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[WEB开发] 微擎纯净版本

This is an open source official account, WeChat applet, Alipay applet, bear paw number, PC station management system, based on the most popular WEB2.0 architecture (php+mysql), with mature and stable technical solutions. The source code is transparent and open. All data and resources are set up on their own services to ensure independence, security and controllability. Active third-party developers and development teams, relying on the entire open ecosystem of micro engine, have more abundant expansion functions. Good development framework and documentation, easy to expand and customize private functions. High quality online update system, customer service personnel, technical engineers to solve the use or development of various difficult problems. (2020-10-16, PHP, 19616KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] DedeCMS-V5.7-UTF8-SP1-Full.tar

DedeCMS v5.7新增体验 1.支持MySQLi并且调整缓存处理,性能提升 V5.7新版本默认开发时,测试数据50W,这个容量对于中小型站长已经足以。 2.完美兼容PHP5.3/5.2+/4版本 PHP官方已经发出所有程序转移到PHP5.3的号召,但是对于很多主机服务商,很多技术员还没有适应新版本带来的改变,这里我们完美兼容各个PHP主流版本。
New experience of dedecms v5.7 1. Support MySQL and adjust cache processing to improve performance When the new version of v5.7 is developed by default, the test data is 50W. This capacity is enough for small and medium-sized webmasters. Of course, we don't exclude the user demand of millions or millions of data. We also have a special optimization scheme for this part of users. We can learn more through the service list 2. Perfect compatibility with php5.3/5.2 + / 4 version PHP official has issued a call for all programs to be transferred to PHP 5.3, but for many host service providers, many technicians have not yet adapted to the changes brought about by the new version. Here we are perfectly compatible with the mainstream versions of PHP. (2019-11-09, PHP, 8643KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 04

Book conference records management system, guestbook, online voting systems, personal blogs, online forums, blog, logistics management system, online examination management system, tomorrow programmed dictionary, tomorrow science and technology enterprise website, tomorrow software navigation system, podcasts, online music system, e-mail system, BCTY365 online community, easy to check the supply and demand information network, library management system, office automation management systems, e-commerce sites, press releases and website tomorrow to know the system 21 actual project development program as a case study, software engineering point of view, according to the order of development projects, systematically and comprehensively introduces the program development process. From a development background, needs analysis, system functional analysis, analysis, structure and system development to build system issue, every process is carried out in detail. (2016-09-03, PHP, 568KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 03

Book conference records management system, guestbook, online voting systems, personal blogs, online forums, blog, logistics management system, online examination management system, tomorrow programmed dictionary, tomorrow science and technology enterprise website, tomorrow software navigation system, podcasts, online music system, e-mail system, BCTY365 online community, easy to check the supply and demand information network, library management system, office automation management systems, e-commerce sites, press releases and website tomorrow to know the system 21 actual project development program as a case study, software engineering point of view, according to the order of development projects, systematically and comprehensively introduces the program development process. From a development background, needs analysis, system functional analysis, analysis, structure and system development to build system issue, every process is carried out in detail. (2016-09-03, PHP, 444KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 02

Book conference records management system, guestbook, online voting systems, personal blogs, online forums, blog, logistics management system, online examination management system, tomorrow programmed dictionary, tomorrow science and technology enterprise website, tomorrow software navigation system, podcasts, online music system, e-mail system, BCTY365 online community, easy to check the supply and demand information network, library management system, office automation management systems, e-commerce sites, press releases and website tomorrow to know the system 21 actual project development program as a case study, software engineering point of view, according to the order of development projects, systematically and comprehensively introduces the program development process. From a development background, needs analysis, system functional analysis, analysis, structure and system development to build system issue, every process is carried out in detail. (2016-09-03, PHP, 336KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 01

Book conference records management system, guestbook, online voting systems, personal blogs, online forums, blog, logistics management system, online examination management system, tomorrow programmed dictionary, tomorrow science and technology enterprise website, tomorrow software navigation system, podcasts, online music system, e-mail system, BCTY365 online community, easy to check the supply and demand information network, library management system, office automation management systems, e-commerce sites, press releases and website tomorrow to know the system 21 actual project development program as a case study, software engineering point of view, according to the order of development projects, systematically and comprehensively introduces the program development process. From a development background, needs analysis, system functional analysis, analysis, structure and system development to build system issue, every process is carried out in detail. (2016-09-03, PHP, 502KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] mediweb

一款集成了十多种企业网站、网上商店、新闻文章、论坛等网站系统的超大型智能建站平台;建站服务商可使用网博士构建自己的自助建站服务平台,面向企业、个人、商家、政府机构等提供网站建设服务 系统特点: 1、集成各种类型的企业网站、网店、文章、论坛系统,灵活自选,自主经营 2、可按运营商需求扩展挂接其他网站系统,运营商可按自己的实力提供有特色的建站服务 3、运营商拥有功能强大的主控网站,具有在线试用网站、订购、续费等功能
A integrated 10 kinds of enterprise website, online store, news articles, forums and other web site system of super large intelligent website platform establishment for service providers can use network, build their own self-help service platform, for the enterprises and individuals, businesses, government agencies and other provides Web site building services System characteristics: 1, the integration of various types of enterprise website, shop, articles, forum system, flexible choice, independent management 2, according to the needs of operators extended hanging other website system, operators can provide distinctive services according to their own strength 3, the operator has a powerful master site, with online trial sites, ordering, renewals and other functions (2016-05-04, PHP, 12624KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] glfusion_v1.2.2.tar

glFusion 是一个开源的内容管理系统,其架构于协同工作,稳定,样式之上。内含一个强大、灵活的权限系统,它精细地控制着多内容的访问和功能的操作。glFusion内含市面上一个非常强劲的所见即所得编辑器,为了生成动态结果,你可以很容易将自己定制的PHP代码整合到glFusion内。等候提交内容(用户提交的文章,事件日历,链接,文件,媒体画册等需通过审核才可以发布)集成了论坛,强劲的媒体画册功能(可以与别人分享你的电影画片,音乐,播客,和流媒体内容)内容聚合(那个为文章,新闻,评论等生成RSS)
GlFusion is an open source content management system, which is based on the coordination of the work, stability, style. With a powerful and flexible access system, it controls the operation of the content and the function of the system. GlFusion on the market with a very strong WYSIWYG editor, in order to generate dynamic results, you can easily customize the PHP code into glFusion. Waiting to submit (the user submitted content, calendar events, links, files, pictures, the media need through the audit can only be released) integrated forum, strong media album feature (and others share your movie pictures, music, podcasts, and streaming media content) content aggregation (the articles, news, commentary, and generated RSS) (2016-04-13, PHP, 6919KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] jjqyw_v1.0

This software is fully adapted to the needs of large, medium and small site construction, so you can use a very cheap virtual host space can also open 4 independent sites! A long time enterprise website backstage management system of various versions of the development infrastructure are php+mysql+div+css+ pseudo static, to cater to the search engine ranking preferences. Also worth mentioning is the site of the characteristics of the TAG system can make unlimited classification for your site, without any set of ULR pseudo static station! The establishment of systems in addition to release products, news (soft), order management system and message feedback some most basic function also supports custom advertising and Taobao guest promotion, as far as possible so that you maximize the benefits. (2016-04-10, PHP, 686KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] feichangtao_v1.0

本源码是我用过最好的淘客站源码。对于新站长很用帮助。 重要!!注意上传完程序后要先登陆后台修改域名,否则会跳转到后台已设置的域名。 使用方法 1:将文件夹里面的文件上传至您的空间根目录 (不要在本地测试,本地测试期间功能将被限制,首页模板显示不正常!) 2:访问网址http://您的网址/admin 账号:admin 密码:admin 3:填写您基本网站信息,以及重要的淘客相关信息
The source is the best source station. It is very useful for the new owners. Important!! pay attention to upload the program after the first landing in the background to modify the domain name, or will jump to the background has set the domain name. Using method 1: upload the file in the folder to the root directory of your space (do not test locally, the local test will be limited to the function, the front page template display is not normal!) 2: access to the URL http:// your web site /admin account: admin Password: admin 3: fill in your basic information website, and important information related to Amoy (2016-04-07, PHP, 1132KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] TTPK_v1.2

在积分制的控制下: 1、线形时间控制,登记的广告会在开服第一时间上架,按时间控制自动下架,管理方便。 2、礼包系统完善,用户积分达到一定的级别,可以自行发布礼包。 3、奖励分系统,让许多有信誉的用户来发布广告,不用和管理员取得联系。省去了许多的麻烦。 4、加强了站内信件的处理功能,让许多人不上QQ一样可以和管理员通信。 5、广告效果分析系统,可以分析您一天的广告实际跳出量。 6、种类采集系统,让您新获得更新的游戏类别,加强了网站的粘性。
Under the control of the integral system: 1, linear time control, the registration of the ad will be on the first time in the open service shelves, according to the time control of the shelf, easy to manage. 2, improve the package system, the user points to reach a certain level, can publish their own package. 3, reward system, so many reputable users to publish ads, do not have to contact the administrator. Save a lot of trouble. 4, to strengthen the processing functions of the letter inside the station, so many people do not like the QQ and the administrator can communicate. 5, advertising effectiveness analysis system, you can analyze the actual day of the ad out of the amount of advertising. 6, a variety of acquisition system, so you get a new update of the game category, to strengthen the site s viscosity. (2016-03-24, PHP, 2639KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qktaoke_v1.4

1、请上传下载到的淘宝客系统安装包并上传到空间根目录中进行解压,解压后将网站文件移动到根目录的位置,然后访问 /install 进行安装。您也可以在本地解压,并以二进制方式将程序上传至您的网站空间。 2、同意启科网络电子商务系统安装协议进入下一步。 3、如果系统检测环境通过,则会提示输入您的数据库服务器地址(一般为本机,即127.0.0.1或者localhost)、数据库账号、数据库密码、数据库名等信息并确认安装。
1, please upload and download to the Taobao guest system installation package and upload to the space in the root directory to extract, after extracting the site file to the root directory location, and then access the /install installation. You can also extract the local, and in a binary way to upload the program to your site space. 2, agree to open network electronic commerce system installation agreement to enter the next step. 3, if the adoption of the system to detect environmental, tips and enter your server address (general for the machine, namely or localhost), user, password, the name of the information and confirm the installation. (2016-03-24, PHP, 11424KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 135topcms_v3.3

135topCMS! 网上订餐系统是根据目前流行的O2O模式为订餐行业量身定制的在线订餐软件。使用此系统可将线下商务的机会与互联网结合在了一起,让互联网成为线下交易的前台。这样线下服务就可以用线上来揽客,消费者可以用线上来筛选服务,还有成交可以在线结算,很快达到规模。该模式最重要的特点是:推广效果可查,每笔交易可跟踪。
135topCMS! Online meal ordering system is based on the popular O2O mode for the restaurant industry tailored online ordering software. Use this system can be the next line of business opportunities and the Internet together, so that the Internet has become the front line of the next line transactions. The service under this line can line showmanship, consumers can come up with a line screening services and clinch a deal can be online settlement, and soon reached the scale. The most important feature of this model is: promotion effect is available, each transaction can be tracked. (2016-03-22, PHP, 5084KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] af43s

安康市众淼物流有限公司于2009年由吴永东总经理创立。是一家从事运输、配送、流通加工、装卸、搬运、包装、信息处理、金融服务、建材生产为一体的多元化,综合型企业。注册资金1000万元,总投资5000余万元。 公司位于安康市高新区北环路西段,紧靠316国道及包茂高速、十天高速;地理条件十分优越。公司现有职工160余人,大中专管理经验人员20多名,技术工人140多名。借凭雄厚的技术实力及营销优势,自成立以来,已成物流及建材行业中的佼佼者。
Ankang City Public Miao Logistics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009 by the General Manager Wu Yongdong. Is engaged in transportation, distribution, circulation, processing, handling, transport, packaging, processing, financial services, building materials production into a diversified, integrated enterprise. Registered capital of 10 million yuan, with a total investment of 50 million yuan. Company is located in the western part of Ankang City Ring Road High-tech Zone, close to 316 National Road and Baomao speed, ten speed extremely advantageous geographical conditions. Company employees more than 160 people, college management personnel more than 20, more than 140 skilled workers. With strong technical strength borrow and marketing advantages, since its inception, has become the logistics and building materials industry leader. (2013-10-31, PHP, 3271KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] wordpressmb_zdm_v1.7-(1)

1、支持三种商品布局模式: 图文介绍模式 图片+标题模式 大图片+标题模式 2、支持瀑布流功能,后台可以设置哪些分类采用瀑布流模式 3、支持会员功能,会员登录、注册、修改资料、发布文章、评论等 4、支持网友爆料功能,后台可以设置是否要登录才能爆料、爆料是否直接发布、前后爆料间隔时间 5、支持以站内链接的方式跳转到淘宝客链接(注:无需插件) 6、支持自定义侧边栏内容
1, support the three commodities layout mode: Graphic presentation mode Pictures+ Title Mode Big picture+ title mode 2, support waterfall streaming capabilities, the background can be set using the cascade mode which classification 3, the support member functions, member login, registration, modify, publish articles, comments, etc. 4, support for friends broke the news function, the background can set whether you want to be logged in to bid, whether directly broke the news release, broke the news after the interval 5, support the way inbound links to jump to Taobao link (Note: no plug-ins) 6, support for custom sidebar content (2013-08-10, PHP, 9916KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xiaoshengdz_v1.4.0

淘宝客打折系统,集成了jssdk模块,增加了seo优化功能,更有利于搜索引擎收录 1程序上传到服务器空间 2开启服务器 3打开安装地址:http://您的域名/install.php 4如果不能安装请确保数据库里的表全部删除 5进入后台地址:http://您的域名/main.php 默认用户名和密码都是admin 6测试数据时可以导入 test文件夹里的test.sql文件 到数据库,或者自己到采集功能下进行采集 2013-04-22 修复折扣不准确问题
Taobao off discount system, integrated jssdk module, seo optimization, more conducive to search engine included a program to upload to the server space open server open the installation address: http:// your domain name/install.php if you can not installation make sure that the database table to delete all 5 into the backstage Address: http:// your domain name/main.php the default user name and password are admin 6 test data can be imported the test folder test.sql file to the database, or to the acquisition under the acquisition 2013-04-22 repair discount inaccurate (2013-04-23, PHP, 1350KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] xiaoshengdz_v1.2

淘宝客打折系统,集成了jssdk模块,增加了seo优化功能,更有利于搜索引擎收录 1程序上传到服务器空间 2开启服务器 3打开安装地址:http://您的域名/install.php 4如果不能安装请确保数据库里的表全部删除 5进入后台地址:http://您的域名/main.php 默认用户名和密码都是admin 6测试数据时可以导入 test文件夹里的test.sql文件 到数据库,或者自己到采集功能下进行采集 更新windows iis静态地址转发问题 修复安装页因平台不同报连接问题 增加了logo图片上传功能 增加了数据库不存在自动创建功能 修复某些情况下采集500错误
Taobao customer discount system, integrated jssdk modules, seo optimization features, more conducive to search engine included a program is uploaded to the server space 2 turn on the server to open the installation address: http:// your domain/install.php 4 if you can not installation please ensure that the database table to delete all 5 into the background address: http:// domain/main.php default username and password are admin 6 test data can be imported the test folder test.sql file to the database, or own acquisition functions collection update windows iis static address forwarding problem repair installation page due to different platforms reported connection problems increase the logo image upload feature to increase the database does not exist automatically create functional repair some cases collected 500 error (2013-03-19, PHP, 1556KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] xiaoshengdz_v1.0

淘宝客打折系统,集成了jssdk模块,增加了seo优化功能,更有利于搜索引擎收录 1程序上传到服务器空间 2开启服务器 3打开安装地址:http://您的域名/install.php 4如果不能安装请确保数据库里的表全部删除 5进入后台地址:http://您的域名/main.php 默认用户名和密码都是admin 6测试数据时可以导入 test文件夹里的test.sql文件 到数据库,或者自己到采集功能下进行采集
Taobao customer discount system, integrated jssdk modules, seo optimization features, more conducive to search engine included a program is uploaded to the server space 2 turn on the server to open the installation address: http:// your domain/install.php 4 if you can not installation please ensure that the database table to delete all 5 into the background address: http:// domain/main.php default username and password are admin 6 test data can be imported the test folder test.sql file to the database, or acquisition functions collection (2013-02-25, PHP, 1898KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] zhongyiAD

中易广告联盟PHP源码。 空间要求: 操作系统:Linux/Unix/NT;推荐使用Linux或Unix/Win2003操作系统,版本不限 服务环境:Apaceh(IIS)+PHP5.0.x+GD+MySQL5.0.2+Zend Optimzer3.0.x;推荐最新版本; 要保证空间至少能绑定两个域名。 用虚拟主机的如不清楚服务器环境配置,请咨询你的空间服务商 必需保证你的服务器或虚拟主机支持以上环境,特别是MySQL数据库版本需5.02以上!!大部分问题都是出现在数据设置上!(中易程序本身在低版本数据库就会容易出现问题)
Easy advertising alliance PHP source. Space requirements: operating system: Linux/Unix/NT recommended operating system Linux or Unix/Win2003 version Open-service environment: Apaceh (IIS)+PHP5.0.x+GD+MySQL5.0.2+Zend Optimzer3.0.x recommend the latest version To ensure that the space can bind at least two domain names. Server environment configured virtual host such as unclear, please consult your service provider space necessary to ensure your server or virtual host support environment, especially MySQL database version needs 5.02!! Most of the problems are in the data set (easy to program in a low version of the database will be prone to problems) (2012-12-11, PHP, 8913KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] cfstat

乘风多用户计数器PHP版 v3.3 1.多达20种记数器样式可以选择,总有一款适合你! 2.可以自由设置计数器的数字和计数起始时间。 3.防刷新页面,还可以显示来访客的来源IP地址和来源页面信息。 4.计数器可以设置为隐藏,只有管理员在管理页面可见计数器数字。 5.具有密码找回功能,注册用户忘记管理密码时,输入注册用户,密码则会发送到系统中自己填写E-Mail里。 6.为多用户计数器,超级管理员可以在后台管理注册用户。 7.超级管理员可以设置计数器名称和暂停新用户注册计数器,可以设置是否记录来源IP地址,来页页面信息,并可以设置记录的条数,以及清除这些记录。 8.为保证系统的稳定快速,用户的记录超过一定设置数目会自动删除以前的记录,如果访问量太大你可以关闭记录功能或设置不多的数目的记录。
err (2008-08-15, PHP, 582KB, 下载5次)
