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[网络编程] TCP-IP-part3

第三卷的内容细节覆盖了当今TCP/IP编程人员和网络管理员必须熟练掌握的四个基本方面: T/TCP (TCP事务协议),这是对TCP的扩展,使客户 服务器间的事务传输更快更有效和更可靠; HTTP (超文本传送协议),这是飞速扩展中的万维网的基础; NNTP (网络新闻传送协议),这是Usennet新闻系统的基础; UNIX域协议,这是在UNIX实现中应用非常广泛的一套协议。 与前面两卷一样,本书有丰富的例子和实现的细节,他们都是4.4BSD-Lite中的网络代码。
The content of the third volume is covered with four basic aspects of TCP/IP programming and network administrators: T/TCP (TCP transaction protocol), which is the extension of the TCP, so that the customer- server transaction transmission faster and more effective and more reliable HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which is the basis for the rapid expansion of the world wide web NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), which is the basis of the Usennet news system UNIX protocol, which is widely used in the implementation of UNIX protocol. As with the previous two volumes, the book is rich in examples and details of implementation, they are 4.4BSD-Lite in the network code. (2015-07-14, Visual C++, 8358KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] 098098098

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[网络编程] DistanceVectorAlgorithmSimulation

1、 对地址为X的相邻的路由器发来的RIP报文,先修改此报文中的所有项目;把“下一跳”字段中地址都改为X,并把所有距离都加1。 2、 对修改后的报文的每一个项目,进行以下步骤:若原路由器没有该目的网络,就直接加在路由表中;不然,再看下一跳路由器地址,若是X,则用收到的项目替换原来的;若下一跳地址不同,,收到的项目的距离小于原来的距离,则替换,否则什么都不用做。 3、 若3分钟没有收到相邻路由器的更新路由表,则把此相邻路由器记为不可达的路由器,即把距离设为16 4、 返回
In 1, the address for the X neighbor routers send RIP message, to modify this message in all project " the next hop address" field is changed to X, and put all distances are plus 1. 2, on the modified message to every project, the following steps: if the router is not the destination network, just add in the routing table otherwise, go on to the next hop router address, if X, using the received the item to replace the original if the next-hop address different,, received project a distance less than the original distance, it is replaced, or do nothing. 3, if 3 minutes received no neighboring routers to update the routing table, while the adjacent router recorded as unreachable router, namely the distance was set to 16 4, return (2012-01-03, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] udt.sdk.4.8.win32

udt.4.8 UDT(UDP-based Data Transfer Protocol,简称UDT)是一种互联网数据传输协议。UDT建于UDP之上,并引入新的拥塞控制和数据可靠性控制机制。UDT是面向连接的双向的应用层协议。它同时支持可靠的数据流传输和部分可靠的数据报传输。 由于UDT完全在UDP上实现,它也可以应用在除了高速数据传输之外的其它应用领域,例如点到点技术(P2P),防护墙穿透,多媒体数据传输等等。 UDT由开源软件作者谷云洪在美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校攻读博士期间开发,并由他在毕业后继续维护和升级。UDT的开源软件可以在SourceForge上获取
udt.4.8 UDT (UDP-based Data Transfer Protocol, referred to as the UDT) is an Internet data transfer protocol. UDT built over UDP, and the introduction of new congestion control mechanism of control and data reliability. UDT is bi-directional connection-oriented application layer protocol. It supports both reliable data streaming and partial report reliable data transmission. Because UDT fully implemented on the UDP, it can also be used in addition to other than high-speed data transmission applications, such as point to point technology (P2P), penetrate the protective wall, multimedia data transmission and so on. UDT valley by the open source software of the University of Illinois in the United States Yunhong Chicago developed during doctoral study, by him after graduation to continue to maintain and upgrade. UDT SourceForge open source software can be obtained on (2011-02-08, Visual C++, 316KB, 下载97次)


[网络编程] Aion_C_Emu_DeBug_09_12_19

1.安装Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0或者更高版本,这是c++运行环境. 2.安装MySql服务器程序,建立数据库名为aion_emu或者其他,执行sql文件夹的脚本文件生成表,手工设置account_data的相关数据项. 3.配置server.xml文件夹,使其和服务器相关设置一致. 4.先启动LoginServer,然后启动GameServer. 一些GM命令: lacationid自己到bind_points.xml文件加 传送:@teleport <locationid> 比如:@teleport 2 转职:@job <jobid> 比如:@job 1 刷怪:@spwan <npcid> 比如:@spwan 20000 公告:@notice <message> 比如:@notice 服务器将在1分钟后关闭 刷钱:@money <count> 比如:@money 999999999 刷级:@level <lv> 比如:@level 50 刷装备:@item <itemid> 比如:@item 100000094 学技能:@skill <skillid> by rgbya team
1. Install Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 or later, this is c++ runtime environment. 2. Install MySql server program, the establishment of a database called aion_emu or any other implementation of sql script file folder generate tables, manually set the relevant data account_data item. 3. server.xml configuration file folders, and server-related settings to the same. 4. first start LoginServer, then start GameServer. a number of GM commands: lacationid himself to add bind_points.xml file transfer: @ teleport <locationid> For example: @ teleport 2 transfer: @ job <jobid> For example: @ job 1 brush strange: @ spwan <npcid> For example: @ spwan 20000 Notice: @ notice <message> For example: @ notice the server will be shut down after 1 minute Shuaqian: @ money <count> For example: @ money 999999999 brush-class: @ level <lv> For example: @ level 50 brushes and equipment: @ item <itemid> For example: @ item 100000094 learning skills: @ skill <skillid (2010-01-27, Visual C++, 1808KB, 下载10次)


[网络编程] gateway

用c++编写的网络通信框架,适用于多客户端的网络通信 client: 模拟客户端程序 server: 模拟服务端程序 gateway:网关程序 启动:client.exe server.exe gateway.exe程序,client程序会网关gateway.exe发送消息 消息内容为字符:00004XXXX XXXX为字符,是使用 04d打印到BUF中的, gateway.exe收到client.exe发送的消息,此时从系统路由表中取到:B_HOST的信息,并把 收到的消息转发到server.exe程序,如果server.exe程序作相应处理,还可以作为应答,把 消息返回给client.exe,如果要这么实现的话,需要加流水信息
Using c++ to prepare the framework of network communication for multi-client network client: client simulation server: process simulation server gateway: Gateway proceedings: client.exe server.exe gateway.exe procedures, client program will be the gateway message send a message gateway.exe for characters: 00004XXXX XXXX for the characters, is to use 04d to BUF in print, gateway.exe received messages sent client.exe, this time from the system to check the routing table: B_HOST the information, and forwarded to the information received server.exe procedure, if the corresponding procedures to deal with server.exe, but also can serve as a response to the news back to the client.exe, so if true, the need for additional water information (2009-04-20, Visual C++, 25KB, 下载41次)


[网络编程] NetTalkN

实现了子网广播地址的自动计算。这应该是原来版本中最不好用的一个问题。时不时有网友发邮件给我,说在他们的局域网中用不了。问题其实就是子网广播地址,我是把适用我们公司用的子网广播地址写死在程序了。在其他的局域网中用,要改这个值并重新编译。所以这次把这个问题做掉了,不过解决的并不彻底。程序可以自动取到本机的IP地址,并根据该IP地址的子网掩码计算出子网广播地址。但一台机器上有可能装多个网卡,并绑定多个IP地址,一些虚拟计算机软件也会产生一些虚拟的网卡。我是最不喜欢在程序中加dialog的,所以我就自做主张的取了第一块网卡的第一个IP地址,对于绝大多数的机器这就足够了。如果你不希望用第一块网卡的第一个IP地址,请自己修改程序目录下的conf.ini文件,填入IP地址和相应的子网广播地址就可以了。子网广播地址的计算方法为:(0xFFFFFFFF ^ 子网掩码) | (IP地址 & 子网掩码)。
realized the subnet broadcast address to the automatic calculation. This should be the original version of the worst of a problem. From time to time a netizen mail to me that in their LAN impossible. Is actually subnet broadcast address, I can apply to our company with the subnet broadcast address was dead in the proceedings. In other LAN used to change the value and recompiled. So, the issue of doing the swap, but is not completely resolved. Automatic procedures can be obtained from the machine's IP address, and according to the IP address and Subnet Mask calculated subnet broadcast address. However, a machine may be loaded with multiple cards, and bundled with a number of IP addresses, Some virtual computer software will also have some virtual card. I most dislike the process increas (2007-05-01, Visual C++, 57KB, 下载30次)
