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[VC书籍] GOM引擎奇门阵十二生肖全套

本次更新文件“GameOfMir登录器生成器.exe M2Server.exe” 如果登陆器打不开,是运行过其他登陆器,被其他登陆器劫持了, 以后随时关注我们的官方网站,发现登陆器打不开,可能会有更新
Later, keep an eye on our official website and find that the lander can not be opened. Look at our website first, there may be updates. (2019-04-05, Visual C++, 131KB, 下载0次)


[VC书籍] C++游戏源码

经典C++小游戏代码,如贪吃蛇 俄罗斯方块等
Classic C++ game code, such as snake and Tetris, and so on (2017-12-26, Visual C++, 42882KB, 下载11次)


[VC书籍] 3D-Shape-Recovery

基于单目视觉的利用拉普拉斯的三维恢复,这将可以生成初始的 3D 形状的估计,这是不一定准确,但其 2D 投影一定是准确的。
Template-Based Monocular 3D Shape Recovery Using Laplacian Meshes.This allows us to quickly and reliably eliminate outliers by simply solving a linear least squares problem. This yields an initial 3D shape estimate, which is not necessarily accurate, but whose 2D projections are. (2017-04-14, Visual C++, 1858KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] RuminationsonCPP

" C++ Meditations" based on the well-known author of technical articles published in technical journals around the world in a speech at Stanford University and course notes finishing, writing, the author' s Fusion program 10 years C++ career insights. (2016-10-16, Visual C++, 15037KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] sorting

由于程序比较简单,所以没有加什么注释。所有的程序都给出了完整的运行代码,并在我的VC环境 下运行通过。因为没有涉及MFC和WINDOWS的内容,所以在BORLAND C++的平台上应该也不会有什么 问题的。在代码的后面给出了运行过程示意,希望对理解有帮助。
The procedure is relatively simple, so do not add any comments. All programs are given the complete run code, and run through my VC environment. Not involving MFC and WINDOWS in BORLAND C++ platform should not be any problems. Given a run later in the code indicate understanding. (2013-02-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] niche-hierarchy-2

1、打开主程序文件Main_GA.m和优化函数文件Myfun.m; 2、在Myfun.m文件增加自己需要优化的多维函数, 特别注意:Myfun函数输入参数的维数一定要与Main_GA.m文件中参数Svars的行数相一致; 3、在Main_GA.m文件设置相关参数,关于如何设置请见ref文件夹的参考文献; 4、在Main_GA.m文件,直接按快捷键F5运行即可;
1, open the main program file and optimize the function file Main_GA.m Myfun.m 2, an increase in the Myfun.m files need to optimize their multi-dimensional function, special attention: Myfun function of the dimension of the input parameters must be familiar with Main_GA. m file, the number of rows parameter Svars consistent 3, set the relevant parameters in the Main_GA.m file, see the ref about how to set up reference folders 4 in Main_GA.m documents, direct shortcut F5 to run can (2011-03-15, Visual C++, 1421KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] fenlan

分栏程序是对指定的源文件分栏、加行号显示在屏幕上并保存为新文件。请综合运用C语言的基本知识,开发该程序,要求实现如下基本功能: 1) 输入(源文件名、目标文件名); 2) 程序中设定分栏数、栏宽、每页行数等; 3) 分栏、编号(读出源文件对文件进行分栏、编号排版显示在屏幕上); 4) 保存(将新分栏排版后的文档用目标文件名保存)。
Columns process is the specified source file columns, add line numbers appear on the screen and save it as a new file. Please make comprehensive use of C language, basic knowledge, develop the program, demand to implement the following basic functions: 1) input (the source filename, the target file Ming) 2) procedure in the setting columns Shu, bar Kuan, page number Deng OK 3) sub-column number (read the source file on the file columns, numbering layout displayed on the screen) 4) save (after the new sub-column layout of the document file name with the goal of saving). (2010-04-18, Visual C++, 355KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] RuminationsOnCpp

A book about c++ programming a good teaching materials. The authors over the years in world-famous paper published in the journal, as well as around the world and in the Stanford University lecture materials, lecture notes the essence of (2009-12-28, Visual C++, 7635KB, 下载10次)


[VC书籍] CPlusPlusChenSiLu

C++ meditation. . Engaged in the development of C++ programmer, be sure to see. This book based on the well-known authors published in the journal technical articles, delivered speeches all over the world, as well as Stanford University, finishing the course lecture notes, writing is made the author' s 10 years of financial poly C++ program career insights. (2009-12-24, Visual C++, 7433KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] Tetris

一个VC++ 可以全屏的俄罗斯方块游戏源程序,比较经典的游戏了,小时候经常玩的,请注意资源文件的相对目录位置,要不然全屏后一片空白,在VC6.0下可顺利编译。
VC++ can be a full-screen source code of the game Tetris, the classic game of comparison, the child often played, please note that the relative resource file directory location, otherwise a blank space after the full-screen in a smooth compile under VC6.0. (2009-08-10, Visual C++, 103KB, 下载15次)


[VC书籍] image_process

GeoTran.rar VC语言 图像的几何变换 LineTrans.rar VC语言 图像的像素运算 TemplateTrans.rar VC语言 图像平滑和滤波 Morph.rar VC语言 形态学运算 EdgeContour.rar VC语言 边缘与轮廓处理 IMGRestore.rar VC语言 图像复原与维纳滤波 ImageCoding.rar VC语言 图像编码
GeoTran.rar VC language images language LineTrans.rar VC geometric transform pixel images TemplateTrans.rar VC language computing image smoothing and filtering Morph.rar VC language morphology EdgeContour.rar VC language computing and outline the edge of the language to deal with images IMGRestore.rar VC Wiener filter restoration and image coding language ImageCoding.rar VC (2009-07-07, Visual C++, 23628KB, 下载8次)


[VC书籍] XiangQi_shuangrenban

系统要求:音箱或耳麦 基本功能:单机双人对战 其它功能: 1:在行棋时走不同棋子会发出不同声音 2:悔棋和赢棋后会弹出图片 3:选定棋子落点后棋子会自动移动 实现方法: 界面:通过MFC库函数调用位图实现棋子,背景,棋手,及悔棋和赢棋后的图片 声音:通过MFC库函数调用声音文件 规则:用2维数组记录棋盘信息并判断规则 悔棋和向前:用动态数组记录每次的起子和落子点及棋子 存档:用2维数组记录当前棋盘信息
System Requirements: Speakers or headset basic functions: stand-alone against the other two functions: 1: take a different line when the game piece will be issued by different voices 2:悔棋and赢棋will pop-up picture 3: After the placement of selected pieces piece will automatically move to achieve Methods: The interface: The MFC library function call to achieve piece bitmap, background, player, and悔棋picture and sound after赢棋: MFC Library function call through the sound file rules: with 2-dimensional array of records of board information and determine the rules and move悔棋: Dynamic array of records each time point and落子screwdriver and archive pieces: 2-dimensional array of records with the current board information (2009-06-09, Visual C++, 3896KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] cracker

如你想系统地学习加解密知识,请参考由本站与广大网友合作推出的新书《加密与解密--软件保护技术及完全解决方案 》,本书全面介绍Windows下软件的保护与破解技术,内容全面,讲解详细,配套光盘备有实战习题,适合各位爱好者使用。
If you would like to systematic study of encryption and decryption of knowledge, please refer to the website with the vast number of users to launch new book, encryption and decryption- software protection techniques and complete solution , this book a comprehensive introduction to Windows, under the protection and crack software technology, content comprehensive, detailed on the supporting CD-ROM with actual combat exercises, suitable for all fans to use. (2008-11-17, Visual C++, 1914KB, 下载10次)


[VC书籍] shuzhituxiang

visual c++数字图像处理典型算法及实现一书的所有源码,是图像处理入门的极好教程--图象处理
visual c++ typical digital image processing algorithm and realize all the source book is an excellent entry-Image Processing Image Processing Tutorial (2008-03-24, Visual C++, 5442KB, 下载705次)


[VC书籍] VisualC++6.0从入门到精通-(全版)电子书6_5

six book with a source code. This is the most comprehensive online version. Www.programsalon.com Search other people can also book Some, however, only one directory or part. (2006-02-06, Visual C++, 3224KB, 下载863次)


[VC书籍] VisualC++6.0从入门到精通-(全版)电子书6_4

six book with a source code. This is the most comprehensive online version. Www.programsalon.com Search other people can also book Some, however, only one directory or part. (2006-02-06, Visual C++, 20679KB, 下载590次)


[VC书籍] VisualC++6.0从入门到精通-(全版)电子书6_3

six book with a source code. This is the most comprehensive online version. Www.programsalon.com Search other people can also book Some, however, only one directory or part. (2006-02-06, Visual C++, 40242KB, 下载253次)


[VC书籍] VisualC++6.0从入门到精通-(全版)电子书6_2

six book with a source code. This is the most comprehensive online version. Www.programsalon.com Search other people can also book Some, however, only one directory or part. (2006-02-06, Visual C++, 30530KB, 下载399次)


[VC书籍] VisualC++6.0从入门到精通-(全版)电子书6_0

six book with a source code. This is the most comprehensive online version. Www.programsalon.com Search other people can also book Some, however, only one directory or part. (2006-02-06, Visual C++, 1567KB, 下载647次)


[VC书籍] VisualC++6.0从入门到精通-(全版)源代码

six book with a source code. This is the most comprehensive online version. Www.programsalon.com Search other people can also book Some, however, only one directory or part. Because seven 113M together so or not labeled as a pack. Put download separate, risky download. (2006-02-06, Visual C++, 935KB, 下载331次)
