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[代理服务器] gate

Buuygulama,Rust programma dili ile yaz lm bir API Gateway uyguramas d r.维吾拉马,gelen istekleri belli bir s raile i leyerek,arka tarafta bulunan servisler ile ile ileti im Kurr ve sonu lar istemciye d ner。Vigulama,ayn zamanda循环负载平衡,Caching gibi zellikleri de destekler。
Bu uygulama, Rust programlama dili ile yaz lm bir API Gateway uygulamas d r. Uygulama, gelen istekleri belirli bir s ra ile i leyerek, arka tarafta bulunan servisler ile ileti im kurar ve sonu lar istemciye d ner. Uygulama, ayn zamanda Round Robin Load Balancing, Caching gibi zellikleri de destekler. (2024-05-04, Rust, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] Reverse-Proxy-Fivem-Resource

This is an example of a fivem resource for balancing players on proxies. This script saves the player s proxy and changes it every 15 minutes and distributes players across all available proxies. (2024-04-28, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] sonOro_frontend

欢迎来到SonOro,您进入迷人的音乐分类世界的大门!SonOro采用Vite和React制作,将艺术和机器学习相结合,精确解码旋律。在费尔南多·瓦莱里奥(Fernando Valerio)和亚历克斯·塞拉菲尼(Alex Serafini)的带领下,今天开始你的音乐之旅。让我们一起创造奇迹!
Welcome to SonOro, your gateway to the enchanting world of music classification! Crafted with Vite and React, SonOro combines art and machine learning to decode melodies with precision. Led by Fernando Valerio and Alex Serafini, embark on your musical odyssey today. Let s make magic together! (2024-03-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] natours-app

该回购包含Natour Tourist网站。我遵循乔纳斯·施梅特曼的高级css课程创建了这个奇妙的设计。主要目的…
This repo contains Natour Tourist site.I create this wonderfull design by following jonas schmedtmann advance css course. The main purpos… (2024-01-09, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] ru-block-v2ray-rules

СПисокабакироВаннтхсатовРоссииДЛv2射线,X射线,3倍ui。俄罗斯被阻止的v2ray、xray或3x ui站点列表。
Список заблокированных сайтов в России для v2ray, xray и же 3x-ui. List of blocked sites in Russia for v2ray, xray or 3x-ui. (2023-11-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] prometheus-ttn-gateway-exporter

An exporter of TTN gateway statistics to prometheus. , (2023-09-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] smart-gateway

Smart Gateway is an OpenShift component for pulling data streams from an AMQP1 bus and routing them to a storage interface (Prometheus, ElasticSearch) (2021-10-27, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] Traefik-reverse-proxy

Traefik reverse proxy on Docker with Prometheus metrics endpoint. Example with wildcard and DNS Challenge, (2023-08-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] stop-war-in-ukraine

A WordPress plugin that displays proxied war news from the free world to Russian IP address visitors with option to block further access. (2022-03-07, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] minlaxz

DRF作为Gunicorn提供的后端,Nginx Proxy plus与Docker一起部署,hmm还包括SSL TLS,让我们加密。,Nex(奈克斯)...
DRF as backend served by Gunicorn with Nginx Proxy plus deployed with Docker, hmm also SSL/TLS of let s encrypt., Next JS as frontend. (2023-01-13, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] FZ-152-Reverse-Proxy

This easy-to-go solution could make your web-service or website compliant with Russian Federal Law FZ-152. That example will help you setup reverse proxy to catch private data and dump it in a local database. (2021-04-10, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] jsoup_xici1.7.3

加入对代理服务器的支持,不考虑账号验证的问题。重载了方法 connect() 调用方法: Jsoup.connect(String url,String proxyhost,int proxyport) org.jsoup.Connection interface Request 添加抽象方法getProxyhost,getProxyport,setProxyhost,setProxyport org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection inner Class Request 添加方法的实现getProxyhost,getProxyport,setProxyhost,setProxyport org.jsoup.Connection 添加抽象方法proxy(String,int) org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection 加入方法proxy(String host,int port) org.jsoup.Jsoup 添加方法public static Connection connect(String url,String proxyhost,int proxyport) 和方法public static Document parse(URL url, int timeoutMillis,String proxyhost,int proxyport)
Adding support for proxy server does not consider the problem of the account verification. Overloaded methods connect () Call the method: Jsoup.connect (String url, String proxyhost, int proxyport) org.jsoup.Connection interface Request Add abstract methods getProxyhost, getProxyport, setProxyhost, setProxyport org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection inner Class Request Add methods to achieve getProxyhost, getProxyport, setProxyhost, setProxyport org.jsoup.Connection Add abstract method proxy (String, int) org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection Add Method proxy (String host, int port) org.jsoup.Jsoup Add a method public static Connection connect (String url, String proxyhost, int proxyport) And methods public static Document parse (URL url, int timeoutMillis, String proxyhost, int proxyport) (2014-05-10, Java, 665KB, 下载19次)


[代理服务器] lab

某校有本科生宿舍4座,每座7层,每层10间房,每间房2个学生,。要求对学生宿舍的网络进行设计规划,设计时需满足下列要求:  在宿舍区提供一个学生服务器机房,供学生社团放置各类服务器;  在学生服务器机房,设置一个代理服务器供同学们使用  学校分配了1段C类IP地址给该学生服务器机房,IP地址为202.116.162.0/24。;  拟保证每个学生有一个上网端口;  学生机器采用私有IP地址,通过代理服务器上校外网。  设计时尽量能够减少广播风暴; 请根据以上环境和设计要求设计该网络,完成下列工作并撰写相关文档:  选择相应的网络设备(以Cisco品牌为蓝本,写出参数和数量);  写出设计方案、画出网络拓扑结构、并阐述设计理由;  写出网络中的主要路由器及主要的交换机作的设置脚本并作简单阐述。
A school four undergraduate dormitories, 7th Floor, each floor 10 room, two students per room. Requirements of the student dormitory network design and planning, the design must meet the following requirements:  server room of a student in the dormitory area for student clubs to place the various types of servers  the student server room, set up a proxy server for use by students The  school segment Class C IP address assigned to the the student server room, the IP address is  intended to ensure that every student have an Internet port  student machine uses a private IP address off-campus network through a proxy server.  design as far as possible to reduce the broadcast storm The design of the network according to the above environmental and design requirements, complete the following tasks and writing documents:  to select the appropriate network equipment (Cisco brand modeled, write parameters an (2013-01-22, Others, 187KB, 下载17次)


[代理服务器] nginx-1.0.11.tar

一个高性能的 HTTP 和 反向代理 服务器,也是一个 IMAP/POP3/SMTP 代理服务器。 Nginx 是由 Igor Sysoev 为俄罗斯访问量第二的 Rambler.ru 站点开发的
A high performance HTTP and reverse proxy server, is a IMAP/POP3/SMTP proxy server. Nginx is composed of Igor Sysoev for Russia to visit volume second Rambler.ru site development (2012-03-02, Unix_Linux, 675KB, 下载8次)


[代理服务器] nginx-1.0.8-For-Windows

Nginx ("engine x") 是一个高性能的 HTTP 和 反向代理 服务器,也是一个 IMAP/POP3/SMTP 代理服务器。 Nginx 是由 Igor Sysoev 为俄罗斯访问量第二的 Rambler.ru 站点开发的,它已经在该站点运行超过两年半了。Igor 将源代码以类BSD许可证的形式发布。尽管还是测试版,但是,Nginx 已经因为它的稳定性、丰富的功能集、示例配置文件和低系统资源的消耗而闻名了。 Nginx 可以在大多数 Unix like OS 上编译运行,并有 Windows 移植版。
Nginx is a free open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server. Igor Sysoev started development of Nginx in 2002, with the first public release in 2004. Nginx now hosts nearly 11.28 (43M) of all domains worldwide. Netcraft predicts that current trends will soon have Nginx surpassing Microsoft IIS as the second most popular web server. (2011-12-09, PHP, 675KB, 下载9次)


[代理服务器] proxyvb

代理服务器源码 此源码综合制作。。 简单的代理功能已经实现。 具体没有仔细研究,却不失一个研究学习的入门程序吧。 希望大家喜欢。。。 或者加本人QQ。。。大家一起交流。 制作人:与网共舞 QQ:8646999 11007370
Proxy server source integrated production of this source. . Simple proxy function has been achieved. There is no specific carefully studied, but without losing a research program to study entry bar. I hope everyone likes. . . Or add my QQ. . . The exchange of everyone together. Producer: Dances with Network QQ: 8646999 11007370 (2008-05-27, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载47次)


[代理服务器] ProxySentinel

一种代理服务器自动切换软件,通过实时侦测备选代理服务器的性能来自动为浏览器切换代理服务器设置。 特点: 1.自动切换 改变手动更换浏览器代理服务器设置的方式,通过实时监测代理服务器的性能,自动为用户切换性能最好的代理服务器(或不使用代理服务器); 2.实时性 可以实时地检测备选代理服务器的性能,并按照用户设置的频率,根据一段时间的代理平均性能来为用户切换代理服务器。
a proxy server automatic switching software Real-time detection options through proxy server to the performance of automatic switching to the browser proxy settings. Features : 1. Automatic Switching to change manually change the browser's proxy settings, Real-time monitoring through the proxy server performance, Automatic switching performance for users the best proxy server (with or without the use of proxy servers); 2. Real-time detection of immediate alternative to the proxy server performance, and in accordance with the frequency of user settings, According to the agent for a period of time the average performance for users switching to the proxy server. (2007-06-26, Visual C++, 211KB, 下载78次)


[代理服务器] vc_jiqiaoshili_part13_14

Visual.C++程序设计技巧与实例--配套光盘 第13章 网络编程 本章共有8个实例: 1. PowerNetConfig在Win2000系统下修改主机名、IP、网关、子网掩码和代理服务器 2. GetAllIP得到多穴主机的多个IP地址 3. EnumHosts枚举局域网内的计算机 4. GetMac读取网卡的Mac地址 5. C_S Demo一个小型的公司客服系统——C/S使用示例 6. Mount在应用程序中映射网络驱动器 7. AddIEButton往IE的工具条上添加自定义的图标 8. MyBrowser利用WebBrowser控件创建自己的浏览器 第14章 帮助系统 本章共有两个例子: 1. HlpDemo如何制作一个传统的hlp格式的帮助文件 2. CHM如何制作一个CHM格式的帮助文件 至此,本书源码已上传完毕,非常抱歉要分开来上传,学校的网络实在太差了
Visual.C program design techniques and examples-- matching CD Chapter 13 of this chapter network programming, there are eight examples : 1. PowerNetConfig in Win2000 system changes hostname, IP, Gateway, Subnet Mask and Proxy Server 2. GetAllIP be multi-homed host multiple IP addresses 3. EnumH osts Enumerate LAN computer 4. GetMac card read Mac addresses five. C_S Dem o a small company customer service system-- C/S examples of the use of six. Mount procedures in the application of mapping network drives All seven. AddIEButton to add Hi IE icon from the definition of eight. MyBrowse r use WebBrowser control to establish its own browser Chapter 14 of this chapter help system consists of two examples : 1. HlpDemo how to make a traditional hlp format documents with the help of two. CHM ho (2007-05-22, Visual C++, 2270KB, 下载46次)
