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[其他] 美元打印机

2个多月翻5倍,最暴力的EA 策略原理:根据1小时的K线形态做入场,到达形态的顶端压力位系统会下空单,继续突破的话EA会有加仓,反之行情到达形态的底端支撑位位时,系统会自动识别多单,突破支撑位会有加仓,加仓的间距以及手数和止盈点数都可以调整,止损是根据单个货币的总点来止损。
5 times more than 2 months, the most violent EA Strategy principle: enter the market according to the one hour K-line pattern, the top pressure level system will place an empty order, and EA will increase its position if it continues to break through. Otherwise, when the market reaches the bottom support level of the pattern, the system will automatically identify multiple orders, and there will be an increase position if it breaks through the support level. The distance between positions, the number of hands and the number of earnings stops can be adjusted. The stop loss is based on the total point of a single currency Stop loss. (2020-06-04, Visual C++, 83KB, 下载19次)


[其他] 【资源共享】 资源共享 , 开发者必备载具ID

samp服务器车辆ID文档 我是完美都市服主Air 我为我自己带烟
SAMP Server Vehicle ID Document (2019-06-12, Visual C++, 584KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 93857189

A simple data mining program, there are Bayesian methods and bp algorithm, and the simple implementation of decision numbers, (2018-11-28, Visual C++, 73KB, 下载1次)


[其他] PyRate-master

PyRate is a Python program to estimate speciation, extinction, and preservation rates from fossil occurrence data using a Bayesian framework. (2018-03-17, Visual C++, 3360KB, 下载1次)


[其他] tetris

Based on the DOS interface, the Russian square game can be realized, which can realize the double fight, adjust the game mode and other interesting functions. Support to play background music, record player scores. (2018-01-11, Visual C++, 36437KB, 下载2次)


[其他] C++

约瑟夫问题(Josephus problem)又称为约瑟夫斯置换,是一个出现在计算机科学和数学中的问题。在计算机编程的算法中,约瑟夫问题类似问题又称为约瑟夫环、“丢手绢问题”。
C + + solving josephus problem (2017-12-05, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载1次)


[其他] Picture

cmd下浏览图片,基本功能包括: 用户登录 用户名是否存在? 密码错误? 新用户注册 用户信息填写? 显示已登录用户 用户详细信息 附:可自行添加其他功能 设计姣好的可视作加分项
Browse pictures User login Does the user name exist? Password error? New user registration User information filling? Display logged in user User details Attached: you can add other functions by yourself Good design can be regarded as desirable (2017-10-16, Visual C++, 10114KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 二维方腔流

The LBM simulates of fluid flow in a two-dimensional cavity (2017-07-24, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载11次)


[其他] ty073

Principal component analysis model for establishing, Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model, Thermonuclear using weighting factor. (2017-05-19, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载1次)


[其他] TreHack

r3 1.24E全图写出来了,通过浩方,VS,掌门人平台,新功能,传钱,加钱,探F,显隐,限定鼠标 [attachment 843789] 如题,见附件 解压后就一个 main.exe文件 先运行魔兽再运行这个文件,跟踪版本,选择3-5之间 一般上平台选5 5不行,选4 忘了加上源代码,最后补上 怕有毒的,自己编译 自已建主可以改钱 哎,改钱要掉线
war3 1.24E write out the whole plan, by Hao Fang, VS, head of platform, new features, transfer money, plus money, probe F, was implicit, limited right [attachment 843789], such as title, see Annex extract after a main.exe file first and then run the file to run World of Warcraft, track versions, usually between 3-5 on the platform of choice selected 55 No, 4 forgot to include the election code, and finally fill the fear of toxic build their own building hey master can change money, change money, dropped (2017-05-08, Visual C++, 1636KB, 下载4次)


[其他] kkfg

The use of cloud computing, you do not know what the data in the end kept in place. Server may be built in Malaysia, Canada or the United States, New Jersey, perhaps also built in these three places. (2011-07-14, Visual C++, 148KB, 下载2次)


[其他] Cotton1

RAw format the display of images, edge detection, including edge detections of the SOBEL operator, the Laplacian operator with a different template , as well as some simple filtering approach (2010-03-22, Visual C++, 94KB, 下载17次)


[其他] CFormat

C语言源代码格式化小文版 刚刚开始做的时候,出现了很多问题。比如: 打开一个 76KB 的大文件出错误。——后来是分次读取,每次 32KB 解决了。 只能够加一个空格。加两个/标准的4个空格的时候时候出错。最后知道是申请的缓冲区不够! 现在可以打开大文件了。 本来是想每次 32KB 的读取,最后合并成一个完成的文件。 后来,出现了上下文的衔接问题。总是多个字符 0xD3 ,直到现在位置,也没有弄明白它是哪来的。 有谁知道告诉我一下。 最后,还是每次 32KB 的读,不过只处理到最后一个回车为止,剩下的在下次的 32KB 中读出去在处理。 讨厌的 0xD3 再没有来找麻烦了。 没有想到无意间就做好了。 功能基本上完成。
I can`t translate it into English (2010-01-25, Visual C++, 3826KB, 下载40次)


[其他] PathFinder

A variety of path search algorithms, including A Star algorithm, Dijkstra algorithm (2009-07-04, Visual C++, 753KB, 下载136次)


[其他] 3

windows xp 的DOS批命令中接受一个键盘输入的字符(... ? C语言,如何给下面代码加一个是否继续计算Y/N? ? 运行时please input the name:,然后直接是are you s... ? 输入Y?N?后的值为?
windows xp batch of DOS command to accept a keyboard input characters (...? C language, how to add the following code a calculation of whether to continue Y/N?? running please input the name:, are then directly are you s. ..? input Y? N? after the value is? (2009-03-15, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[其他] skyblue_Rect

This is a used VC++ prepared Tetris game, you can not directly run, and easy to learn, convenient and fun (2009-03-05, Visual C++, 3968KB, 下载1次)


[其他] SSCOM-SPt

8大特色: 1.自动枚举串口,这样避免了有些机器串口多,或者串号号>4的情况。 2.保存文件格式为txt和CSV,可选,方便做数据分析。 3.保存文件在执行文件程序路径下的SaveData文件夹里 4.增加多字节联合显示 5.2字节时,十六进制会加"0x"头,非十六进制时,以十进制显示,末尾自动加一空格,以区分。 6.4字节时,只能以十六进制显示(因十进制以超出范围,也没有必要显示那么大一个数)。 7.增加实时显示数据曲线功能。 8.界面更人性化,方便适用。
8 characteristics: 1. Automatically enumerate the serial, so to avoid some of the machine serial number or serial number No. (2008-10-25, Visual C++, 500KB, 下载203次)


[其他] kejian

北大密码学课程的课件~密码学基础1-4 讲得通俗易懂。适合初学者自学使用。也可用来辅助读加解密程序或者编程。
Beijing University courses courseware cryptography Cryptography ~ 1-4 speak basic user-friendly. Suitable for beginners to use self-study. Can also be used to support encryption and decryption procedures, or read programming. (2008-08-23, Visual C++, 1822KB, 下载15次)


[其他] MatrixChain

《算法分析与设计》中的 “矩阵连乘程序”给定n个矩阵{A1,A2,…,An},其中Ai与Ai+1是可乘的,i=1,2 ,…,n-1。由于矩阵满足乘法的结合律,根据加括号的如何确定计算矩阵连乘积的计算次序,使得依此次序计算矩阵连乘积需要的数乘次数最少。 (2007-07-17, Visual C++, 236KB, 下载15次)


[其他] C语言实现的大整数乘法

this code for the two large integer multiplication and support an infinite number multiplication of the median, as long as the hardware resources allow. (2005-12-23, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载165次)
