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[加密解密] SimpleAdmin

A small and beautiful general business background management system. The design mode of front end and rear end separation is adopted, and the authority management mode based on RBAC+multi organization is used to realize the data authority control at the interface level. The integrated national security encryption and decryption plug-in has detailed notes and complete documents, so that your development can avoid detours. (2024-01-31, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] password-access

在加密的access中,一般登录时需要输入密码。此代码是在知道密码的情况下,生成一个小软件,这个小软件可以在以后长时间不使用access忘记密码进不去时,直接进入。当然也可在代码写入密码处,加个循环破解未知的密码 这个小功能需要自己动手
In the encrypted access, you need to enter a password when the general login. This code is in the know the password, the software generates a small, small software can not use the long forgotten password can not get access, direct access in the future. Of course, the password can be written at the code, add a loop to crack unknown passwords this little feature requires Yourself (2014-10-30, C#, 1KB, 下载3次)


[加密解密] RC5

RC5加密算法类C# RC5分组密码算法是1994由麻萨诸塞技术研究所的Ronald L. Rivest教授发明的,并由RSA实验室分析。它是参数可变的分组密码算法,三个可变的参数是:分组大小、密钥大小和加密轮数。在此算法中使用了三种运算:异或、加和循环。
RC5 encryption algorithm class C# RC5 block cipher algorithm in 1994 by Professor Ronald L. Rivest Massachusetts Institute of Technology invention, RSA by laboratory analysis. It is a variable parameter block cipher algorithm, three variable parameters are: packet size, key size and encryption rounds. Use the three operations in this algorithm: XOR, add and circulation. (2014-07-21, C#, 1KB, 下载14次)
