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按分类查找All C/C++基础(131) 
按平台查找All C++(131) 

[C/C++基础] Tetris

This project is a classic Tetris game implemented in C++ using the SFML framework. It provides players with an engaging and nostalgic experience, allowing them to test their skills in clearing lines of falling Tetriminos. (2024-05-14, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock

该项目是一个1:1匹配的多人游戏岩石,纸张,剪刀,蜥蜴,斯波克。它是使用C++Standard 20和Linux epoll实现的,没有使用第三方。
The project is a 1:1 matching multiplayer Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock game. It was implemented using C++ Standard 20 and Linux epoll without the use of third-party. (2024-04-27, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] Bayer_More

Boyer-Moore算法是一种高效的字符串搜索算法,可以在文本中查找模式的出现。它是由罗伯特·S·博伊尔(Robert S.Boyer)和J·斯特罗瑟·摩尔(J Strother Moore)于1977年开发的。Boyer-Moore算法背后的关键思想是在搜索时根据一组预计算的表跳过尽可能多的字符。
The Boyer-Moore algorithm is a highly efficient string searching algorithm that finds occurrences of a pattern within a text. It was developed by Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore in 1977. The key idea behind the Boyer-Moore algorithm is to skip as many characters as possible while searching, based on a set of precomputed tables. (2024-04-20, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] mod-Faction-Free

Faction Free是一个WOTLK 3.3.5a(艾泽拉斯Core基地)文件选择,允许玩家与对立派别互动,以获得相应的声誉、任务和成就。
Faction Free is a WOTLK 3.3.5a (Azerothcore base) selection of files to allow a player to interact with opposite factions to have access to those corresponding reputations, quests, and achievements. (2024-04-08, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] a-tiny-C-Interpreter

OurC is a simplified but slightly extended C language. It has five primitive data types (int, float, char, bool, and string), one-dimensional array, and no struct or enum. There are function calls, compound statements, conditional constructs (if-then-else) and loop constructs (while-loop and do-while loop). (2024-03-19, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] GFGProblemOfTheDaySolution_2023

Hello there , Avinash here; GFGProblemOfTheDaySoultion is created to help out students and learners to solve out the GFG problem of the day; On the daily basis the solution of POTD will be added in the repo; It will help coders to understand the question and get the answer; BEST OF LUCK!!! (2023-12-31, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] Tools

C++Tools Program是一个为数据科学家、程序员和爱好者设计的通用实用程序。该工具具有数据单位转换、数字系统转换、温度单位转换、基本计算和莫尔斯码转换等功能,简化了常见任务。是否需要操作数据单位,转换数字系统
The C++ Tools Program is a versatile utility designed for data scientists, programmers, and enthusiasts. With features such as data unit conversion, number system conversion, temperature unit conversion, basic calculations, and Morse code conversion, this tool simplifies common tasks. Whether you need to manipulate data units, convert number system (2023-12-18, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] Smart_Transit

I am a student of International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC), This is our 2nd Semester OOP Project which is completed by QT and use SQLite Database. (2023-11-26, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] ArvoreBinariaDeBusca

Este项目实现了umaárvore binária de busca em C++,desenvolvida como parte de um curso de Estrutura de Dados na Universidade Paulista(UNIP)。过去的歌剧《插入》、《删除》和《珀尔库索斯》都是不足的。Aárvore segue A regra de que elementosáesquerda s o menores eádirita s o maiores。
Este projeto implementa uma árvore binária de busca em C++, desenvolvida como parte de um curso de Estrutura de Dados na Universidade Paulista (UNIP). Oferece opera es eficientes de inser o, remo o e percursos. A árvore segue a regra de que elementos à esquerda s o menores e à direita s o maiores. (2023-11-10, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] Marathon_exercises

Execícios de diversos juízes在线,马拉托纳斯·德·programa o e de Facultades
Exercícios de diversos juízes online, maratonas de programa o e de faculdades (2023-10-31, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] solar-system-dynamic-map

基于 C++(MSVC) 和 OpenGL 的太阳系(太阳,地球,月球)系统动态图绘制 3维视角,坐标变换,旋转,动态刷新,光照,透视,投影。 包含可执行文件,环境配置指南。
The dynamic map of the solar system (sun, earth, moon) system based on C++(MSVC) and OpenGL draws 3D perspective, coordinate transformation, rotation, dynamic refresh, lighting, perspective, projection. Contains executable files and environment configuration guide. (2023-10-26, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)
