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[微信小程序] 揭秘-全网【龙虎技术技巧打法破解】腾讯新闻

新百胜正规白家乐网址w ww.xbs1117.com—微信zgv7711 联合出品免责声明本文来自腾讯新闻客户端自媒体,该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号、网易号、企鹅号、百家号系信息发布平台,本平台仅提供信息存储服来源:央视网、人民网、搜狐财经、新华网、凤凰资讯、网易新闻、知乎日报、热点资讯、搜狐新闻、新浪新闻总策划:莫言新百胜网址网站现场娱 乐靠谱平台公司秉承公平,公正,公开为宗 真人实体三合一娱 (2022-12-05, C/C++, 1KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 运用装饰者写的c++咖啡厅点餐系统

当我要增加一种咖啡系类或者增加一种调味品的时候,我只不过是增加一个被装饰类或者增加一个装饰类而已! 这样对以前编写好的整个系统的影响是很小的,也就是说系统的耦合性比较的弱,模块与模块之间的独立性比较强! 类的扩展性非常的好! 这是非常符合面向对象系统设计所追求的“高内聚”,“低耦合”的目标的!
When I want to add a coffee class or a condiment, I just add a decorated class or a decoration class! In other words, the coupling of the system is weak and the independence between modules is strong! Class extensibility is very good! This is very in line with the goal of "high cohesion" and "low coupling" pursued by object-oriented system design! (2020-08-02, C/C++, 8635KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 倾城私服科技2.0

DNF private service auxiliary - more functions, daily task cleaning, as well as painting and moving bricks, can be developed slowly (2020-03-12, C/C++, 2775KB, 下载10次)


[物联网] STM32控制伺服电机

STM32 control servo motor, good learning materials, you can learn about it. (2019-08-17, C/C++, 246KB, 下载43次)


[数据结构] 队列2

某汽车轮渡口,过江渡船每次能载 10 辆车过江。过江车辆分别为客车类和 货车类,上船有如下规定:同类车先到先上船,客车先于货车上渡船,且每上 4 辆客 车,才允许上一辆货车;若等待客车不足 4 辆则以货车代替;若无货车等待则允许客 车都上船。设计一个算法模拟渡口管理。
An automobile ferry can carry 10 vehicles across the river at a time. The vehicles crossing the river are passenger cars and passenger cars respectively. For trucks, there are the following regulations for boarding: the same kind of vehicles first come first board the ship, the passenger cars first take the ferry on the truck, and each passenger gets on four passengers. Only one truck is allowed; if less than four waiting buses are replaced by a truck; if no waiting truck is allowed, passengers are allowed. All the cars get on board. Design an algorithm to simulate ferry management. (2019-06-22, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[其他] Rlab

(This document refers to the source code implementation of offer book, but also in the process of looking for a job to brush the title record, you can download and learn, can pass the Niukee test.) (2018-09-27, C/C++, 1867KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] HttpSourceViewer009

播布客VC网络项目实战 利用http协议下载 访问网页,里面用到正则表达式,一些设计模式等知识 对http网络编程有很大的帮助
Podcast VC network project uses HTTP protocol to download and visit web pages, which uses regular expressions, some design patterns and other knowledge of HTTP network programming is very helpful (2018-09-06, C/C++, 205KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] cstrike

卡gm状态最常用的代码是:31 23 ,9A 02这两个,npc是洛阳金六爷,也可能是其他npc,当然也还有一些其他代码0A 00 (洛阳商人处),4D 01,65 00(荣耀版本金六爷处),紫恋版本的代码不一样我现在记不住在记事本上,这段时间也没看到紫恋版本,前段时间开的荣耀服被我搞黄了,里面可以卡宝石,装备和无敌隐身状态,有时间找个能卡的服一步一步截图方便新手,老鸟可别喷我
GM card GM status the most commonly used code are: 3123, 9A 02 these two, NPC six, or other NPC, and of course, there are other codes 0A 00 (Luoyang merchants), 4D 01,65 00 (honor version six), the purple love version of the code is not the same, I don't live in the notebook, this period has not seen purple love Edition Ben, I have been yellowing in the previous period of glory, which can be made of jewels, equipment and unbeatable stealth. There is time to look for one step by step to help the novice, the old bird can not spray me (2018-05-19, C/C++, 30KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GM全能修改工具V1.7

希望OL 游戏单机版 的GM修改工具 安装希望OL 游戏马服务器版本 恋曲版本
the MSS DLL file is installed in the windows or windows system directory (2018-05-04, C/C++, 1365KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] MFC-simulation

这么庞大的对象,当然不是每一个类别每一个数据结构 都是我的仿真目标。我只挑选最神秘又最重要,与应用程序主干息息相关的题目,包括: ■ MFC 程序的初始化过程 ■ RTTI(Runtime Type Information)执行时期型别信息 ■ Dynamic Creation 动态生成 ■ Persistence 永续留存 ■ Message Mapping 消息映射 ■ Message Routing 消息绕行
Such a large object, of course, not every category for each data structure Simulation is my goal. I just picked the most mysterious and most important, and closely related to the main subject of the application, including: ■ MFC program initialization process ■ RTTI (Runtime Type Information) run-time Type Information ■ Dynamic Creation dynamically generated ■ Persistence sustainable retained ■ Message Mapping message map ■ Message Routing Messages bypass (2015-02-07, C/C++, 342KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] hongwai

1. 单片机上电后1602显示Red Control IR-CODE: 2. 按遥控器上的“>>”和"<<"可以选择要作的实验(本例程只开通tx-led ? 3. 当1602上显示到tx-led按下遥控器上的“MODE”键可进入led控制4. 进入后按下“>||”键即可开始,按下“>>”和"<<"客控制右移和左移5. 按下遥控器上“静音”按钮客控制有声和无声6. 按下“EQ”键可回到主界面
After device power 1602 to display Red Control IR-CODE: press on the remote control " > > " and " < < " can choose to make the experiment (this routine only opened tx-LED? 1602 displayed on the TX-led press the " MODE" button on the remote control to enter led control after entering the press " > | |" key to start, press the " > > " and " < < " Right off control shift and left 5. " mute" button on the remote control is pressed off control sound and silent 6 Press the " EQ" button to return to the main interface (2013-04-27, C/C++, 25KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] 20060906121212872

本程序源代码由单片机培训网提供. 单片机培训网,让更多人学习单片机更容易. 第一网址----www.mcuedu.com 第二网址----http://51_train.nease.net 创办人------刘永忠 热线电话----13088847866 email-------aa815@163.com 将输入电压转化成LED灯显示. **************************************************/
The source code provided by the single-chip networks training. Single-chip training network, single chip so that more people learn more easily. First website---- www. Mcuedu.com the second Web site--- http:// 51_train.nease.net founder Liu Yongzhong------ hotline---- 13088847866 email-------aa815@163.com the input voltage into LED lights display.**************************************************/ (2009-06-21, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[其他小程序] c

杂谈 分类:工作备忘 我们常用Excel统计一些数据,如果善用VBA,就能自动做出各种复杂的报表,懒人就是追求一劳永逸!不过,也不是真懒啦,只是用智慧(脑力劳动)将自身从体力劳动中解放出来而已,人类也是这样进步的
Category talk: a reminder of our work a number of commonly used Excel Statistics data, if the use of VBA, will be able to automatically make a variety of complex statements, is the pursuit of laziness once and for all! However, you are not really lazy, but with wisdom (mental) to their own liberation from the physical but also the progress of humanity (2009-05-11, C/C++, 6KB, 下载3次)


[数值算法/人工智能] PrenticeHallDataStructuresAndProgramDesignInC

Refers to the use of computer algorithms to solve the problem needed to specific methods and steps. The book introduced the most important computer science algorithms and their analysis and design techniques, knowledge of these algorithms can be effective for us causative computer. (2009-04-09, C/C++, 11776KB, 下载2次)


[医药行业] YPJXC

A pharmaceutical industry Invoicing software to solve this particular industry, medicine, purchase, sales, inventory software, in line with national GSP requirements, to conduct a series of operations, including the purchase (the purchase of acceptance generated records), marketing (to generate sales records ), Stock (conservation, inventory, service loss) (2008-09-03, C/C++, 4907KB, 下载32次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] tcpjack

TCP connection for the seizure of tcpjack directives. Between subjective and objective in establishing the state of TCP connections after, for servers and clients from third-party host see if there is any information paragraph TCP served. (2008-06-19, C/C++, 2KB, 下载11次)


[单片机开发] 93small_rtos

基于80C51单片机源码公开的Small RTOS v1.20.3-,C-C++,单片机开发/SCM 内含单片机源码rtos随想曲,Small RTOS 下dp-51例子 最新版 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
80C51 single-chip based on open source Small RTOS v1.20.3-, C-C++, Singlechip development/SCM contains source RTOS Singlechip Caprice, Small RTOS under dp-51 examples of the latest version of this article shrimp from off-source http://www.xkxz.com (2007-10-08, C/C++, 251KB, 下载8次)


[模拟服务器] eveserver_source

latest titles EVE Europe and the United States (domestic overnight called Star Wars) simulator to some source code. landing support the game, but not all, it is estimated still under development and will soon be able to see the C# ~ (2006-07-15, C/C++, 410KB, 下载20次)


[2D图形编程] xcg-VESA

//*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * // VESA图形支持程序 * // (限支持16位:高彩色 32位:真彩色 两种图形模式) * // 徐昌贵 * // TC 3.0 编译调试运行通过 * // ALL RIGHTES RESERVED * // 最后修改日期:2002.10.27 * // 于四川.峨眉.西南交通大学.峨眉分校 * //******************************************************************* // 函数介绍:(以下函数在VESA图形模式16位和32位下通用)(共31个)
//******************************************// VESA map fractal support*// (limited support for 16 : High Color 32 : two color graphics mode)*// Xu Changgui*// TC 3.0 compiler running through debugging*// ALL RI GHTES RESERVED*// last modified date : 2002*// in that province. Emei. Southwest Jiaotong University.* //****** at Emei**************************************** Following is a question// Function presentations : (Function in graphics mode VESA 16 and 32 under common) (a total of 31) (2006-06-05, C/C++, 8KB, 下载39次)


[网络编程] r2005210123538

到了这里,我们先要给您大概介绍一下,这是一个什么样的网站。 BOOYE是一个基于六度分离理论创建的综合性社区,网站目前主要由社交圈与部落两大部分组成。网站旨在帮助广大用户建立真诚、和谐、信任、永续的网络社会关系。
to here, we need you to tell us about, this a kind of website. BOOYE is a theory based on the separation of six times before the creation of integrated communities, the website mainly from social circles and tribal two major components. Web site designed to help users to establish a sincere, harmony, trust, sustainable network of social relations. (2005-07-12, C/C++, 38KB, 下载7次)
