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[VC书籍] dsfgw34563w4tgserg4t5

C++编程方面的经典书籍,作者是一对享有盛誉的技术伉俪,Andrew Boeing和Barbar Moo。本书基于作者在知名技术杂志发表的技术文章、世界各地发表的演讲以及斯坦福大学的课程讲义整理、写作而成,融聚了作者10多年C++程序生涯的真知灼见。全书分为大部分,共32章,分别对C++语言的历史和特点、类和继承、STL与泛型编程、库的设计等几大技术话题进行了详细而深入的讨论,细微之处几乎涵盖了C++所有的设计思想和技术细节。全书通过精心挑选的实例,向读者传达先进的程序设计的方法和理念。本书适合有一定C++编程经验的程序员阅读。
C++ programming books, the author is a prestigious and his wife, Andrew Boeing and Barbar doing a Moo. The book is based on published technical articles by the author in a well-known technology magazine, in a speech by all over the world as well as Stanford University lecture notes finishing writing from melting together of more than 10 years C++ procedures career insights. The book is divided into most of the 32 chapters of the history and characteristics of the C++ language classes, and inheritance, the STL and generic programming library design, detailed and in-depth discussion of several major technical topics covering almost the nuances C++ all design ideas and technical details. Book through carefully selected instance, advanced process design methods and concepts to convey to the reader. The book is suitable for programmers have certain C++ of programming experience to read. (2012-05-27, Visual C++, 15038KB, 下载43次)


[VC书籍] The-most-important

C 语言最重要的知识点复习资料 ―― 总体上必须清楚的: 1)程序结构是三种: 顺序结构 , 循环结构(三个循环结构), 选择结构(if 和 switch) 2)读程序都要从main()入口, 然后从最上面顺序往下读(碰到循环做循环,碰到选择做选择)。 3)计算机的数据在电脑中保存是以二进制的形式. 数据存放的位置就是它的地址. 4)bit 是位是指为 0 或者1。 byte 是指字节, 一个字节 = 八个位. 5)一定要记住二进制 如何划成十进制。 概念常考到的: 1、编译预处理不是 C 语言的一部分,不占运行时间,不要加分号。C 语言编译的程序称 为源程序,它以ASCII 数值存放在文本文件中。 2、每个 C 语言程序中main 函数是有且只有一个。 3、在函数定义中不可以再定义函数。 4、算法的是一定要有输出的,他可以没有输入。 5、break 可用于循环结构和switch 语句。 6、逗号运算符的级别最低。
The most important knowledge of the C language (2012-04-29, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] The-C-programming-code

第一篇 基础知识篇 实例1 数据类型转换 实例2 转义字符 实例3 关系和逻辑运算 实例4 自增自减 实例5 普通位运算 实例6 位移运算 实例7 字符译码 实例8 指针操作符 实例9 if判断语句 实例10 else-if语句 实例11 嵌套if语句 实例12 switch语句 实例13 for语句 实例14 while语句 实例15 do-while语句 实例16 break和continue语句 实例17 exit()语句 实例18 综合实例 实例19 一维数组 实例20 二维数组
Basic knowledge of first instance of a data type conversion chapter Example 2 Example 3 escape characters instance of relational and logical operators from the increase from minus 4 Example 5 Example 6 ordinary bitwise shift operators Example 7 Example 8 character coding example 9 if the pointer operator determine the instance 10 else-if statements statement nested if statement example 11 examples 12 switch statement, statement instance 13 for example 14 while 15 do-while statement, statement instance instance 16 break and continue statements instance 17 exit () statement Example 19 Example 18 synthesis examples 20 instances of one-dimensional array of two-dimensional array (2011-06-29, Visual C++, 187KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] FIR

加入滤波器这一个模块,编译,下载,同样也是加一个周期信号,频率分别选在100Hz,9K Hz,11K Hz,100 KHz,看输出的结果是否跟理论值相同。实际的结果为:当输入信号的频率为100Hz时,输出几乎和输入一模一样 当输入信号的频率分别为9KHz和11KHz时,输出波形大致与输入相同,峰峰值都比输入小,而且11KHz对应的峰峰值衰减得更厉害一些 而当输入频率为100KHz的信号时,输出只有零点几伏的变化幅度,可以认为输出为零。
Add filter this module, compile, download, is also adding a periodic signal, frequency of elections in the 100Hz, 9K Hz, 11K Hz, 100 KHz, to see whether the results of the output with the theoretical value of the same. The actual results: when the input signal frequency is 100Hz, the output and input is almost exactly the same when the input signal frequency 9KHz and 11KHz respectively, the output and input waveform roughly the same peak smaller than the input and the corresponding 11KHz more severe attenuation peak number and when the input signal frequency is 100KHz, the output changes only the magnitude of a few tenths of volts, the output can be considered zero. (2011-02-22, Visual C++, 10KB, 下载5次)


[VC书籍] [Visual.Cpp]

通过编写趣味游戏程序来引导读者学习Visual C++编程的方法和技巧,形式新颖活泼,别具一格。 全书从Visual C++语言基础知识和编制简单的程序入手,将Visual C++编程的知识点有机地分散在“幸运52 ”,“速算24”,“俄罗斯方块”,“拼图游戏”,“属于你的OICQ”等多个趣味游戏的程序设计示例中,引导读者轻松学习Visual C++编程的相关知识、编程思想及技巧,其中包括Visual C++中消息处理、多媒体、图形图像、数据库处理以及网络编程等内容。
Fun games by writing to guide the reader learn Visual C++ programming methods and techniques, new forms and lively, unique. Book from the Visual C++ language basics and prepare simple program to start, will be Visual C++ programming knowledge point organic dispersed in the " Lucky 52" , " quick count 24" , " Tetris" , " jigsaw puzzle" , " belong to you OICQ " and other fun games programming examples to guide readers to easily learn Visual C++ programming knowledge, programming ideas and techniques, including Visual C++ in the message processing, multimedia, graphics and video, database processing and network programming content. (2011-01-10, Visual C++, 4675KB, 下载4次)


[VC书籍] Practical-C-Programming

编写C 程序不仅仅需要语法正确,最关键的是所编代码应该便于维护和修改。现在有很多介绍C 语言的著作,但是实用C语言编程在这一方面的确与众不同,例如在讨论C中运算优先级时, 15种级别被归纳为下面两条原则: - 先乘除,后加减; - 在所有该加括号的地方都加上括号   第三版除介绍UNIX上的编程工具之外,还介绍了流行的Windows系统上集成开发环境 (Integrated Development Environments)。 最实用的C编程经验   介绍良好的编程风格和编程习惯 节省软件维护时间和成本的法宝
Not only need to write C program syntax is correct, the key is compiled code should be easy to maintain and modify. There are so many books introduce C language, but the practical C language programming in this regard is indeed unusual, for example, Taolun C in computing priorities, the 15 kinds of levels are grouped into the following two principles:- first, multiplication and division, added reduction - in all parts of the bracketed with parentheses on the third edition of UNIX than introducing programming tools but also describes the popular integrated development environment on Windows systems (Integrated Development Environments). The most practical C programming experience as well as good programming style and programming practices to save time and cost of software maintenance magic (2010-08-06, Visual C++, 6045KB, 下载4次)


[VC书籍] 10image

差影法实际是对图像进行代数运算的一种不同的叫法。代数运算是指对两幅输入图像进行点对点的加、减、乘、除计算而得到输出图像的运算。  图像相加的一个重要应用就是对同一场景的多幅图像求平均值,它可以有效地降低随机噪声的影响,这是因为对于一幅有噪声的图像S(x,y),可以看成是由原始无噪声的图像F(x,y)和噪声G(x,y)叠加而成的,即 S(x,y)=G(x,y)+F(x,y)
Poor shadow method is actually an image algebra in a different name for. Algebra refers to the two input images point to point add, subtract, multiply, in addition to the calculation obtained computing the output image. An important application of the image is the sum of the same scene multiple images averaged, it can effectively reduce the impact of random noise, it is because for a noisy image S (x, y), can be seen as by the original noise-free images F (x, y) and noise G (x, y) stacking, that is, S (x, y) = G (x, y)+ F (x, y) (2009-12-01, Visual C++, 383KB, 下载36次)


[VC书籍] Ruminations_on_Cpp

C++沉思录 本书基于作者在知名技术杂志发表的技术文章、世界各地发表的演讲以及斯坦福大学的课程讲义整理、写作而成,融聚了作者10多年C++程序生涯的真知灼见。     全书分为6大部分,共32章,分别对C++语言的历史和特点、类和继承、STL与泛型编程、库的设计等几大技术话题进行了详细而深入的讨论,细微之处几乎涵盖了C++所有的设计思想和技术细节。全书通过精心挑选的实例,向读者传达先进的程序设计的方法和理念。     本书适合有一定经验的C++程序员阅读学习,可以帮助你加强提高技术能力,成为C++程序设计的高手。
Ruminations on C++:A Decade of Programming Insight and Experience Based on the author of this book well-known technology in the technology magazine articles published around the world as well as the Stanford University lecture notes finishing courses, writing together, melting together the author for more than 10 years C++ program career insights. Most of the book is divided into 6, a total of 32 chapters on C++ language, history and characteristics, class and inheritance, STL and generic programming, database design, and so on several technical topics in detail and in-depth discussion of the subtle almost covers the C++ all the design ideas and technical details. Book through carefully selected examples, to convey to readers the process of advanced design methods and concepts. The book has some experience suitable for the C++ programmers learn to read, I can help you enhance the technical capacity to become C++ programming expert. (2009-06-06, Visual C++, 7634KB, 下载32次)


[VC书籍] c++_how_to_program

c++ how to program 里面详细介绍了从第1章到第24章的代码学习实例。是初学者很好的学习资料。 第1章 计算机、Internet和万维网简介 第2章 C++编程入门 第3章 类和对象介绍 第4章 控制语句(第Ⅰ部分) 第5章 控制语句(第Ⅱ部分) 第6章 函数和递归入门 第7章 数组与CC+标准库类模板vector 第8章 指针和基于指针的字符串 第9章 类的深入剖析(第Ⅰ部分) 第10章 类的深入剖析(第Ⅱ部分) 第11章 运算符重载:字符串和数组对象 第12章 面向对象编程:继承 第13章 面向对象编程:多态性 第14章 模板 第15章 输入/输出流 第16章 异常处理 第17章 文件处理 第18章 String类和字符串流处理 第19章 Web编程 第20章 搜索和排序 第21章 数据结构 第22章 位、字符、C字符串和结构体 第23章 标准模板库 第24章 其他主题 (2008-03-25, Visual C++, 472KB, 下载41次)


[VC书籍] WindowsNetworkProgramming

Windows网络编程技术 出版社: 机械工业出版社 本书原作者:琼斯 奥朗德 本书开创历史之先河,首先完整披露了如何在32位平台上使用传统的API,如NetBIOS等; 以及如何运用一些新型网络API,如WinSock 2和远程访问服务(RAS)等。本书专门讨论Windows网络编程技术,覆盖Windows 95/98/NT 4/2000/CE平台。内容包括NetBIOS和Windows重定向器方法、Winsock方法、客户端远程访问服务器方法。
Windows network programming technology Press : industrial machinery original author of the book publishers : Qiongshiaolangde the book created a precedent in history, the first complete disclosure of how the 32-bit platform on the use of traditional APIs if NetBIOS; and how to use some of the new network API, if WinSock 2 and Remote Access Service (RAS). The book devoted to the Windows network programming technology, coverage of Windows 95/98/NT 4/2000/CE platform. Includes NetBIOS, and Windows Redirector, Winsock, client server remote access methods. (2006-08-02, Visual C++, 10721KB, 下载317次)
