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按平台查找All Visual C++(592) 

[其他] yixin

The number of inverse pairs is calculated by the merging order. Finding the number of inverse sequence pairs by merging order (2017-11-29, Visual C++, 2161KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] tongdaxDLL

TDx DLL source index (2015-12-31, Visual C++, 829KB, 下载43次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCPaUDPDebug

TCP/UDP debugging tools, is used, you can easily solve the network programming problems. (2015-05-18, Visual C++, 1259KB, 下载64次)


[图形图像处理] digital-image-processing

Digital image processing tutorial internship with Jia Yonghong version of the digital image processing supporting materials, the book uses a variety of classic VC++ achieve common image processing algorithms, can be directly used in engineering practice. (2014-04-29, Visual C++, 11018KB, 下载12次)


[] ajax-project-practices-source

传智播客ajax实训课堂源码,包括了如何在web 项目中使用ajax达到相应的功能目标
the ajax sources in project practices class,include the basic way of how to use ajax in our web project (2013-03-07, Visual C++, 303KB, 下载2次)


[GIS/地图编程] System

用于MANGOS的C++源码,官方的源码无法解国服4.3.4 15595的地图文件只能解DBC,这是本人修改后可以完美解DBC和MAPS的源码部分,请下载后直接替换到官方源码的..\contrib\extractor\下,覆盖原文件,之后再进行编译。
no (2013-01-27, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载6次)


[数学计算] P09009403_7

计算器: 设计一个计算器,输入一个算式(包含操作数(整形、浮点数)、操作符、优先级),进行加减乘除等的基本运算,给出结果。 矩阵: 能够创建两个矩阵,实现矩阵的加减乘以及转置,赋值等功能。 教师住房管理系统: 该系统在磁盘中存贮全校住学校宿舍的教师住房信息。对每一住户存贮如下信息:户主:姓名,性别,职称(教授、副教授、讲师、助教),出生年月,参加工作年月,最后学历(博士、硕士、本科、其它);家庭成员:对每一个成员,存贮姓名、性别、出生年月:现住房等级:分居在集体宿舍|一室|一室一厅|二室|二室一厅|三室|三室一厅|。现住房面积:(单位;平方米)。当学校有房源后,各住户可提出分房申请(含姓名、申请住房的等级)。
Calculator: design a calculator, enter a formula (contains the operand (shaping, floating-point numbers), operator priority), the basic operations of addition, subtraction, etc., given the results. Matrix: the ability to create two matrices, matrix addition and subtraction, multiplication and transpose, assignments and other functions. The teachers housing management system: The system disk storage whole school live in school dormitories, teachers' housing information. The following information for each household storage: the head of household: name, sex, title (professor, associate professor, lecturer, teaching assistants), date of birth, to participate in the work of years, the last degree (PhD, Master, Bachelor, and others) family members: of every member of the store name, gender, date of birth: now housing Level: Separated dormitory | room | Bedroom | Two-Room | Ershiyiting three-compartment | Sanshiyiting. Current housing space: ( square meters). When school listings househ (2012-09-11, Visual C++, 3837KB, 下载3次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Jmobberra

Customer care side of the full program, instant messaging jabberd for each other instant messaging between mobile phones, like qq chat, has been tested. (2012-07-27, Visual C++, 217KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] MsgCastProf

Socket communication simple procedure is a simple system of teaching, divided into three sub-programs: teacher side and student side, the server, the pro. (2012-03-24, Visual C++, 31KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] MsgCastStudent

Socket communication simple procedure is a simple system of teaching, divided into three sub-programs: teacher side and student side, the server, the student. (2012-03-24, Visual C++, 29KB, 下载2次)


[*行业应用] ly_v1.4

1.后台管理菜单整理,更方便管理 2.后台线路价格没有添加的错误 3.修改了信息管理页面的后台,更简单 4.修改了线路里面,行程安排,备注说明,线路景点,行程说明当信息为空不显示东西。 5.增加了汽车租赁 6.修改了网站在线客服QQ后台修改 7.首页增加了汽车租赁、国际线路
1. Admin menu order, more convenient management 2. Back line did not add the wrong price 3. To modify the background of the page of information management, easier 4. To modify the line inside, scheduling, notes, instructions, line attractions, travel shows that when information is empty does not show anything. 5. Increased the car rental 6. To modify the site back online customer service QQ changes 7. Home increased car rental, international routes (2011-05-25, Visual C++, 2217KB, 下载12次)


[单片机开发] FloatBin

这FloatBin是软件工程师或单片机工程师实用的小工具,特别是刚入门的朋友。 该软件可以将单精度(single)浮点数或双精度(double)浮点数转换成二进制、十进制、十六进制字节内码表示,也可以将字节内码转换成浮点进行逆变换。不到1M的数据量,精简而不失实用性。全免费,无需注册,解压即能使用。该软件源来自于www.aitek.tw的客服,原本为方便其客户调试其仪器之通讯数据,在经得其客服同意后,分享给大家应用。软件的输入带有容错性检测,在输入二进制数据时必须以1byte的8位长度限制,超过8位宽度或不够8位将报错,而且数据以0和1输入。在输入十六进制数据时必须以0-FF输入,超过2位宽度或空白将报错。
This is a software engineer or microcontroller FloatBin engineer useful tool, especially friends just getting started. The software can be single-precision (single) or double precision floating point (double) floating-point numbers into binary, decimal, hexadecimal byte code that can be converted into floating-point byte code for the inverse transformation. 1M less than the amount of data to streamline and yet practical. All for free, without registration, extract that is able to use. The software source from the www.aitek.tw customer service, originally for the convenience of its customers to debug their devices communicate data, by obtaining the customer service agreement, to share all applications. Software fault tolerance testing with the input, the input binary data must be 1byte 8-bit length limit, more than eight 8-bit width or not to error, and the data to 0 and 1 input. Hexadecimal data in the input must be 0-FF input, more than two width or blank will be an error. (2011-03-12, Visual C++, 365KB, 下载62次)


[Windows Phone] CooMix_V1.1.3R_0120-.CAB

本软件为深圳谷米科技公司开发的一款微博客户端程序,本客户端程序与旗下酷米客社区平台完美结合,您能通过本程序与好友聊天,发布手贴,手照,并能结合酷米客网站查看个人足迹与好友足迹。 酷米客,地图上的手机社区、微博,基于免费手机定位服务于个人、家庭、团队的地图社区,在酷米客您可以享受到诸多专业定位免费服务,如:足迹播放、实时监控、手机定位追踪、子女位置实时关怀、老人定位手机服务等。 本程序可运行于Windosws Mobiles所有手机。
The software technology company in Shenzhen sago development of a micro-blog client, the client program and its community platform to cool off the perfect combination of rice, you chat with friends through the process, release hand stick, hand shot, and Site visitors can view the combination of cool-meter individual tracks with friends footprint. Cool meters off the map on the mobile phone community, microblogging, mobile location based services free of charge for personal, family, team, community maps, in the cool-meter customer you can enjoy the many free services of professional orientation, such as: broadcast footprint, real-time monitoring, mobile location tracking, real-time position of child care, elderly services, targeting mobile phones. This program can run on all phones Windosws Mobiles. (2011-01-20, Visual C++, 1319KB, 下载25次)


[其他] DianTiMoNi

模拟电梯的c++程序 运行后会自动模拟电梯的运行 随机上下客随机到各楼层
Simulated elevator running c++ program will automatically run the random simulation of the elevator to each floor of the upper and lower passenger randomly (2009-10-31, Visual C++, 185KB, 下载8次)


[网络编程] gh0st

饭客网络精简版gh0st 去掉了大多数功能 免杀方便 适合做辅助远控
Network Starter Edition off rice gh0st removed easily kill most of the features suitable for free-assisted Remote Control (2009-07-17, Visual C++, 1277KB, 下载262次)


[代理服务器] ScanProxy

Can automatically search the specified section of the proxy server ip, it still does not account of the Internet! ! (2009-06-12, Visual C++, 437KB, 下载84次)


[网络编程] EventSelectServer

Vc achieve non-blocking use of the select models, the realization of the server and client communications customer Care (2008-10-20, Visual C++, 194KB, 下载47次)


[串口编程] SCommTest1

通过串口发送at指令 等待返回值判断当前的网络状况以及服务商等有关信息 用与gprs的通信
sent through the serial port at the value orders waiting to return to judge the current state of network service providers and other relevant information in communications with EDGE (2005-05-26, Visual C++, 2125KB, 下载172次)


[操作系统开发] 操作系统_作业调

操作系统模拟程序 简单实现作业调度算法(先来先服算法,短作业优先算法,高响应比算法)
operating system simulation program to achieve a simple scheduling algorithm (first-come first-served algorithm, short operating priority algorithm, a high response ratio algorithm) (2005-05-24, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载107次)
