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按平台查找All Others(722) 

[物理/力学计算] AJ-CD-N

Ajcdn是领先的IDC云计算综合服务提供商,专业提供互联网云安全、云计算、云存储等增值服务,公司与中国电信、中国联通、中国移动等运营商合作,在香港、新加坡、日本、台湾、美国、欧洲等多个地区和城市,运营多个数据中心,同时拥有BGP、CN2、多线接入等精品网络,让您的网络能轻松连接,快速访问! 公司通过提供云主机、云存储、CDN、边缘计算、DDOS安全防护、SD-WAN、云计算产品及解决方案,帮助客户业务创新,是客户数字化升级值得信赖的合作伙伴, 立志成为让客户放心服务商和先进的优质云安全云数据服务商!http://AJCDN.com香港,美国,等海外服务器租用,物理服务器,站群/高防/ 24小时售后,免费测试3天。可U付。 售前客服https://t.me/ajcdn003 (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SBGT-Runtimes

SBGT (Shining! Beautiful Girls Tools) is an auxiliary tool for the mobile game Shining! Youjun Girls (National Service Saima Niang). This is a necessary component for its operation. (2024-03-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] IceCream

计算机毕业设计之基于SSM的植物科普网站系统(源代码+数据库+万字论文+ppt)角色:管理员、用户 当游客打开系统的网址后,首先看到的就是首页界面。在这里,游客能够看到冰淇淋在线购买网站的导航条显示首页、冰淇淋、每日秒杀、视频教学、公告信息、留言板、购物车、在线客服。 管理...
The role of the SSM based plant science popularization website system (source code+database+ten thousand word paper+ppt) in the computer graduation project: administrator and user. When visitors open the system s website, the first thing they see is the home page interface. Here, tourists can see the navigation bar of the ice cream online purchase website displaying the home page, ice cream, daily seconds, video teaching, announcement information, message board, shopping cart, and online customer service. Manage (2024-01-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] BookManagement-

计算机毕设之基于SSM的图书管理系统(源代码+数据库+万字论文+ppt)角色:管理员、学员 当游客打开系统的网址后,首先看到的就是首页界面。在这里,游客能够看到图书管理系统的导航条显示首页、图书信息、公告信息、在线客服。 管理员:管理员进入系统主页面,主要功能包括对首页、个人中...
The role of the computer in the SSM based library management system (source code+database+ten thousand character paper+ppt): administrators and students, when visitors open the system s website, the first thing they see is the home page interface. Here, visitors can see the navigation bar of the library management system displaying the home page, book information, announcement information, and online customer service. Administrator: The administrator enters the main page of the system, and the main functions include the home page, personal (2024-01-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] unipush

A modern and efficient personalized marketing push tool. Support: UniSMS, AliCloud SMS, Tencent Cloud SMS, Huawei Cloud SMS, Evoque SMS, Mengwang Cloud SMS, Chuanglan SMS, SendCloud SMS, Youpai Cloud SMS, Yunpian SMS, Evoque Push, Personal Push, Youmeng Push, AliCloud Push, SMTP, AliCloud Email, Tencent Cloud Email, SendCloud Email, Mailchimp Email, Sendgrid Email, Webhook, public account subscription notice, public account template message Public account customer service message, applet subscription notice, Kafka, RabbitMQ, RocketMQ (2024-01-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] awesome-privacy-podcasts

An insightful collection of my favorite podcasts focusing on privacy, cybersecurity, and digital rights. Explore various perspectives on protecting your digital footprint, data, and online identity. (2023-10-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WeblogicTool

WeblogicTool, a GUI vulnerability utilization tool, supports vulnerability detection, command execution, memory horse injection, password decryption, etc. (Powerfully driven by Sunwin Deep Blue Lab Tianwei Team), (2023-07-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Awesome-Design-Resources

An awesome collection of curated design resources(Books, Tutorials, Blogs, Podcasts , ...) (2022-12-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Awesome-Deep-Learning-Resources

An awesome collection of curated deep learning resources(Books, Tutorials, Blogs, Podcasts , ...) (2021-10-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] meetups-talks-conferences-notes

Ma base de connaissances:un repo pour stocker toute Ma-veille(会议笔记、讲座、播客、简历、钢笔等),
Ma base de connaissances : un repo pour stocker toute ma veille (notes de conférences, lectures, podcasts, réflexions , pensées, etc.), (2023-07-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] summary

Awesome articles, tools, OS project, design of Phodal - collections in path of Phodal s way for new geek & nerd to quick growth, (2020-06-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] open-guide-to-learning-tech-geek-nerdy-stuff

A list of resources to learn geek/tech/nerdy related topics, e.g. programming languages, android development, math, korean language (2016-03-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Final-Project-LRNR

LRNR is a text-to-speech program that allows you to search, display and read articles in an audiobook/podcast format using Amazon Polly. LRNR will also allow you to grab trending topics from Google for you to stay on top of current events. LRNR can also guide you with related article suggestions so you will always have something new and (2021-01-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[博客] awesome-sbom

A curated list of SBOM (Software Bill Of Materials) related tools, frameworks, blogs, podcasts, and articles (2023-06-10, Others, 3KB, 下载0次)


[博客] awesome-unit-testing-swift

A curated collection of awesome blog articles, books, talks, podcasts, tools frameworks and examples. (2020-03-25, Others, 9KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GM工具

千年GM工具千年服务器GM命令及使用详解 @item 物品名 个数 品级 制造物品。 例如:@item 天王刀 1 1 @移动 地图名 坐标X 坐标Y 示例:@移动 长城以南 500 500 @appearmop 怪物名 移动到刷 NPC的地方。 示例:@appearmop 白老虎
Millennium GM tools Millennium server GM command and use details @Item item item name number grade Make items. For example: @ item Tianwang Dao 1 1 @Move map name coordinate X coordinate y Example: @ 500 south of the Great Wall @Appermop monster name Move to where you brush NPC. Example: @ appermop white tiger (2020-02-24, Others, 4819KB, 下载90次)


[其他] 空间谱估计理论与算法

Spatial spectrum estimation theory and algorithm is one of the important research directions of array signal processing. This book is one of the classic reference books and it is hopeful for everyone! (2018-05-04, Others, 35815KB, 下载76次)


[WEB开发] RHSCMS_1_0_7

HTCCMS运行于PHP环境的企业网站系统——红头船企业网站系统,安装时可选择Mysql或Access作为数据库,基于smarty PHP模板引擎,熟悉smarty的开发人员可快速上手HTCCMS模板制作及系统使用,无需再学习新的知识。HTCCMS与新秀免费企业网站系统属同一作者,功能和风格上两者相似,HTCCMS是免费的,无功能限制。   后台功能简介:   1.基本设置:基本信息,联系方式,网站设置,导航管理,标题设置,模块启闭,安全设置,数据库管理,其它设置;   2.产品管理:产品列表,添加产品,产品分类;   3.文章管理:文章列表,发表文章,文章分类,关于我们列表,添加关于我们,人才招聘列表,添加人才招聘,下载列表,添加下载;   4.客服互动:留言管理,问卷调查,网站公告,在线客服,友情链接;   5.文件管理:选择模板,模板文件,图片管理,焦点图片,语言包,资源管理。   后台路径:http://网站路径/admin.php 用户名:admin 密码:admin
HTCCMS runs on the PHP environment, enterprise web systems- red head boat business website system, install a choice of Mysql or Access as a database, based on smarty PHP template engine, familiar with the smarty developers can quickly get started HTCCMS templates to create and systems used without further to learn new knowledge. HTCCMS with rookie free enterprise web systems belonging to the same author, both functionality and style similar to, HTCCMS is free, no functional limitations. Background Features: 1 basic settings: basic information, contact information, site settings, navigation management, the title is set, the module headstock, security settings, database management, other settings (2) Product Management: Product List, add products, product categories 3. Article management: list of articles, published articles, articles classified About us list add information about us, recruitment list, add recruitment, download list, add download 4 Customer interaction: message m (2013-07-31, Others, 1980KB, 下载4次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Crazyprogrammers

天已经七分黑了,屋里却还没开灯。这个全身黑衣服的男子突然像想起什么,从包里掏出 烟,抽出一只,递给旁边的人:“兄弟,抽烟么?”――那烟是红塔山。 旁边那人连忙一边摆手,一边说:“不,不。”语气有点紧张,好像那黑衣服递过来的不是烟, 是海洛因。 这个黑衣服的男子,后来的网名叫“绝影”。他旁边那个,后来被他们称为“土匪”。这件屋 子,就是他们大学寝室。
It is seven points, but the black house hasn t turn on the light. The body of the man suddenly like black clothes, from the bag of pocket Smoke, and handed out a man: "brothers, smoking?" The smoke is GongDaShan.- The next man hurriedly side motioning with his hand, said: "no, no." A little bit nervous, like the tone black clothes not smoke handed, Is the heroin. The black clothes, then the man called "shadow" net rejects. Next to him, then are they called the "bandits". This house Son, whom they university dormitory. (2010-04-21, Others, 1992KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] 30天打造专业红客

systematically described in detail in today's network security and defense industry knowledge, beginners Watchable books. (2005-04-25, Others, 665KB, 下载51次)
