼得·诺维格(Peter Norvig)的经典拼写检查算法,并通过正则表达式、熊猫和tqdm进行了增强,以有效地识别文本语料库中拼写错误的单词并提出更正建议。
Spell Checker: A Python project leveraging Peter Norvig s classic spell checking algorithm, enhanced with regular expressions, pandas, and tqdm, to efficiently identify and suggest corrections for misspelled words within a text corpus. (2024-05-15, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] Spelling-checker-

A Rutgers University CS214 (Systems Programming) programming assignment to detects and reports spelling errors in one or more text files using the Posix functions for reading and writing files and for traversing directories (2024-04-11, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] Tetris-with-C

This is one of my college project task. I make a Tertris Clone with c, and also using SDL2. I also add a pixel font (pixel.ttf) and the tetris song (tetris.wav) to make it better. (2024-04-08, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] webcat

这是一个100 %纯Java库,您可以使用适用于N元 分析技术的过程分为文本文件。 该计划包括几个不同的分类算法, namelly 支持向量机,贝叶斯Logistic回归,神经网络分类和文本压缩 算法。如支持向量机和贝叶斯Logistic回归,一个 “一对一” 用于多类分类。更详细的说明这些学习算法和可用的选项,请提供的javadocs 。
It is a 100 pure Java library that you can use to apply N-Gram analysis techniques to the process of categorizing text files. The package includes several different categorization algorithms, namelly SVMs, Bayesian Logistic Regression, NN classification and a text compression based algorithm. In the case of SVM and Bayesian Logistic Regression, a "one-against-one" apprach is used for multiclass classification. For a more detailed description of these learning algorithms and the available options please consult the supplied javadocs. (2009-08-06, Java, 819KB, 下载83次)


[多国语言处理] GB2312-80

全称是GB2312-80《信息交换用汉字编码字符集 基本集》,1980年发布,是中文信 息处理的国家标准,在大陆及海外使用简体中文的地区(如新加坡等)是强制使用的唯 一中文编码。P-Windows3.2和苹果OS就是以GB2312为基本汉字编码, Windows 95/98则 以GBK为基本汉字编码、但兼容支持GB2312。
The full name is the GB2312-80 Information Interchange Coded Character Set of Chinese characters basic set, released in 1980, the Chinese national standards for information processing in the Mainland and overseas to use Simplified Chinese regions (such as Singapore, etc.) is mandatory to use only English coding. P-Windows3.2 and Apple OS is the GB2312 Chinese character coding for the basic, Windows 95/98 with GBK Chinese characters as the basic coding, but compatible to support the GB2312. (2008-10-23, DOS, 23KB, 下载51次)
