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按平台查找All Java(1181) 

[其他] DuckGiveAll

基于Bukkit的给予全服奖励插件, stars:1, update:2024-06-25 01:10:12 (2024-06-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频/语音聊天] WhatsAppSystemDesign

How to design WhatsApp backend how to work services (2024-02-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Problem-of-the-Day-GFG

Solving Geek for Geeks Problem of the day on Data Structure and Algorithms every day. (2023-12-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] architect

Architect training camp - geek time, (2020-09-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[] GooglePlacesApi

Android Google放置客户端Api以获得位置建议。缅甸字体问题也像Zawgyi和unicode一样处理。,
Android Google Places Client Api for location suggestion. Myanmar font issue handled also like Zawgyi and unicode., (2020-02-06, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] mqlearning

Geek Time - Message Queuing Course, (2022-10-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] MMCodeJavaAndroid

MMCodeJavaAndroid is an android library that fixed most of the Myanmar Unicode fonts problem in the Java programming language (2020-12-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[直播] PopLive

Imitating image guest release live broadcast (2018-01-26, Java, 303KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] h5web-parent

Happy Elements(方块消消乐) ——一款仿开心消消乐的消除休闲游戏 架构使用SpringBoot+Maven搭建,Game服、Rank排行榜服
Happy Elements - a casual game architecture modeled after Happy Xiaoxiaole is built with SpringBook+Maven, Game service and Rank ranking service (2019-09-07, Java, 74KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Studio

微客工作室 for Android
WeChat Studio for Android (2016-06-21, Java, 3396KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] iBookerEditor

Booker Editor Open Source Project (2022-06-24, Java, 1941KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] IbookerEditorAndroid

Booker Editor Android Java Edition. (2021-11-12, Java, 6105KB, 下载0次)


[] fast-im

FastIM 一个基于Spring Boot + WebSocket + Redis,可快速开发的分布式即时通讯群聊系统。适用于直播间聊天、游戏内聊天、客服聊天等临时性群聊场景。
FastIM is a distributed instant messaging group chat system based on Spring Boot, WebSocket, and Redis that can be quickly developed. Suitable for temporary group chat scenarios such as live streaming chat, in game chat, customer service chat, etc. (2022-04-25, Java, 546KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] xiaov-master

Xiao Wei QQ robot is a WeChat robot software that can communicate with the user based on natural semantics, and can complete the functions of chatting, querying, answering, and assisting life service. It has intelligent customer service, greeting, group management, check-in, protection group, instruction kicking. People, monitoring withdrawal, invitation statistics, group passwords and other dozens of powerful functions, enhance community activity and operational efficiency, create value for you. (2018-08-10, Java, 152KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 中级项目课第四次课代码

牛客网中级项目课 包含第四次课全部java代码
The Niu guest network intermediate project class contains all third classes of Java code (2018-02-26, Java, 392KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] tipkf

仿QQ颜色风格的浮动在线客服代码,可随滚动条滚动,可移动窗口,N秒后可自动弹出信息,鼠标点击后会自动打开强聊功能,选择号码后就可以和客服咨询了。   使用方法:   1、kfguin= 替换QQ号码 ws= www.codefans.net companyname= 源码爱好者   2、如需修改弹出时间kf.js下的 window.setTimeout( kf_sleepShow() ,2000) 换算单位为2000即等于2秒
Imitation QQ color style floating online customer service code, you can scroll with the scroll bar, you can move the window, N seconds after automatic pop-up message will automatically open after clicking strong chat feature, you can the number after consulting and customer service. How to use: 1, kfguin = replace QQ number ws = www.codefans.net companyname = source enthusiasts 2. To modify the time kf.js under window.setTimeout pop ( kf_sleepShow () , 2000) conversion units for 2000 that is equal to 2 seconds (2014-11-25, Java, 35KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] qqkf

QQ在线客服代码,可展开折叠,是一款侧栏滚动的QQ在线客服代码。   调用代码:   1.将本文件夹里的所有文件上传到你的网站根目录,不要更改路径,里面替换路径会比较麻烦的!   2.将这段代码   加在你的网站模板等等即可。   3.让后将js文件夹里的index_qq.js 里的href=‘tencent://message/?uin=745722006& 中间数字就是QQ号码,   将他们都替换掉就可以了!
QQ online code, expand the fold, is a sidebar rolling QQ online code. Calling code: 1. Place all the files in this folder are uploaded to the root directory of your site, do not change the path, which alternate route would be more trouble! 2. Place this code Add your site templates, and so on can be. 3. Let the will of index_qq.js js folder inside href = tencent: // message/uin = 745722006 & middle number is the QQ number,? Will they replace it! (2014-11-10, Java, 17KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] minaServer

mina 的 服 务 端 的 代 码,值得学习一下
the mian service end (2012-12-24, Java, 3478KB, 下载23次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] Flex-Spring-JAVA-BLAZEDS

Flex Spring JAVA BLAZEDS整合,永固整合将flex与Spring整合
made Flex and Spring togeter (2012-05-01, Java, 48KB, 下载5次)


[Web服务器] ChipChat(Java)

局域网聊天 分为客服端和服务端 系统要求:安有JDK1.5的windows操作系统 运行步骤: 1 确保server.jar和start.cmd在同一个目录下。 2 在启动服务器端之前,务必先运行start.cmd,启动rmiregistry. 3 然后可以直接运行JAR文件——Client.jar、server.jar。 4 在server的界面中,第一个按钮为启动服务器按钮,点击之即可启动服务器。
LAN is divided into customer service chat client and server system requirements: On the windows operating system are running JDK1.5 steps: 1 to ensure that server.jar and start.cmd in the same directory. 2 Before you start the server, be sure to run start.cmd, start the rmiregistry. 3 and then run the JAR file directly- Client. Jar, server.jar. 4 in the server interface, the first button to start the server button, click it to restart the server. (2009-07-02, Java, 61KB, 下载5次)
