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POLITIX或The Political Text Identiology Extraction tool是一种一维“理想点”投影仪,它使用可变编码方法来量化作者的政治倾向
POLITIX or The Political Text Ideology Extraction tool is a one dimensional "ideal point" projector that utilizes variational encoding methods to quantify an author s political leaning (2024-05-13, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] LUstyle

Quarto extension to provide theme for Lancaster University styled documents and slides. Unofficial theme, not endorsed by the university. (2024-02-27, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] BGVAR

这是CRAN R软件包存储库的只读镜像。BGVAR-贝叶斯全局向量自回归。主页:[https:github.c...](https:github.com mboeck11 BGVAR)
This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. BGVAR — Bayesian Global Vector Autoregressions. Homepage: [https: github.c…](https: github.com mboeck11 BGVAR) (2023-12-09, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] MS-Thesis-Learned-Sectors-Report

史蒂文斯理工学院学习领域项目研究报告(FE 800-金融工程特殊研究问题),
Learned Sectors Project Research Report (FE 800 - Special Research Problems in Financial Engineering) at the Stevens Institute of Technology, (2019-06-07, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Progetto-OOBD_T1G22

Progetto di Basi di Dati a.a.2022-2023保罗·泰德斯科·朱利奥·鲁奥波罗·法布里奇奥·夸兰塔N86004408 N86004285 N86004300 Id Gruppo:OOBDT1G22...,
Progetto di Basi di Dati a.a. 2022-2023 Paolo Tedesco Giulio Ruopolo Fabrizio Quaranta N86004408 N86004285 N86004300 Id Gruppo: OOBD_T1G22 Data: 23/01/2023 (2023-04-14, TeX, 0KB, 下载0次)
