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[Java编程] web-tech-learning

一个关于 Java 各种框架学习案例的仓库,包含 Spring 全家桶,ElasticSearch等等;案例来自极客时间专栏,B站,慕课网等等平台,
A repository of learning cases about various Java frameworks, including Spring Family Bucket, Elastic Search, and so on; The cases come from geek time column, station B, MOOC and other platforms, (2023-09-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] Demo20200710

Website information capture: select a specific website (Douban, anjuke, snowball, station B or game forum, etc.), and use java to crawl the data of 10000 pages, and then conduct statistical analysis on the data. (2020-09-27, Java, 116KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] Java Puzzlers

"Every programming language has its quirks. This lively book reveals oddities of the Java programming language through entertaining and thought-provoking programming puzzles." (2019-01-18, Java, 4146KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] 移动大厅

系统概述:实现嗖嗖移动业务大厅 “嗖嗖移动”为继移动、联通、电信后的第四大通信运营商,现需实现其官网的部分功能,如下: 用户注册 用户登录 话费充值 资费说明 本月账单查询 套餐余量查询 打印消费详单 套餐变更 办理退网 用户模拟消费,包括通话、上网、发短信
System overview: realization of swish mobile business hall "Soap Mobile" is the fourth largest telecommunication operator after Mobile, Unicom and Telecom. It is necessary to realize some functions of its official network as follows: User registration User login Prepaid Refill Tariff description Check the bill this month Package allowance query Print consumption details Set meal change Go back to the net User simulated consumption, including call, Internet and text messaging. (2018-09-20, Java, 36KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] car

具有权限登录,添加管理员,用户,工作人员,并*赋予权限的功能。 使用SSM框架,实现添加汽车图片信息并回显效果。 实现了多种模糊查询,界面使用EasyUI框架。 员工管理,汽车信息管理,客户选车管理等常用功能
With permission login, add administrator, user, staff, and * assign authority function. Use SSM framework to add picture information and display effect. A variety of fuzzy queries are implemented, and the EasyUI framework is used. Staff management, vehicle information management, customer selection vehicle management and other common functions. (2018-05-19, Java, 28629KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] 嗖嗖移动业务大厅

嗖嗖移动业务 java面向对象基础的一个小项目
A small project as mobile java based object oriented (2017-10-12, Java, 247KB, 下载27次)


[Java编程] 代码

This is what I was doing in the podcast training program, the national power project. The code is very full and can run. In order to share with those who are going to participate in the graduation project, or need to study (2017-10-11, Java, 39467KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] Result1

到店拦截系统开发:电信厅店的用户数据以excel的形式提交到数据库端,在取出用户数据,分析其所属业务类型并制成新表存入数据库,最后将新表数据显示在web页面。 要求实现系统用户注册登录功能,并记录用户的登录时间;要求系统能实现上传不同字段excel要求;在显示页面能实现增删改查以及模糊查询
Interceptor system developed to store: store user data telecommunications Office submitted in the form of excel to the side, take out the user data, analyze it to your type of business and made into a new table stored in the , and finally the new table data displayed on web pages. Requirements for system user registration login function, and record the user' s login time require the system to achieve the requirements of different fields to upload excel displaying page enables CRUD and fuzzy query (2016-10-17, Java, 4761KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] Aganda

基于 RMI 的分布式议程服务,使用 Java RMI 构建一个分布式议程服务(agenda service)。不同的客户应能连接 到这一共享的议程服务,并查询、添加和删除议程中的会晤(meeting)安排。服 务程序应具备新用户注册、清除某一用户所有会晤安排等管理功能。
Distributed agenda service based on RMI, using Java RMI to construct a distributed agenda service (agenda service). Different customers should be able to connect to the shared agenda of services, and the query, add and delete the meeting agenda (meeting) arrangement. Service program should have the new user registration, a user to remove all the meeting arrangements and other management functions. (2014-12-05, Java, 392KB, 下载12次)


[Java编程] trade-system-about-game-(mysql)

游戏交易网(MySQL) v1.0.0 源码版 使用说明: 1、使用技术 struts2 + hibernate + spring + dwr 2、开发环境 tomcat6.0 + jdk1.5 + eclipse + oracle 3、根据你的需要开放自主交易和寄售交易 4、在线订单即时提醒,让你更快,更准确的发货 5、整合易宝最新支付接口 6、在安装好数据库后依次将:数据表语句、初始化数据语句、游戏区服语句 运行
trade system about game (mysql) (2012-03-27, Java, 33231KB, 下载25次)


[Java编程] JSP-database-program-guide

JSP数据库编程指南(电子书) 英文名:JSP Database Programming Guide 格式:PDF 出版社:北京希望电子出版社作者:布雷恩赖特(著) 赵明昌(译) 内容介绍:这是一本关于JSP数据库编程方面的书,详细介绍了JSP正在大型数据库Oracle中的应用与开发。
JSP Database Programming Guide (eBook) English name: JSP Database Programming Guide Format: PDF Publisher: Beijing Hope Electronic Press Author: 布雷恩赖特 (a) Zhaoming Chang (translation) Introduction: This is a book on JSP database programming book, and details of the JSP is a large database and Oracle application development. (2011-09-23, Java, 2200KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] boke

基于JSP的播客系统,运行在jdk1.6+tomcat 6.0环境下,可以上传及播放flv格式的flash文件,系统分前后台,源码中包括数据库文件,附加到sql server2000下即可。可供学习jsp的初学者学习使用。
JSP-based podcast system, may upload and play flv format flash file system before and after sub-units, source code, including database files, can be attached to the under sql server2000. (2011-08-06, Java, 9181KB, 下载9次)


[Java编程] myOnlineBlog

该博客网是一种基于web2.0概念、实现了主一个流博客网站的主要功能,包含博 客的注册登录、关键字搜索、热门文章推荐、页面访问次数统计、对文章的评论与留言和博客的个人文章管理维护系统。
The blog network is a web2.0 based on the concept of a flow to achieve the main blog site' s main features, including blog registration login, keyword search, popular articles recommended, page views statistics, the article with comments and blog comments system management and maintenance of personal articles. (2011-07-02, Java, 11310KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] information-

实现功能如下: 1:管理员登录功能(MD5 加密) 2:实现了免费信息 和付费信息的发布 必须通过管理员的审核才能够显示到网页上 3:免费的信息一个账户只能够发送5条信息 3:设置了主页面,主页面中可以查询到相关的广告 也可以收藏改页面 4:客服可以对信息进行检索,显示的结果以分页的形式展现在网页中 使用到的知识: 1:mvc 模式,数据库 Oracle的操作 2: Java基础知识 3: html+xml+jsp+javascript+servlet
To achieve the following functions: 1: administrator login feature (MD5 encryption) 2: to achieve a free release of information and payment information must be reviewed by the administrator to be able to show to the web 3: the free one account can only send information 5 Information 3: Set the main page, main page, you can query to the relevant collection of ads you can change the page 4: Support for retrieval of the information, display the form results page in the Web page used to show knowledge: 1: mvc pattern, the operation of Oracle Database 2: Java Basics 3: html+ xml+ jsp+ javascript+ servlet (2011-05-30, Java, 6972KB, 下载273次)


[Java编程] HotelManagementSystem

客房预订系统(实现)查询30天以内客房预订一览表,以及可售客房数,可查询某间客房的预订情况 前台接待系统(实现)接待客户,可查询预订客房、可售客房,对入住的客户进行入住登记、客户信息登记 前台收银系统 对客户的消费进行记录,在客户退房时进行消费结算 管家系统 对客房情况进行管理 总经理系统(实现) 对客房、客单情况进行查询和统计,为管理和决策提供支持 登陆系统 对系统提供用户管理
HotelManagementSystem (2010-10-21, Java, 16182KB, 下载39次)


[Java编程] bloodOS

We are of course operating system design, simulation of the process of scheduling the operating system functions, including the four algorithms, first-come, first serve, priority, web method, multi-stage rotary (2009-06-30, Java, 477KB, 下载51次)


[Java编程] mobile

软件工程实习项目:移动网上营业厅, java+tomcat+struts+mysql, 包含Eclipse工程文件和数据库的初始化的sql脚本,此外还有包括需求分析,概要设计和详细设计等所有文档
Software Engineering Internship Program: Office of the mobile Internet business, java+ tomcat+ struts+ mysql, contains the Eclipse project files and the sql database initialization script, in addition to including the needs analysis, outline design and detailed design of all documents (2009-02-17, Java, 5349KB, 下载410次)


[Java编程] BlogOnline

该博客网是基于web2.0概念、实现了主流博客网站的主要功能,包括博 客的注册登录、关键字搜索、热门文章推荐、页面访问次数统计、对文章的评论和留言以及博客的个人文章管理维护系统。
The blog network is based on the web2.0 concepts, realize the mainstream blog site (2008-08-29, Java, 11307KB, 下载53次)


[Java编程] j_12162_cz_els

简介:传智播客版《贪吃蛇游戏开发》视频包括16小节: 01_游戏功能演示与说明 02_游戏中的面向对象分析与设计 03_使用传智播客提供的API类组装贪吃蛇游戏 04_编写贪吃蛇游戏中的各个类的主体框架性代码 05_编写Controler类与实现蛇移动的事件监听 06_编写对各个类进行测试的程序代码 07_蛇的数据结构设计与移动显示 08_测试与修正蛇的移动与显示问题 09_排除蛇的相反方向与无效方向的按键问题 10_编写与测试表示食物的类 11_完成蛇吃食物的相关代码 12_为游戏增加作为障碍物的石头 13_为蛇增加吃到石头而死掉的功能 14_解决食物与石头蛇身重叠的问题 15_为蛇增加吃到蛇身而死掉的功能 16_贪吃蛇游戏开发练习题
err (2008-08-20, Java, 242KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] javawork

This code is a simple stock analysis system, divided into server and client at both ends, customers can see from the client end of the current stock price information, and systematic editors from the server-side only to the importation of which is the stock price changes that have can be. (2008-07-12, JavaScript, 11KB, 下载12次)
