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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(175) 

[教育系统应用] DESKCON

This is the process of the love of the tinyos based on the open source of Stanford University. TinyOS light sensor based on the library seat management system program after the start, the node terminal regularly receive a period of time in the light sensor signal, if received in the receiving period to receive a mask signal, the relay node to send a representative of the Packet, or send a packet that represents no one, and then through the serial port and PC connection, the use of monitoring tools corresponding to the PC that someone or no information. (2017-03-03, Visual C++, 259KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] 123

学生搭配问题 一班有m个女生,有n个男生(m不等于n),现要开一个舞会. 男女生分别编号坐在舞池的两边的椅子上.每曲开始时,依次从男生和女生中各出一人配对跳舞, 本曲没成功配对者坐着等待下一曲找舞伴. 请设计一系统模拟动态地显示出上述过程,要求如下: 1) 输出每曲配对情况 2) 计算出任何一个男生(编号为X)和任意女生(编号为Y),在第K曲配对跳舞的情况.至少求出K的两个值. 3) 尽量设计出多种算法及程序,可视情况适当加分 提示:用队列来解决比较方便.
Students with the problem   There are m girls, there are n boys (m is not equal to n), is to open a ball.The boys and girls were numbered sitting on both sides of the dance floor of the chair.At the beginning of each song, followed by boys and girls the out One pairing dancing, the song did not successfully match the next sit and wait for partners to find partners.     Please design a system simulation to dynamically show the above process, the requirements are as follows: 1) Output each song pairing 2) Calculate the number of any boys (numbered X) and any girls (number Y), and dance in the k-th pair. 3) try to design a variety of algorithms and procedures, as appropriate, plus points   Hint: It is convenient to use queue to solve. (2016-12-13, C#, 1KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] xueshengguanlizitong

总体需求 编写一个学生信息管理程序,学生信息的组成部分为:学号、姓名、性别、政治面貌和家庭住址等。 功能需求 添加学生信息,学号自动加1; 删除学生信息; 修改学生信息; 查询:可按多个条件查询。 用户界面 输入:程序正常运行后,屏幕上显示一个文字菜单(根据序号选定相应的操作项目),当用户选定操作项目所对应的序号时, 根据应用程序的提示信息,从键盘上输入相应的数据。 输出:应用程序正常运行后,要在屏幕上显示一个文字菜单;要求用户输入数据时,要给出清晰、明确的提示信息。 提示与参考 1)为各项操作功能设计一个菜单,应用程序运行后,先显示这个菜单,然后用户通过菜单项选择希望进行的操作项目。 2) 学生信息可定义为一个类,采用文件保存数据
Preparation of the overall demand of a student information management program, as part of the student information: Student ID, name, sex, political affiliation and home address. Functional requirements add student information, student number is automatically incremented delete student information modify student information Query: can query multiple conditions. User Interface Input: After running the program, displays a text menu screen (depending on the selected item number corresponding operation), when the operation sequence number corresponding to the item selected by the user, according to the message of the application, input the keyboard corresponding data. Output: After the applications up and running, to display a text menu on the screen requires the user to input data, to give a clear, unambiguous message. Tips and reference 1) for the various operating functions to design a menu, after the application is run, the first show of the menu, and then the desired user operati (2015-05-25, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] XSKS

在教育工作中,为学生考试出试卷和批改改卷是老师们最头痛的,不仅消耗大量的时间,而且消耗大量的精力体力。因此,考试过程由人工操作转向计算机操作是必然的结果。 根据学生考试的特点和学校的实际情况,该系统应以考试流程为基础,从专业角度出发,提供科学有效的考试模式。考试时采用系统自动从数据表中选题的方式,评卷时通过核对考生答案与正确答案得出考生的分数,出题方面采取表单加数据的方式使后台管理者能够直观、方便的管理试题信息。学生管理可实现老师对学生的成绩进行查询,按分数归类。数据库管理提供对数据库进行备份,还原及初始化操作,减轻用户的工作量。经过修改,可以运行,欢迎使用!
In educational work, as examinations of students out of the papers and marking correcting their biggest headache is the teacher, not only consume a lot of time and consume a lot of physical energy. Therefore, the examination process by the computer' s operating manual steering is the inevitable result. According to the characteristics of the students and school examinations of the actual situation, the system should be based on a process-based exam, from a professional point of view, to provide scientific and effective mode of examination. Examination using the system automatically from the data table topics manner marking time by checking the candidates answer with the correct answer drawn scores of candidates, the question has taken the form plus a way that the background data managers to intuitive, easy management questions Information. Student management enables the teacher on student achievement query, grouped by score. Database management provides the database backup, restore (2013-06-26, Visual C++, 4617KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] Book-Management-Information-System

The design is to design a library management system, administrators and readers perspective, the establishment of a library management system. From the administrator s point of view, the design of the library management, the announcement and readers of the publishing system to manage the three sub-modules, library management, including the entry of the books, including direct import from the keyboard input and file, by number, title, author Press inquiries, book browsing delete books save books, book insert function the system announcements including the release of the book talks notification and book notices functions reader management, including the view of the reader, the reader queries (including student number and name of the query), readers delete functions, including query function outputting a plurality of the same record. From readers perspective, design registered readers, books, information bulletins and Member Login four sub-modules, including the readers to sign up, sear (2012-11-20, C/C++, 413KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] 1

随着家长对孩子教育方面的不断重视,教育行业在人民心中的地位越来越重,老师们的负担与压力也越来越重。如何减轻老师的负担及压力,已经成为广大学校校长需要解决的头号难题。 在教育工作中,为学生考试出试卷和批改改卷是老师们最头痛的,不仅消耗大量的时间,而且消耗大量的精力体力。因此,考试过程由人工操作转向计算机操作是必然的结果。 根据学生考试的特点和学校的实际情况,该系统应以考试流程为基础,从专业角度出发,提供科学有效的考试模式。考试时采用系统自动从数据表中选题的方式,评卷时通过核对考生答案与正确答案得出考生的分数,出题方面采取表单加数据的方式使后台管理者能够直观、方便的管理试题信息。学生管理可实现老师对学生的成绩进行查询,按分数归类。数据库管理提供对数据库进行备份,还原及初始化操作,减轻用户的工作量。 操作注意事项 (1)本系统默认操作员用户名为:tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)可执行文件位置:09\源程序\Debug\ExamOnline.exe (3)每个科目,每个学生只可以考一次,不可多次考试。 (4)考试时间系统默认为1小时。
As for parents to their children education with the constant attention, education industry in people s heart status more and more heavy, teachers burden and pressure is also more and more heavy. How to reduce the burden of teacher and pressure, has become the school principal need to solve the number one problem. In the education work, for students test out of papers and change a volume is the most teachers of headache, not only consume large amounts of time, and consume large amounts of energy physical strength. Therefore, the test process by artificial operation into computer operation is inevitable result. According to the characteristics of students test and actual condition of the school, this system should be based on the test process, from professional Angle, provide scientific and effective examination mode. The automatic test system from the data table topic in the way, when examinee answer by marking takes check with the correct answer that examinees, to add data form the (2012-04-11, Visual C++, 553KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] school

计思路 ◆根据程序的功能要求,本科生,第二学位生,硕士生,博士生同属于学生,同时,所有的学生都有编号,姓名,年纪,班级,级别,论文题目,指导老师和成绩几个属性,并都有输入,输出功能,而且不同的学生,相应的数据成员及函数成员都不同,因而本程序以Students类为虚基类,Bachelor,Second-degree,Master,Doctor四个类为派生类。为了便于操作,又定义了一个Operate友元类,实现程序要求的各种功能。 ◆同时把输入输出函数定义为虚函数,各个派生类分别定义自己的输入输出函数。并且各派生类从基类的构造函数那里继承来的数据初始值都为0,再过各自的构造函数自动生成级别的差异。 ◆在基类中定义了静态的数据成员Number,在类外定义它的值为1000,作为各个成员的学号的基数,在成员生成的过程中,通过构造函数使各成员的学号自动加1。 ◆再输入输出程序方面,本程序提供了文件输入输出和基本输入输出两套系统,以实现各对象的数据在程序外的保存和装入,也便于查看对象的数据。 ◆在操作类中,根据程序的需要,定义了Clear ,Add,Delete,Modify(int)Save Load,find等函数分别实现要求的按姓名或者编号显示,查找,增加,删除和保存各类学生的信息。
Design ideas ◆ According to the procedure of the functional requirements, undergraduate, second degree students, graduate students, doctoral students belong to the same time, all students have the number, name, age, class, level, thesis topic, the teacher and the results of several properties, and have input, output, and different students, the corresponding data members and function members are different, so the procedures to Students class virtual base class, Bachelor, Second-degree, Master, Doctor derive four classes of class. For ease of operation, but also defines a Operate friend classes to achieve the procedural requirements of the various functions. ◆ while the input-output function is defined as virtual functions, respectively, each derived class to define their own input and output functions. Health classes and factions from the base class constructor inherited initial value data to 0, another constructor automatically generates their level of differentiation. ◆ def (2011-09-24, Visual C++, 381KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] student

学生考勤管理系统 考勤信息记录了学生的缺课情况,它包括:缺课日期、第几节课、课程名称、学生姓名、缺课类型(迟到、早退、请假及旷课)。试设计一考勤管理系统,使之能提供以下功能: 1.录入学生的缺课记录; 2.修改某个学生的缺课记录; 3.查询某个学生的缺课情况; 4.统计某段时间内,旷课学生姓名及旷课次数,按旷课次数由多到少排序; 5.统计某段时间内,有学生旷课的课程及旷课人次,按旷课人次由多到少排序; 6.系统以菜单方式工作。 具体要求如下: 1、 采取模块化方式进行程序设计,要求程序的功能设计、数据结构设计及整体结构设计合理。学生也可根据自己对题目的理解增加新的功能模块(视情况可另外加分)。 2、 系统以菜单界面方式(至少采用文本菜单界面,如能采用图形菜单界面更好)工作,运行界面友好,演示程序以用户和计算机的对话方式进行。 3、 程序算法说明清晰,理论分析与计算正确,运行情况良好,实验测试数据无误,容错性强(能对错误输入进行判断控制)。 4、 编程风格良好(包括缩进、空行、适当注释、变量名和函数名见名知意,程序容易阅读等);
student (2010-05-10, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载76次)


[教育系统应用] xlzh

南方的毁灭罗马假日兴亡象牙白寻常威尼斯城市的符咒围啄的(又鸟)群 流浪的本义西班牙两题我的窗下古本江先生仁者乐山悬崖上的废弃 醉意秘藏布拉格不后悔黄铜的幽默墓地荒荒黑白照片落伍的疯狂 致命的象征有口难辩谁能辨认学生监狱远去的教授盈缩空间 跳荡联想突破的一年希隆的囚徒手表的劝告闲话旅游河畔聚会
The destruction of the South rise and fall of the Roman Ivory unusual holiday in Venice peck of the city' s spell Wai (also birds) group wandering the original meaning of the Spanish title of my window in two ancient benevolent Leshan this Mr. Jiang abandoned on a cliff tipsy cache of Prague do not regret brass humor cemetery Araara outdated black and white photographs are a symbol of the deadly mad mouth Nanbian students who can identify a professor at the prison away surplus shrinking space Tiaodang a breakthrough year for Heron Lenovo prisoner watches the advice of travel-sur-party gossip (2010-03-15, Visual Basic, 191KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] xzwj

南方的毁灭罗马假日兴亡象牙白寻常威尼斯城市的符咒围啄的(又鸟)群 流浪的本义西班牙两题我的窗下古本江先生仁者乐山悬崖上的废弃 醉意秘藏布拉格不后悔黄铜的幽默墓地荒荒黑白照片落伍的疯狂 致命的象征有口难辩谁能辨认学生监狱远去的教授盈缩空间 跳荡联想突破的一年希隆的囚徒手表的劝告闲话旅游河畔聚会
The destruction of the South rise and fall of the Roman Ivory unusual holiday in Venice peck of the city' s spell Wai (also birds) group wandering the original meaning of the Spanish title of my window in two ancient benevolent Leshan this Mr. Jiang abandoned on a cliff tipsy cache of Prague do not regret brass humor cemetery Araara outdated black and white photographs are a symbol of the deadly mad mouth Nanbian students who can identify a professor at the prison away surplus shrinking space Tiaodang a breakthrough year for Heron Lenovo prisoner watches the advice of travel-sur-party gossip (2010-03-15, Visual Basic, 182KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] StudentExaminationSystem

随着家长对孩子教育方面的不断重视,教育行业在人民心中的地位越来越重,老师们的负担与压力也越来越重。如何减轻老师的负担及压力,已经成为广大学校校长需要解决的头号难题。 在教育工作中,为学生考试出试卷和批改改卷是老师们最头痛的,不仅消耗大量的时间,而且消耗大量的精力体力。因此,考试过程由人工操作转向计算机操作是必然的结果。 根据学生考试的特点和学校的实际情况,该系统应以考试流程为基础,从专业角度出发,提供科学有效的考试模式。考试时采用系统自动从数据表中选题的方式,评卷时通过核对考生答案与正确答案得出考生的分数,出题方面采取表单加数据的方式使后台管理者能够直观、方便的管理试题信息。学生管理可实现老师对学生的成绩进行查询,按分数归类。数据库管理提供对数据库进行备份,还原及初始化操作,减轻用户的工作量。
As the parents of the ongoing emphasis on children s education, education and industry in the hearts of the people becoming more and more heavy burden on teachers and the pressure is getting heavier and heavier. How to reduce the burden of the teachers have become the majority of school principals need to address the number one problem. Work in education for students examination papers and marking out of correcting their biggest headache is that the teacher, not only consume a lot of time and consume a large amount of physical energy. Therefore, the examination process by manually turning the computer operation is the inevitable result. Students according to test characteristics and the actual situation in schools, the system should be based on examination process-based, from a professional perspective, to provide scientific and effective mode of examination. Examination using the system automatically from the data in the table topics of the way, when marking the answer by checking (2009-12-21, Visual C++, 4620KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] sortstudent

本程序由三部分组成:输入学生的信息(姓名和成绩);按成绩高低对学生进行排序;输出学生信息。 在输入学生的信息部分,在结构体中输入相应学生信息,输入姓名时,若输入‘!’则终止输入,转到sort排序函数;若输入超过最大数500,则也终止程序,转到sort排序函数,否则,执行循环,继续输入学生信息。 在sort排序函数部分,用到两层循环对学生进行排序。首先,拿第一个学生(i=0),用它和后面的学生进行成绩比较,如果前面的学生的分数小于后面的学生,则让两个学生在内存中的信息通过exch进行交换,否则在后面的学生中继续找比他分数大的,直到找完最后一个学生;inc i,又拿第二个学生(i=1),用他的成绩与他后面的同学的成绩进行比较,重复以上过程,即可把所有学生,按成绩由高到低排序。其中,学生的分数,为assiis码存储,并没有必要转换成数制,可直接进行串比较,即可判断大小 在mout输出函数部分,为了让姓名和分数一起一次输出,要处理掉姓名和分数之间的回车符(0DH)和$ (24H),输出一个学生信息后,让地址加19,指向下一个学生的地址,直到输出全部学生信息。
This program consists of three parts: input student information (name and achievements) according to the level of the students to sort the results out student information. Student information in the input part of the structure of students enter the appropriate information, enter a name, if the type ! Is to halt the importation, go to the sort order function if the input exceeds the maximum number of 500, they are also terminate the program, go to the sorting function, sort, otherwise the implementation of the cycle, to continue to enter the student information. Sorting function in the sort part of the cycle for students to use a two-tier sort. First of all, take the first student (i = 0), use it, and behind the academic performance of students, if the students in front of students who score less than the back, letting the two students in memory of the information through exch exchange, otherwise In the following students to continue to look for than he scores big, until you (2009-11-29, Asm, 1KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] www

(一)功能要求: (1) 信息维护: 要求:学生信息数据要以文件的形式保存,能实现学生信息数据的维护。此模块包括子模块有:增加学生信息、删除学生信息、修改学生信息 (2) 信息查询:要求:查询时可实现按姓名查询、按学号查询 (3) 成绩统计:要求:A输入任意的一个课程名(如数学)和一个分数段(如60--70),统计出在此分数段的学生情况。 (4) 排序:能对用户指定的任意课程名,按成绩升序或降序排列学生数据并显示排序结果(使用表格的形式显示排序后的输出结果)(使用多种方法排序者,加分)
(1) functional requirements : (a) maintaining information : Request : Student data to information in the form of a document preservation, Students can achieve the maintenance of information and data. This module, including sub-modules are : increased student information, delete information of students, student information changes (2) Information : Request : inquiries can be realized by name inquiries, inquiries by the school, (3) results statistics : requirements : A importation of an arbitrary courses (such as mathematics) and a fraction of the (60-- 70), Statistics from the scores of the students of. (4) Scheduling : users can be designated to the arbitrary courses, and results by ascending or descending student data and sequencing results show (using a form shown sorting output results (2007-07-01, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] collegescoremanagement

高校学籍管理系统:存储和显示功能的实现:利用链表,将数据逐条写入和读出文件; 添加数据:将链表的最后的next指针指向一个新开辟的空间地址,然后将数据最后追加一条信息。 修改数据:先按要求(学号或姓名)查找看看要求信息是否存在,如果找到,让用户输入修改后的信息,如果找不到的话提示用户重新输入。 删除数据:先按要求(学号或姓名)查找看看要求信息是否存在,如果找到,将要删除的数据前面一条的next指向要删掉的这条信息的下一条的地址,然后将此信息的空间释放。如果找不到的话提示用户重新输入。 其他功能的实现:查找,按地址逐个匹配;输入的识别,输入的时候将输进的数据和已有数据进行比较,影响通则提示成功,否则要求重新输入;平均数和及格率,逐项将数据加起来同时将条数累加,然后将平均值和及格率计算出来。
university enrollment management system : storage and display functions to achieve : the use of linked lists, one by one data writing and reading documents; Add data : List of the final next pointer at the opening of a new address space, Final data will then an additional information. Revised data : please requirements (school, or name) you look at the existence of the information required and, if found, for user input to revise the information, if I can not find the words to prompt the user to re-enter. Delete data : please requirements (school, or name) you look at the existence of the information required and, if found, will be deleted data before the next one to delete the reference to this information under one address, then save the space for the release of the information. If they c (2007-05-25, C++, 2KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] 小学生数学运算考核系统

设置功能: 在设置中可以设置内容(加、减、乘、除、混合、随机五种;时间(1分钟、5分钟、10分钟、20分钟、30分钟、自定义);题数(10题、20题、40题、50题、自定义);界面方式(古老传说、绚丽多彩、人间仙境、透明精灵、万物光芒四种)。 界面特色: 在界面中有剩余时间、分数、题目数等提示,这些提示可以让自己清楚知道自己的成绩,当考试结束时会弹出成绩窗口,以便同学们查漏补缺。 操作方法: 本软件的操作方法很是简单,可以脱离鼠标操作,也就是全键盘输入,按回车键和输入内容就可以实现操作,为考试者提供了方便。 注意事项: 在透明精灵时就有可能看不到界面中的一些特色。要注意使用。要在设置的内容中选择一项运算方式方可以开始计时考试。因为当前软件是测试版所以在考试过程中可以按 ALT + X 强行退出考试系统。 解压密码为:vbsoft.icpcn.com
setup features : settings can be set (addition, subtraction, multiplication and addition, mixed randomly five; Time (1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, since the definition); That (title 10, and that 20, 40 that 50 that, since the definition); interface way (ancient legends, gorgeous, worldly paradise, transparent spirit, and everything radiance four). interface features : interfaces with the time remaining fraction, several other topics suggest that these hints can know their own achievements when the end of the test results will pop-up window, so the students identify gaps in coverage. method of operation : the software method of operation is very simple and can be operated from the mouse and keyboard input is full, press the Enter keys, and input operation can be a (2005-05-27, Visual Basic, 27KB, 下载38次)
