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[微服务] IsoBean

IsoBean微服務採用分佈式系統,FastWeb將傳統應用系統拆分為,多個較小的服務各司其職,讓各服務專注在自身的功能上,彼此間藉由 RestAPI通訊協定,傳遞訊息以達成整體系統的串接。
The IsoBean microservice adopts a distributed system. FastWeb divides the traditional application system into several smaller services that perform their own functions. Each service focuses on its own functions, and transmits messages to each other through the RestAPI communication protocol to achieve the overall system connection. (2024-03-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] PWC-Virtual-Internship

成功结束了普华永道(PWC)的虚拟实习,为了解专业服务领域提供了宝贵的见解。在整个实习期间,我参与了各种任务,展示了使用Power BI进行数据分析的技能。
Successfully concluded a virtual internship at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) that provided valuable insights into the world of professional services. Throughout the internship, I engaged in diverse tasks, showcasing skills in data analysis using Power BI. (2024-02-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] CEN-4010-Group-15

This repository contains an API Service for "Geek Text" which is a virtual bookstore (2022-07-30, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] microfeed

a lightweight cms self-hosted on cloudflare, for podcasts, blogs, photos, videos, documents, and curated urls. (2024-02-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] kuroikyu-website-v2

Embark on a nerdy adventure with me as we explore the tech, games, and all things geeky. (2023-07-22, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] alexandria

The Alexandria Project is an open-source platform where people can share their knowledge through books, podcasts, docs and videos., (2022-12-30, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] azure-spring-cloud-demo

受邀至 iThome Webinar 分享《簡化 JVM 上雲 - 透過 Azure Spring Cloud 提升開發、發佈及服務監控效率》範例程式碼
Invited to iThome Webinar to share sample code of Simplifying JVM Cloud - Improving Development, Publishing and Service Monitoring Efficiency through Azure Spring Cloud (2022-04-13, kotlin, 211KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] Blogs-Podcasts-Platform

An overengineered incomplete platform for Blogs/Podcasts where developers can talk about their stuff. built with scalability in mind with the most powerful stack ever ? (2022-03-31, TypeScript, 364KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] cloud-mall

cloud- mall是一个基于分布式、微服务架构开发的商城系统,项目主要有几大模块,分别是:后台系统模块、异步模块、人工客服模块、网关模块、日志模块、应用监控模块、订单模块、商品模块、搜索模块、秒杀模块、系统模块、前台模块,几乎实现了...
Cloud mall is a mall system developed on the basis of distributed and microservice architecture. The project mainly has several modules, namely: background system module, asynchronous module, manual customer service module, gateway module, log module, application monitoring module, order module, commodity module, search module, seckill module, system module, foreground module, which almost realizes (2022-01-20, JavaScript, 217941KB, 下载0次)
