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[网络截获/分析] Wireshark抓包过滤客

wireshark 抓取网络数据设置 使用wireshark时,将会得到大量的冗余信息,在几千甚至几万条记录中,以至于很难找到自己需要的部分。搞得晕头转向。 过滤器会帮助我们在大量的数据中迅速找到我们需要的信息。
Wireshark Grasping Network Data Settings. When using wireshark, you will receive a large amount of redundant information, in thousands or even tens of thousands of records, making it difficult to find the parts you need. I feel dizzy and disoriented. Filters will help us quickly find the information we need in a large amount of data. (2023-07-28, C/C++, 273KB, 下载0次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 基于51单片机的OLED数字时钟

通过OLED显示时间、年、月、日,以及相关信息。还可以根据喜好添加不同的图片。可以自行设置时间,控制屏幕的亮灭从而减少电量的损耗。设计中我一共使用了六个端口,OLED显示屏占用两个端口,控制加减的按键使用了两个,控制屏幕的亮灭使用了一个。但程序中有一个缺陷,就是星期不会跟着日期的改变而改变,需要自己手动更改,后期如果我学会了再重新添加程序。微信公众号关注“小小创客者”获取更多资源。 (2022-06-04, C/C++, 71KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 飞机订票模拟系统

模拟实现如下功能: 1) 航班信息录入与修改:可以录入航班情况,修改航班数据 2) 航班信息查询:可以查询某个航线的情况,例如:输入航班号后,查询起降时间、起飞到达城市、航班票价、票价折扣、确定航班是否满仓;可以输入起飞到达城市,查询开通的飞机航班情况等; 3) 订票操作: 可以订票,如果该航班已经无票,可以提供可替代航班选择,订票结果保存到订票信息中; 4) 退票操作: 可退票,退票后修改相关数据文件; 5) 订票信息录入与修改:可以记录和修改客户订票信息,包括姓名、证件号、预定航班号及机票数量等
The simulation implements the following functions: 1) Flight information input and modification: Flight information can be entered, flight data can be modified 2) Flight information inquiry: you can inquire about the situation of a certain route, such as: inputting flight number, inquiring about take-off and landing time, take-off and arrival city, flight ticket price, discount, determining whether the flight is full or not; you can inputting take-off and arrival city, inquiring about the situation of the opened flight, etc. 3) Booking operation: can book tickets, if the flight has no tickets, can provide alternative flight options, booking results are stored in the booking information; 4) refund operation: refundable tickets, after refund, modify the relevant data files; 5) Input and modification of booking information: Customer booking information can be recorded and modified, including name, certificate number, flight number and number of tickets booked, etc. (2019-05-31, C/C++, 1888KB, 下载3次)


[其他] 闯客技术论坛-51单片机230个Proteus仿真实例

嵌入式系统(Embedded system),是一种“完全嵌入受控器件内部,为特定应用而设计的专用计算机系统”,根据英国电气工程师协会( U.K. Institution of Electrical Engineer)的定义,嵌入式系统为控制、监视或辅助设备、机器或用于工厂运作的设备。与个人计算机这样的通用计算机系统不同,嵌入式系统通常执行的是带有特定要求的预先定义的任务。由于嵌入式系统只针对一项特殊的任务,设计人员能够对它进行优化,减小尺寸降低成本。嵌入式系统通常进行大量生产,所以单个的成本节约,能够随着产量进行成百上千的放大。 [1]
Embedded system is a kind of special computer system which is completely embedded in controlled devices and designed for specific applications. According to the definition of U.K. Institution of Electrical Engineer, embedded system is a control, monitoring or auxiliary equipment, machine or equipment used for plant operation. Unlike general-purpose computer systems such as personal computers, embedded systems usually perform predefined tasks with specific requirements. Because embedded system only aims at a special task, designers can optimize it and reduce size and cost. Embedded systems are usually mass-produced, so individual cost savings can be scaled up by hundreds of thousands with production. [1] (2019-04-25, C/C++, 7825KB, 下载3次)


[其他] cjml

Super Marie Realization (2019-02-25, C/C++, 310KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Simulate_v3.2

苹果设备虚拟定位软件,可修改定位,随机定位,模拟轨迹,支持ios6-ios12.1系统,支持最新XR、XS、XS Max设备支持所有app定位修改,微信附近人、共享定位、朋友圈,微博,钉钉、企业微信、云之家、云参会、E行销等考勤类软件,映客、陌陌、探探、快手、YY、抖音、火山、虎牙、龙珠、花椒、等各类直播平台,支持各类手游棋牌类王者荣耀、支持查找我的iPhone等
Apple device virtual positioning software, can modify positioning, random positioning, simulation trajectory (2019-01-22, C/C++, 12803KB, 下载1次)


[其他] DNF私服辅助 全屏秒杀过检测11.0

F1: 全屏秒杀 F2:全屏吸怪 F3:全屏钩子 F4:超级加速 F5:技能无CD F6:无视队友 F7:超级评分 F8:超级变怪 自动分解 自动拾取 全自动挂机 自定义挂机 一键任务 超级属性 应有尽有 智能过检测 处理各种登录器检测点 百分百防封
nothing to say pleas look the chinese TXT (2018-10-26, C/C++, 1396KB, 下载42次)


[其他] IEC104Client

ProIEC104Client 软件为免费、绿色、免安装的工具软件,主 要以 IEC60870-5-104(101)-2002 版本协议规范为基准的一款客 户端仿真测试软件。可以应用与包括 TCP 服务端,TCP 客户端, UDP 的广播,组播及点对点,当然也包括串口等各种通讯模式。
ProIEC104Client software is free, green, and free of installation software. A customer based on the IEC60870-5-104 (101) -2002 protocol specification. User terminal simulation test software. It can be applied and includes TCP server, TCP client.UDP broadcast, multicast and peer to peer, including serial communication and so on. (2018-08-14, C/C++, 5642KB, 下载48次)


[其他] 问道1.6辅助集合

可荣丹 挖宝 清背包等等 总之私服能玩的都有
Can rhondan dig out the knapsack and so on (2018-06-06, C/C++, 1529KB, 下载223次)


[其他] 2

Used to crack 32 bit mimics17, Mimics is an image processing tool that connects two dimensional image data (CT, MRI, industrial scanning data...) and 3D engineering applications. Applications include anatomical measurement, three-dimensional analysis, finite element analysis (FEA), customized implant design or device fabrication, also known as 3D printing. (2018-02-23, C/C++, 905KB, 下载2次)


[其他] Desktop

Used to crack 32 bit mimics17, Mimics is an image processing tool that connects two dimensional image data (CT, MRI, industrial scanning data...) and 3D engineering applications. Applications include anatomical measurement, three-dimensional analysis, finite element analysis (FEA), customized implant or device design, additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing), and surgical planning and simulation. (2018-02-23, C/C++, 904KB, 下载3次)


[其他小程序] lw_oopc-v1.2

一种轻量级的面向对象的C语言编程框架:LW_OOPC。LW_OOPC是Light-Weight Object-Oriented Programming in(with) C的缩写,总共一个.h文件,20个宏,约130行代码,非常的轻量级,但却很好的支持了很多面向对象的特性,比如继承、多态,可以优美的实现面向接口编程。这个框架系由台湾的高焕堂先生以及他的MISOO团队首创,之后由金永华继续改进优化,最后,经高焕堂同意以LGPL协议开源(开源网址参见后文)。 用C语言实现OO?我没听错吗?这听起来真是太疯狂了!… 大家都知道,C++支持了面向对象和面向泛型编程,比C要更强大些。那么,为什么要在C语言中实践面向对象呢?为什么不直接使用C++呢? 希望这套宏,能够真正帮助到想用C语言写出面向对象代码的C程序员们! 源码包括几个使用这套宏的代码示例,可以认真钻研下。
A lightweight, object-oriented C language programming framework: LW_OOPC. LW_OOPC is an acronym for Light-Weight Object-Oriented Programming in (with) C, total. H file, 20 macro, about 130 lines of code, very lightweight, but very good support for object-oriented features, such as inheritance, polymorphism, and interface-oriented programming can be beautiful. This framework is the first team by of Taiwan Mr. Gao Huantang his MISOO continue to improve optimization, followed by Jin Yonghua, see below) agreed to LGPL the agreement open source (open source URL, GAO Huan-tang. Using C language implementation of Estimates of? I did not hear it? It sounds really crazy! ... As we all know, C support object-oriented and oriented generic programming than C to be more powerful. So, why do you want to practice in C language object-oriented? Why not just use C? I hope this set of macros, can really help to write object-oriented code C programmers who want to use the C language! Source includ (2012-11-21, C/C++, 239KB, 下载57次)


[单片机开发] based-on-PROTEUS-and-KEIL

基于PROTEUS和KEIL的电梯驱动系统控制系统设计 经过基于Protuse7.5仿真实现的电梯控制系统,能控制电梯按照顾客的要求自动上下楼层。该系统最终实现了厅门呼梯登记显示模块,呼叫的集选和取消,电梯运行的方向及其停止。该系统操作方便,而且容易上手,加之有良好的健壮性能,能在日常生活中提供了便捷的代步工具。
Hardware circuit includes a main controller, the elevator control circuit and display circuit, the main controller MCU on AT89C51, elevator display use 1602LED. The paper firstly introduces basic principles and functions of AT89C51 MCU, LCD1602, secondly designs the control plan of the elevator to realize running, thirdly produces the thought of design and builds the frame of system based on the principles and functions of these components, And LCD1602 display of elevator running status While using LED lamp shows users’ key operate ,simple ,and intuitive. lastly designs circuit diagram in Proteus and lists the operating process of design system and related programs. The whole system distributes saved units and composes values accord to corresponding memory addresses through the programs written in MCU. (2012-05-07, C/C++, 72KB, 下载47次)


[按钮控件] binding

Based on ZigBee protocol coordinator to create the network, the node automatically added to join, the node through the button to send bind requests, the node has been bound by the button or the next addition to answering binding, to achieve ZigBee as a light switch, with a very high value, customer service has Infrared transmission line without shelter. (2009-12-19, C/C++, 550KB, 下载12次)


[系统设计方案] RemoteAccessApplicationwithFTPinVxworks

阐述采用Vxworks 实时嵌入式操作系统实现与Windows 系统通过FTP 进行远程访问 的方法,对Vxworks 的网络设施进行了分析,重点阐述了FTP 在服务端的配置及在客 户端的配置与编程。对于使用VxWorks 对其他系统进行远程访问一定的参考意义。
Describes how to use FTP to access remote file in windows system with Vxworks system, analyzes network facilities of Vxworks, focusing on the configuration and programming in the service and client with FTP. It has some consulting significance to remote access applications in other system with Vxworks system (2009-09-09, C/C++, 130KB, 下载7次)


[单片机开发] 20060906121324683

/********************************************************* 本程序源代码由单片机培训网提供. 单片机培训网,让更多人学习单片机更容易. 第一网址----www.mcuedu.com 第二网址----http://51_train.nease.net 创办人------刘永忠 热线电话----13088847866 email-------aa815@163.com 本程序实现七段码动态显示并在个位为零时进入省电模式, 当外中断0管脚来一个下降沿触发时,退出省电模式功能. ***********************************************************/
/********************************************************* the source code provided by the single-chip networks training. single-chip training network, single chip so that more people learn more easily. first website---- www. mcuedu . com second site---- http:// 51_train.nease.net founder Liu Yongzhong------ hotline---- 13088847866 email------- aa815 @ 163 . com the program code and seventh dynamic display and enter a single-zero power mode when external interrupt 0 pin to a falling edge trigger, the functions from the power-saving mode.*********************************************************** / (2009-06-21, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Cprogram

永辉超市庆祝开业10周年,特举行大型促销活动。为通知到每位贵宾,并节约成本,采用时下流行的手机短信通知方式。超市有10多万户完整的贵宾资料,分别存放在下面两个文本文件当中(每行一条记录,以Tab键分隔每个域): 贵宾帐户文本。格式为:贵宾卡号<Tab>客户姓名<Tab>身份证号。 贵宾资料文本。格式为:身份证号<Tab>手机号。
Yonghui Supermarket to celebrate the opening of the 10th anniversary special, large-scale promotional activities. For notice to each guest, and cost savings, the use of popular SMS notifications. Supermarkets have more than 10 million guests a complete data were stored in the following two text files which (a record of each line to Tab key to separate each domain): VIP account text. Formats are: VIP card number <tab> Guest Name <tab> ID number. VIP text information. Format: phone number <tab> ID number. (2008-12-25, C/C++, 37KB, 下载3次)


[金融证券系统] 08130750272

To develop an automated teller system (refer to Figure 1-1), which is an automated teller machine, a central computer, branches and teller terminals computer network system. ATM and the central computer from the head office to invest. Head office has a multi-ATM, are located in the city s major streets. Branch branch responsible for providing computers and teller terminals. Teller terminals located in branch banking hall and the various bank branches within their subordinates. The system software development cost-sharing by the various branches. (2007-12-25, C/C++, 1443KB, 下载19次)


[单片机开发] CAN-bus-dianti

依靠强大的专业开发团队、PHILIPS 半导体的领先技术与国际 CiA 协会、ODVA 协会的支持,我们致力于发展 中国的 CAN 产品与应用事业。至现在,我们已成功开发出一系列 CAN-bus 教学、接口、工具、应用产品,能够为客 户提供从“芯片”、“工具”、“模块”、“方案”等各个方面的服务,涉及 CAN-bus 多个行业与应用领域。我们自主开 发的数个型号产品已经领先于国外技术水平,并已投入广泛的实际应用。 CAN-bus 专 用 芯 片
Rely on a strong professional development team, PHILIPS leading semiconductor technology and international CiA Association, ODVA Association, we are committed to the development of China (2007-08-30, C/C++, 426KB, 下载4次)


[棋牌游戏] c++4

是一个能够远程下中国象棋的程序,能够基本实现远程下棋功能,但还不完善,屏幕有些闪烁,但还是值得借鉴的。程序使用说明:先在一台机器上运行,并选择作为服务器,再到另外一台机器上运行这个程序,选...软件类别:游戏编程|C++源码 .. 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
Is under a long-range Chinese Chess procedures to realize the basic functions of remote play chess, but not perfect, the screen flashes some, but still worthy of consideration. Procedures for the use of Description: first run on one machine and choose as a server, and then to another machine to run this procedure, the election ... software Category: Game Programming | C++ Source .. this article from shrimp-off source http://www.xkxz.com (2007-07-11, C/C++, 59KB, 下载4次)
