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[Java编程] NowcoderFlowgorithm

综合技术提升系列,Nowcoder牛客网编程题库,致力于用最简单高效的工程化方式学习编程,采用Flowgorithm流程图交互式图形软件实现,官方支持25种语言,3种伪代码,C语言模版为个人修改添加,支持C语言绝大多数基本功能,除了学习C,还可以学习C++,Java, Py...,
Comprehensive technology improvement series, Nowcoder Niuke.com programming question bank, committed to learning programming in the simplest and most efficient engineering way, using Flowalgorithm flow chart interactive graphic software to achieve, officially supporting 25 languages, 3 pseudocodes, C language template for personal modification and addition, supporting most of the basic functions of C language, in addition to learning C, you can also learn C++, Java, Py, (2023-10-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] TTMS

Based on the JAVAGUI interface, the necessary functions of the general theater are provided, and the CRUD operation related to the repertoire, the performance hall, the performance plan and the seat information can be dynamically carried out. For the ticket sales, the functions of the ticket purchase, refund and so on can be dynamically carried out and then analyzed, and the additional information on the service personnel of the cinema is also available. In order to manage and add data dictionary management, it is convenient for later maintenance and use. (2018-05-29, Java, 6106KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] JAVA-Puzzlers

《Java解惑》是由Joshua Bloch(美)、Neal Gafter(美)编著,陈昊鹏翻译的计算机语言类丛书,该书由人民邮电出版社2006年发行出版。该书特写了95个有关Java或其类库的陷阱和缺陷的谜题,其中大多数谜题都采用了短程序的方式,这些程序的行为与其看似的大相径庭。在每个谜题之后都给出了详细的解惑方案,这些解惑方案超越了对程序行为的简单解释,向读者展示了如何一劳永逸地避免底层的陷阱与缺陷。
The Java FAQ is by Joshua Bloch (USA), Neal Gafter (u) and Zhao, chenhao Peng series of computer language translation, the book published by the people s posts and telecommunications Publishing House, released in 2006.The book features 95 about Java or its class libraries of the traps and pitfalls of puzzles, most of these puzzles by way of short programs, these programs seem different.After each puzzle gives detailed answer options, these doubts programme goes beyond the simple explanation of program behavior, shows readers how to avoid once and for all at the bottom of the trap and defects. (2015-04-04, Java, 1120KB, 下载7次)


[Java编程] Ex3_3

我是一名在读大学生,非CS专业的学生,只是因为自己感兴趣,所以踏上了学习java的路,现在还是处于初步阶段,这个代码是:在商业和科学研究中,人们经常需要对数据进行分析并将结果以直方图的形式显示出 来。例如,一个公司的主管可能需要了解一年来公司的营业状况,比较一下各月份的销售收 入状况,如果仅给出一大堆数据,这显然太不直观了,如果能将这些数据以条形图(直方图) 的形式表示,那么将会大大增加这些数据的直观性,也便于数据的分析与对比。下面以顾客 对餐饮服务打分为例,练习一下这方面的程序。假设现在有40个学生被邀请来给自助餐厅的 食品和服务质量打分,分数为从1~10的10个等级(1意味着最低分,10表示最高分),试统计调 查结果,并用„ *‟ 打印出如下形式的统计结果直方图。
I was a university student in reading, non-CS majors, just because they are interested, so embarked on the road to learn java, now or at a preliminary stage, this code is: in the commercial and scientific research, people often need data were analyzed and the results are displayed as a histogram. For example, a company may need to know a year in charge of the company' s business situation, compare each month' s sales income, if only given a lot of data, which is obviously not too intuitive, and if those data in a bar graph (histogram) expressed in the form, it will greatly increase the intuitive nature of these data, but also facilitate data analysis and contrast. Catering services to customers on the following scoring, for example, practice the procedures in this respect. Suppose now that there are 40 students were invited to come to the cafeteria food and service quality, and their score from 1 to 10, 10 level (1 means the lowest score and 10 being the highest score), try to su (2013-05-30, Java, 1KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] dasein-cloud-master

Dasein Cloud是一个用Java开发的开源云服务抽象层,遵循Apache v2.0协议。它帮助开发者构建能在不同云上运行的通用应用。它提供了针对大多数IaaS和部分PaaS的抽象模型,基于此模型开发,应用在运行时就能转换为相应的云服务商模型。
Dasein Cloud is developed using Java open source cloud service abstraction layer, follow the Apache v2.0 protocol. It helps developers build general-purpose applications that can run on a different cloud. It provides an abstract model for the most IaaS and part of PaaS developed based on this model, an application at run time can be converted to the corresponding cloud service provider model. (2013-03-19, Java, 125KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] java

Java 作为当前web 开发和web 开发都有着众多开发者的流行语言, 目前拥有着越来越多的学习者,本书面向的就是众多的初学者,作者亲身 体验过初学时找不到方向的痛苦,所以从2012 年2 月开始有关本书的博 客编写。经过半年时间的编写,终于完成大部分技术点的总结。如果你是 大牛,在软件开发行业中已经滚打多年的老程序员,希望你能为书中提到 不对的地方提出您宝贵的意见。也算是为中国软件开发行业做些应有的贡 献。本书特点:对基础知识做了系统的讲解,但不是面面俱到,没有把每 个知识点都讲解的很详细,本书主要是对SSH 框架中做了深入详细的探 讨,阅读本书的读者最好能有一定的基础,可以作为学习期间的参考书, 或者是SSH 框架的学习资料。
Java as a web development and web development has a popular language for many developers, now has a growing number of learners, the book that many beginners find the direction of personally experienced beginner-oriented pain Beginning in February 2012 to write about this book blog. After six months of writing, finally completed most of the technical summary. If you are a big cow, already to Gunda years old programmer in the software development industry, and I hope you can put forward your valuable opinions mentioned in the book the wrong place. Can be considered should do for the software development industry. The book features: basic knowledge of the system to explain, but not exhaustive, each knowledge point to explain in great detail, the book is to do a thorough and detailed discussion of SSH framework, reading this book, readers good to have a certain basis, studying reference books, or SSH framework can be used as learning materials. (2012-12-28, Java, 10495KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] carmanage

毕业设计: 某汽车租赁公司需要一个租车管理系统。要求具有以下功能: <1. 管理车辆基本信息,增加/删除/列表; <2. 能进行租车/还车操作; <3. 按车辆类别统计租金(虽然是选做,已做好)。 车辆基本信息包括:车辆类别(大客/面包/轿车),品牌型号,车牌号,租车价格 租车时应记录:租车日期,车辆id,客户名称; 还车时应记录:还车日期。
A car rental company needs a car rental management system. Required to have the following features: < 1 the management vehicle basic information, increase/delete/list < 2 Car/truck operators < 3. Statistics rent by vehicle class (although it is elected to do, is ready). Basic vehicle information, including: vehicle category (large passenger/bread/sedan), brand model, license plate number, car rental prices Car Rental should be recorded: Car Rental Date, vehicle id, customer name should record the car: car date. (2012-11-01, Java, 1801KB, 下载31次)


[Java编程] Sea-transport-logistic-management

我国加入WTO以来,进出口货量及进出口船舶艘次都有了大幅度的提高,给我国的国际船舶代理行业带来了发展机遇。大型的国际货代公司纷纷涌现,竞争也日趋激烈。利用先进的互联网和现代信息技术,可以帮助企业节省大量的人力,更智能化的进行信息的管理,而且可以帮助决策者及时调整公司经营策略,提高公司在同行业中的知名度,增强公司的竞争力。 天津裕佳昌国际货运有限公司原有的物流管理系统采用C/S(客户端/服务器端)结构实现,部门之间的数据不能及时有效地共享,系统维护量非常大,不易实时掌握用户的操作,而且受到操作地点和环境的限制。针对原有系统的缺陷,本文设计与实现了基于JAVA EE的B/S模式的海运物流管理系统,该系统对各个环节设置了不同权限,将过程中的所有物流信息都公布于网上,实现了信息实时共享,减少了人为因素的影响,极大地提高了工作效率。 本文对公司物流信息管理的现状进行了深入的了解与分析,采用系统科学的方法重新给出了公司物流信息管理的功能划分,将其划分为系统管理、基础数据、船务代理、货物代理、场站管理、报告管理、档案管理、财务管理、业务管理以及辅助管理十个模块来进行功能设计。
Since China joined WTO, both import/export goods and ships have increased significantly. The increasing business brings numerous chances to China international ship agents. The competition becomes more intense than ever in the history because of the emergence of more and more large, international logistic companies. By applying modern internet and information technologies, companies have been able to hire fewer employees thus saved money. They are now able to govern information more intelligently. (2012-06-15, Java, 1393KB, 下载19次)


[Java编程] NamedEntityRecognition

一个用Java写的命名实体识别程序 import edu.fudan.nlp.tag.NERTagger public class NamedEntityRecognition { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { NERTagger tag = new NERTagger("./models/ner.p110722.gz") String str = " 新浪体育讯 北京时间4月15日03:00(英国当地时间14日20:00),2009/10赛季英格兰足球超级联赛第34轮一场焦点战在白鹿巷球场展开角逐,阿森纳客场1比2不敌托特纳姆热刺,丹尼-罗斯和拜尔先入两球,本特纳扳回一城。阿森纳仍落后切尔西6分(净胜球少15个),夺冠几成泡影。热刺近 7轮联赛取得6胜,继续以1分之差紧逼曼城。" HashMap<String, String> s = tag.tag(str) System.out.println(s) } }
Named Entity Recognition import edu.fudan.nlp.tag.NERTagger public class NamedEntityRecognition { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { NERTagger tag = new NERTagger("./models/ner.p110722.gz") String str = " 新浪体育讯 北京时间4月15日03:00(英国当地时间14日20:00),2009/10赛季英格兰足球超级联赛第34轮一场焦点战在白鹿巷球场展开角逐,阿森纳客场1比2不敌托特纳姆热刺,丹尼-罗斯和拜尔先入两球,本特纳扳回一城。阿森纳仍落后切尔西6分(净胜球少15个),夺冠几成泡影。热刺近 7轮联赛取得6胜,继续以1分之差紧逼曼城。" HashMap<String, String> s = tag.tag(str) System.out.println(s) } } (2012-05-09, Java, 1KB, 下载83次)


[Java编程] bookshop

本系统包含250多个JavaBean类,整个系统全面实现MVC(模型 视图 控制)三层架构, 大量的应用到了类的反射机制涉及网络编程行业最高精尖技术STRUTS+HIBERNATER,最有说 服力的证实了多层建构框架模式的绝优越性。数据和逻辑处理由STRUTS的模型层Model进行处理, 页面调转由STRUTS的控制层Controller实现,页面负责显示请求和响应,大大增强了“人机”的 互动性,这一层在STRUTS的视图层View用STRUTS标签+HTML等实现,同时使用validator验证框架进行 数据检验。数据的存储和持久化由HIENATER持久层实现,数据库采用MYSQL,数据源采用数 据源连接池机制,整个系统完全贯穿JAVA面向对象的概念,全面完整地实现了JAVA的封装性 ,继承性,多态性的三大特征,完全按照J2EE企业级网络应用程序的开发方案设计和开发, 所有的繁重的计算和处理都由服务器端处理,运行速度快,安全稳定,数据库采用MYSQL大大减轻 了客户端用户机CPU频率受制的局限,同时绝对的安全性和稳定性是本系统最强大,最重要的设计 开发组成部分。
The system contains more than 250 JavaBean class, the full realization of the whole system MVC (model view control) three-tier structure, A large number of applications to the class reflection mechanism involves the industry s most sophisticated technology network programming STRUTS+ HIBERNATER, most say Convincing confirmation of the multi-layer construction of the absolute superiority of the framework model. Data and processing logic of the model layer by the STRUTS Model for processing, Page is turned around by the Controller to achieve STRUTS control layer, the page for display request and response, greatly enhancing the "human machine" and Interaction view of this layer in the layer View STRUTS STRUTS tag+ HTML with such implementation, and verification using the validator framework Data verification. Data storage and persistence to achieve by the HIENATER persistence layer, database using MYSQL, data source is the number of According to the source connection pooling m (2010-05-17, Java, 11391KB, 下载10次)


[Java编程] manage

酒店管理系统 (1)前台系统:   营销、客档、房价方案、预订、接待、前台客帐、客房中心、夜审、报表中心、总经理查询、留言中心、后台AR帐、功能分配、角色授权。   (2)可选系统:   电话管理系统:   功能:电话实时接收入帐、话单分类统计、电话反控、电话自动开/关。   餐厅管理系统:   功能:预订、开桌、点菜收银、报表中心、迎宾、系统设置、库存进销存、销售排行、成本核算。   娱乐管理系统:   功能: 预订、开台、点单收银、营业统计、酒水管理、场所设置。   洗浴管理系统:   功能: 开牌、点单、收银、统计查询、会员管理、技师提成、销售排行、项目设置。   酒吧管理系统:   功能:迎宾接待、点单、收银、IC卡管理、酒水进销存、系统设置。   工程管理系统:   功能:设备台帐、设备保养、工程报修、工程接单、在线维护、实时销单、工作量统计。   库存管理系统:   功能:入库、出库、记明细帐、总帐、盘存、分仓管理、查询统计、报表。   人事工资管理:   功能:员工信息、奖惩、培训教育、工资发放、查询统计、报表。
Hotel Management System (1) foreground system: Marketing, customer files, price programs, reservations, reception, front passenger accounts, room center, Night Audit, reporting center, general manager of search Consultation, a message center, back-AR accounts, functional allocation, role authorization. (2) Optional systems: Telephone Management System: Function: Telephone to receive real-time recording, if a single classification statistics, phone anti-control, telephone automatic on/off. Restaurant Management System: Functions: booking, open tables, a la carte cash register, report center, Welcome, system settings, inventory, Invoicing, Sales Ranking, cost Accounting. Entertainment Management System: Functions: booking, Founding, point a single cash register, business statistics, wine management, and workplace settings. Bath management system: Function: open card, a single point, cash registers, statistical inquiries, membership management, technicians, commission, sale (2009-11-19, Java, 52KB, 下载141次)


[Java编程] hjblong

。支持各种操作系统(windows, Linux, Unix),或租用java空间 2。各种数据库(MySQL, SQL SERVER, Oracle, DB2)。 3。应用服务器Tomcat. Resin, WEBsphere, WEB Logic. 系统功能介绍: 1。播客节目发布管理系统 2。文件管理 3。个性化模版定义功能。可以定制你喜欢的网站风格和样式 4。完全支持RSS订阅,可以兼容iPod+iTunes 5。内置Flash多媒体播放器 6。手机格式(3gp)文件转换 7。论坛 8。标签 9。站内检索功能 10。留言言评论管理 11。节目投票系统 12。用户管理系统 13。防盗链插件
. Supports a variety of operating systems (windows, Linux, Unix), or rent java space 2. Various databases (MySQL, SQL SERVER, Oracle, DB2). 3. Application server Tomcat. Resin, WEBsphere, WEB Logic. System Features: 1. Podcast Management System Release 2. File Manager 3. Personalized template function definition. Can be customized website you like the style and the style 4. Full support for RSS subscriptions, can be compatible with iPod+ iTunes 5. Flash multimedia player with built-6. Phone format (3gp) file conversion 7. Forum 8. Tags 9. Search function 10. Comments made by the management of 11 messages. 12 shows the voting system. User management system 13. Anti-navigating to www.sina.com.cn. plug-ins (2009-08-09, Java, 142KB, 下载24次)


[Java编程] carManagement

《汽车租赁管理系统》课程设计 某汽车租赁公司需要一个租车管理系统。要求具有以下功能: <1. 管理车辆基本信息,增加/删除/列表; <2. 能进行租车/还车操作; <3. 按车辆类别统计租金(虽然是选做,已做好)。 车辆基本信息包括:车辆类别(大客/面包/轿车),品牌型号,车牌号,租车价格 租车时应记录:租车日期,车辆id,客户名称; 还车时应记录:还车日期。
demo work (2009-02-06, Java, 3116KB, 下载238次)


[Java编程] jaoso-0.9.1-final

Jaoso新闻文章发布系统 0.9.1final 程序架构: Struts+Spring+Hibernate 主要功能:   ·新闻采用在线编辑器,可以象使用word一样编辑新闻,可简繁体互换   ·可web上传图片,新闻内其它网站图片自动下载   ·无限级目录分类   ·可设头条新闻和图片新闻   ·新闻点评功能,可自由发表评论   ·权限管理可以任意设置角色\权限   ·采用MVC模式显示与逻辑分离,方便修改页面显示效果 ·支持多界面风格,只需增加相应的风格包(目前有11种风格) ·支持国际化多语言,只需要增加响应语言包(目前支持简\繁\英) ·支持多种数据库,目前测试过的数据库(Oracle,SqlServer,Mysql) ·支持全文索引,检索速度更快更准确 ·支持rss新闻聚合 ·自带留言本<br>     版权所有:边缘孤客  程序制作:边缘孤客  Contact 联系方法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技术支持: edgeloner@163.com QQ:1521331 官方站点 http://www.jaoso.com http://www.jaoso.net
Jaoso news article publishing system 0.9.1final procedural framework : Struts Spring Hibernate main functions : using online news editor, As word can be used as news editor, can be exchanged Jane Spanish web upload pictures, News Photo within other websites automatically download unlimited directory-based classification can be headline news and pictures Comments on the news function, free to comment on the competence of management can be set up without role \ competence using MVC pattern display and the logic Isolation, facilitate change pages show results for the multi-interface style. only a corresponding increase in the style package (there are currently 11 species of style) support international languages. only respond to the need for additional language packs (currently support KAN \ (2007-03-18, Java, 16722KB, 下载880次)


[Java编程] excellent.rar

是一款强劲的B2C的网上购物软件,利用它我们能建立起强劲的、自由的、安全的购物平台.系统由C#及SqlServer开发, 是B/S(浏览器/服务器)结构的asp.net程序. 此版本对常用功能进行了更多整合: 投票功能 评论功能 快速注册或不注册即可购买 查看此商品的用户又查看了哪些商品的统计 购买此商品的用户又购买了哪些商品的统计 单件商品的快速收藏 可按商品编号搜索商品 新增积分换赠品的优惠方式 在有新定单、用户留言及用户对其订单声明"我己付款"时发邮件通知管理员 增加8848在线支付接口 增加网银在线支付接口 增加中文网服OIPS在线支付接口 增加西部在线支付接口 增加PayEX在线支付接口 增加PayPal在线支付接口。
is a strong B2C Internet shopping software, we can use it to establish a strong, free and safe shopping platform. System C# and patching development of the B/S (browser/server) structure of the Asp. Net procedures. This version of the common power will a more integrated : voting rapid functional comments function is not registered or registration can be purchased view this commodity users have to see what the statistics commodity purchase commodities users have purchased goods which the statistics of single pieces of the rapid collection of commodity goods can be No. integral search for new merchandise gifts in the form of concessions new orders, user messages and users of its orders statement, "I have to pay" when notified by mail administrators to increase 8,848 online pay (2005-06-05, Visual Basic, 131KB, 下载52次)


[Java编程] Java2 类库

本书由Java技术的创建者编写,对Java 2平台标准版,V1.2中新增加的包及类进行了描述。本书主要由包概述和类描述构成。包概述对每个包及其所有类进行了简要描述,另外还画出了包中的类的继承层次结构示意图。每个类描述都独自构成一个小节,包含了类层次结构示意图、类描述、类示例、成员概述以及那些在版本1.2中作了修改或新增的类成员的描述。还详细说明了Java软件开发包(JDK)1.1到从版本1.2对类及方法所作的修改。需要指出的是:本书是补充版本,有些材料需要参阅《The Java Class Libraries, Second Edition, Volume 1》一书的内容。 本书是参考手册而不是指导手册,它不对Java语言进行解释。为了快速定位所需要的类或类成员的信息,本书按类的字母顺序组织。 本书由赵皑、黄志军、阳亮组织翻译,参加本书翻译的还有姚远、程子进、肖利平、刘永亮、薛亮、毛静萍、查海平、赵峰、郭树厢、曹波、肖斌、彭建明、郑欢。参加录入工作的有陈军、姜明、姜志明、张志荣等。 希望本书能够帮助Java程序员获取完整、专业和权威的信息,同时也希望本书能够帮助读者更全面地了解Java语言。由于水平有限和时间仓促,本书的翻译必定会存在一些纰漏,恳切希望广大读者批评指正。
Java2 class library, this book by the creator of Java technology to prepare, on the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition, V1.2 in the new package and the type described. The book mainly by the package overview and description constitute a category (2004-07-14, Java, 6585KB, 下载335次)
