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[汽车电子软硬件开发] TeslaClone-project

我在IT-h gskolan上学期间的Codealong会议,我们试图复制特斯拉的网站
Codealong session during my time as a student at IT-h gskolan where we tried to replicate Tesla s website (2024-04-11, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] sentinel

WIP-windows macos linux应用程序,用于查看、管理和保存特斯拉车辆的哨兵和仪表盘摄像头镜头
WIP - windows macos linux application to view, manage, and save sentry and dashcam footage from tesla vehicles (2024-03-20, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] Tesla_CLI_Test

Projeto de linha de comando interativo com ShellJS,Inquirer.js e testest杰斯特。,
Projeto de linha de comando interativo com ShellJS, Inquirer.js e testes Jest., (2023-08-31, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] tesloshop

这是一个用Next.js 12.2制作的特斯拉商店网站克隆:它是为了学习目的而制作的,它使用Typescript...
This is a clon of Tesla Shop site made with Next.js 12.2: It was done with learning purposes and it uses Typescript, NextAuth, Paypal, Cloudinary and MongoAtlas. It was deployed in Heroku. (2022-09-16, TypeScript, 18046KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] ColorAceEditor

特斯拉PMD 85的在线pixelart屏幕编辑器,这是20世纪80年代生产的8位个人微型计算机...
Online pixelart screen editor for Tesla PMD 85, an 8-bit personal micro- computer produced in eighties of 20th century in former Czechoslovakia. Built on React and BlueprintJS UI framework. (2023-03-15, TypeScript, 369KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] sentinel

WIP-windows macos linux应用程序,用于查看、管理和保存特斯拉车辆的哨兵和仪表盘摄像头镜头
WIP - windows macos linux application to view, manage, and save sentry and dashcam footage from tesla vehicles (2023-06-08, TypeScript, 347KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] angular-tesla-range-calculator

使用Angular 2 React形式构建特斯拉电池续航计算器。-作者:Todd Motto([@toddmotto](https:github.com toddmott)
Building Tesla s battery range calculator with Angular 2 reactive forms. - by Todd Motto([@toddmotto](https: github.com toddmotto)) (2017-04-12, TypeScript, 286KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] react-tesla

特斯拉主页使用React、Hooks、Context、TypeScript、样式化组件和Framer Motion创建
Tesla Homepage created with React, Hooks, Context, TypeScript, Styled Components and Framer Motion (2022-02-27, TypeScript, 4890KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] Tesla-clone

I created a home page clone of Tesla s official web app with NextJS and Tailwind (2023-03-17, TypeScript, 4570KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] Teslo-Shop

This is an ecommerce inspired in Tesla Shop, development with nextjs + mui, with the objective to learn and practice this technologies. (2022-12-23, TypeScript, 1099KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] HomepageTeslaClone

主页特斯拉克隆与建议 React,以了解框架运动和滚动效果。
Homepage tesla clone in React with propose to learn about the framer-motion and scroll effects. (2020-10-09, TypeScript, 1251KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] powerwall-to-pvoutput-uploader

一个应用程序,用于保存特斯拉Powerwall 2的电力使用信息,并将其发送到pvoutput.org,还可以选择打印...
An application to save power usage information from a Tesla Powerwall 2 and send it to pvoutput.org, and optionally publish to an MQTT broker. (2023-06-18, TypeScript, 84KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] tesla-custom-order-process-clone

This application is a clone to Tesla Custom order process. It is designed primarily to focus on Angular CVA and NGRX concept (2020-12-09, TypeScript, 12421KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] tesla-trip

A tracker for our annual trip up the East Coast in a Tesla Model S. (2023-06-01, TypeScript, 3629KB, 下载0次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] Tesla-app

受特斯拉启发,使用React Native、Expo、Three.js和React Three Fiber的应用程序
An app inspired by Tesla using React Native, Expo, Three.js and React Three Fiber (2023-05-04, TypeScript, 18051KB, 下载0次)
