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[医药行业] C00251-springboot-yiyuanxinxi

这是一个基于Springboot的医院信管系统 本系统分为管理员功能模块、系统功能模块以及医生功能模块。 系统功能模块:医院信管系统,在系统首页可以查看首页,医生信息、医院概况、个人中心、后台管理、在线客服等内容,并进行详细操作 管理员功能模块:管理员登录进入医院信管系统可以查看首页,个人中心,用户管理,医生管理,科室管理,医生信息管理,挂号信息管理,取消挂号管理,问诊记录管理,病房管理,药房管理,管理员管理等功能进行详细操作 医生功能模块:医生登录进入医院信管系统可以查看首页,个人中心,挂号信息管理,取消挂号管理,问诊记录管理等功能,并进行详细操作 (2024-06-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] IceCreamOnlinePurchaseWebsite

基于SSM的冰淇淋在线购买网站是一个基于Spring、SpringMVC和MyBatis技术栈开发的系统,旨在为用户提供一个便捷的平台,可以在线浏览并购买各种口味的冰淇淋产品。通过该系统,用户可以享受到方便快捷的购物体验,并随时随地选择自己喜爱的冰淇淋商品。这个系统利用现代化技术手段,为用户提供了一个便利的购物平台,让他们能够轻松购买到高质量的冰淇淋产品。 当游客打开系统的网址后,首先看到的就是首页界面。在这里,游客能够看到冰淇淋在线购买网站的导航条显示首页、冰淇淋、每日秒杀、视频教学、公告信息、留言板、购物车、在线客服 (2024-06-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Pharmaceutical-Export-to-Myanmar-23-24

This report provides an analysis of pharmaceutical medicines exports to Myanmar in the financial year 2023-24. The analysis includes data on product types, quantities, prices, market share, export channels, and regulatory compliance. (2024-04-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ower-BI-in-Data-Analytics-Virtual-Case-Experience

普华永道瑞士Power BI在数据分析虚拟案例体验中的应用有助于利用Power BI.为数据分析和可视化奠定基础。
PwC Switzerland Power BI in Data Analytics Virtual Case Experience helps build foundation in data analysis and visualization with Power BI. (2024-02-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] OceanMuseum

基于Java+SpringBoot+Vue的海洋馆预约系统(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、用户 当游客打开系统的网址后,首先看到的就是首页界面。在这里,游客能够看到海洋馆预约系统的导航条显示首页、门票信息、商品信息、海洋馆介绍、后台管理、在线客服、购物车、...
The role of the aquarium reservation system based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue (source code+database+ten thousand word document+ppt): administrator and user. When visitors open the system s website, the first thing they see is the home page interface. Here, visitors can see the navigation bar of the aquarium reservation system displaying the home page, ticket information, commodity information, aquarium introduction, background management, online customer service, shopping cart (2024-01-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[] Automotive

基于Java+SpringBoot+Vue的4s店汽车管理系统(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、用户 当游客打开系统的网址后,首先看到的就是首页界面。在这里,游客能够看到汽车4s店管理系统的导航条显示首页、车辆信息、公告资讯、客服中心、购物车、个人中心等 管...
The role of the 4s store car management system (source code+database+10000 word document+ppt) based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue: administrator and user. When visitors open the system s website, the first thing they see is the home page interface. Here, visitors can see the navigation bar of the car 4S store management system displaying the home page, vehicle information, announcement information, customer service center, shopping cart, personal center, etc (2024-01-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] awesome-carbon

A curated list of awesome carbon projects in the web3 space, podcasts, and other various resources (2022-11-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] CaseStudy

[AI is the word of the year, recycle old clothes with new tech, and more | Tech It Out]() (2023-11-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] houseing

基于Java+SSM+Jsp的房屋租赁系统(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、用户 租客:进入系统可以查看首页,房屋信息,通知公告,留言板,个人中心,后台管理,在线客服,用户租房管理,签订合同管理,租客报修管理等功能 管理员:管理员登录进入系统后可以查看个人中心...
House leasing system based on Java+SSM+Jsp (source code+database+ten thousand word document+ppt) Role: administrator, user tenant: enter the system to view the home page, house information, notice, message board, personal center, background management, online customer service, user rental management, contract signing management, tenant repair management and other functions Administrator: administrator can view the personal center after logging into the system (2023-11-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据集] wer-BI-Analysis-of-PwC-Company-s-Call-Center-Data

该Power BI项目专注于分析和可视化普华永道公司的呼叫中心数据,该数据集包含5000条记录。,
This Power BI project focuses on analyzing and visualizing call center data from PwC Company, which comprises a dataset with 5000 records., (2023-10-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Diversity-and-Inclusion

一个关于分析行政套房性别平衡的Power BI项目。普华永道瑞士分公司(PwC Switzerla)过程中分配给我的最后一项任务(3 3)...,
A Power BI project on analysing Gender Balance in the Executive Suite. The final task (3/3) assigned to me in the course of PwC Switzerland/Forage virtual internship. (2023-10-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] gravitee_lab

Experiment of building OAuth2 server (implemented in golang language), practical course of geek time microservice architecture, (2018-12-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] PWC-virtual-internship

欢迎来到我的GitHub存储库,展示我通过普华永道虚拟实习生(PwC Virtual Intership)的丰富旅程,该实习生专注于使用Power B进行数据分析...,
Welcome to my GitHub repository showcasing my enriching journey through the PwC Virtual Internship focused on data analysis using Power BI. This space serves as a dynamic journal of my exploration into the world of data-driven decision-making. (2023-08-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] it-resource

The IT Knowledge Academy, including numerous courses, various IT learning video tutorials, the latest version, continuously updated, java, c++, front end, background, testing, python, Turing, enjoy learning, Luban, Lagou, Ma Soldier, Muke, geek, black horse, Naixue, Gubo, Java, NetEase Microindustry, Start Bar, Xiaoma, Cloud Analysis College, geek Xiaoma, Dachang College, Jingcheng Yideng, Zhibo Yu Li Nanjiang, Qianfeng, (2023-07-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] screenscasts-audio-setup

Just a readme where I share my setup for screenscasts, video editing, and podcasts, (2020-03-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多媒体] 2021-2022-it-video

Various IT learning video tutorials, the latest version, continuously updated, java, c++, front end, back end, testing, python, Turing, learning, Luban, Lagou, Ma Soldier, Muke, geek, dark horse, Nye, Gobo, Java, NetEase WeChat, start the class, Xiaoma, Cloud Analysis College, geek Xiaoma, Dachang College, Jingcheng Yideng, Zhibo Yu Li Nanjiang, Qianfeng, Shang Silicon Valley, Everest, erudition Valley, (2021-12-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] PwC-Power-BI-in-Data-Analytics-Project

Fiddling around in Excel sheets just doesn’t suit a digital jedi. In Switzerland, PwC’s Digital Upskilling Academy helps our people move from zero to digital hero. PwC is upskilling 284,000 people because the right digital skills make us agile, adaptable and fit for the future. We use powerful Data Analytics tools to help solve business problems. (2023-01-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] TheContext-Podcast

与Hannes Dorfmann、Artem Zinnatullin、Artur Dryomov和精彩嘉宾一起播客Android开发!,
Podcast about Android Development with Hannes Dorfmann, Artem Zinnatullin , Artur Dryomov and wonderful guests!, (2019-12-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] tech-resources

EN|用于提高您的技术和专业技能的良好资源(社区、播客、书籍、影响者)列表|PT| Lista de linksúteis(公司、播客,livros,影响者)para melhorar suas habilidades profissisonais e de tecnologia
EN | A list of good resources (communities, podcasts, books, influencers) to improve your technology and professional skills | PT | Lista de links úteis (comunidades, podcasts, livros, influencers) para melhorar suas habilidades profissionais e de tecnologia (2022-08-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] The-study-of-Data-structures-and-algorithms

Learning summary of the column "Beauty of Data Structure and Algorithm" of Geek Time (2018-10-10, Others, 3866KB, 下载0次)
