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[Java编程] GFG-Question-Solutions

This repository contains solutions I submitted to geeks for geeks problem of the day and DSA questions I practiced., (2023-10-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] COMPGI15_IR_DM_2012_ASS_3_Y_Yang

Here are some modified files for Nutch-1.3 used by my assignment. Yongxin Yang, (2012-04-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] publicity-manage-api

财 务 管理系统-后端服 务 -宣传品管理api
Financial management system - back-end services - promotional materials management api (2021-03-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Podcast-Creator-For-Radio

Using Radio.co s FTP account, a Dropbox account and a server to put a podcast playlist, you are easy to create a podcast. Radio.co have nothing to do with this application. This software designed for soundstreetradio.com (2016-12-31, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] Euklid

A Discord-Bot for the german podcast "Hobbylos" (2023-03-02, Java, 21KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Science-Friday-Android-App

Play Science Friday audio and video podcasts. (2011-10-17, Java, 197KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] QuickQuestion-Android-App

Real-time anonymous discussion board for lecture halls. Students ask and answer each other questions, most popular questions are pushed to teacher to answer. DeltaHacks 2 Project (2016-02-07, Java, 141KB, 下载0次)


[博客] LiveGiftRefresh

仿映客礼物刷新 改进 感谢原帖作者:<http: blog.csdn.net unfind0829 article details 51603161>
仿映客礼物刷新 改进 感谢原帖作者:<http: blog.csdn.net unfind0829 article details 51603161> (2016-07-27, Java, 805KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] geektime-java-performance-tuning-practice

极客时间 《Java性能调优实战》
Geek Time "Java Performance Tuning Practice" (2022-06-19, Java, 7KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] QuestionRecommendation

Programming Questions Recommendation System (牛客网试题推荐系统)
Programming Questions Recommendation System (2018-02-06, Java, 1447KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] spring-security-oAuth2-JWT

spring-security-oAuth2-JWT,这是一个以Spring Security、OAuth2为核心的安全校验框架,支持JWT,redis和JDBC模式存储token。是一个小而灵活的安全框架,同时支持SpringSecurity的授权码模式,密码认证模式,简化模式和客服端...
Spring security oAuth2 JWT is a security verification framework centered on Spring Security and OAuth2, supporting JWT, Redis, and JDBC mode token storage. It is a small and flexible security framework that supports Spring Security s authorization code mode, password authentication mode, simplified mode, and customer service side (2023-05-14, Java, 65KB, 下载0次)


[其他] BungeeCord

Bungee beng ji qun zu fu jiu ban jiang hai shi lao de la (2020-10-24, Java, 9651KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] zzzcms-Build

1.支持电脑端+手机端,支持无缝切换。 2.支持站内模糊搜索。 3.支持会员系统,找回密码,会员头像等。 4.支持内容会员权限功能。 5.集成两套qq客服,支持多个qq,多个电话,多个联系人。 6.支持全站自动静态,支持伪静态+静态缓存。 7.支持数据库备份、恢复功能。 8.支持session、cookie模式切换,香港空间不怕狂掉线了。 9.支持批量上传图片,自定义参数,自动关键词,描述,tag标签等。 10.支持上传文件管理,支持冗余检测。
1 support computer+ mobile terminal, support seamless switching. 2 support fuzzy search station. 3 support member system, retrieve the password, members of the head, etc.. 4 support the content membership function. 5 integrated two sets of QQ customer service, support for multiple QQ, multiple phones, multiple contacts. 6 support for automatic static, pseudo static+ static buffer. 7 support backup and restore function. 8 support session, cookie mode switch, Hongkong space is not afraid of mad dropped. 9 support batch upload pictures, custom parameters, automatic keywords, description, tag tags, etc.. 10 support upload file management, support for redundancy detection. (2017-02-01, Java, 10492KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] zxbxglxt

赛网特在线报修管理系统是赛网特科技历时3年和专业的维修售后企业合作,分析调研需求开发的一套维修企业管理系统,它涵盖了如下功能:在线报修(网站报修、电话报修)、工程师派单、工程师管理、订单管理、订单结算、反馈管理、企业会员管理、个人会员管理、网站常用管理(新闻、栏目、广告) 短信自动发送,短信模板管理,QQ客服管理,报表统计等。 它既是网站系统也是派单管理,报修管理系统!
Tennis special online repair management system is the network game technology for 3 years and the maintenance of professional customer service enterprises, analysis of development research needs a set of maintenance management system, it covers the following functions: online repair (repair site, phone repair), send a single engineer, engineer management, order management, order, settlement feedback enterprise website management, membership management, membership management, personal management (news, advertising) SMS automatically send, SMS template management, QQ customer service management, report statistics, etc.. It is not only the website system is to send a single management, repair management system! (2017-01-24, Java, 12585KB, 下载5次)


[Java编程] CatServer

qq聊天客户端,服务端 java 源码分享
qq chat system (2016-01-12, Java, 560KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] righttopmenu

页面右上角可伸缩关闭的 jQuery菜单,感谢End﹏’关于CSS的帮助。打开网页后,默认情况下是关闭的,点击后才伸展出来,菜单是基于DIV的,修改方便,也比较实用,典型应用是用于在线客服。
Top right corner of the page scalable closed jQuery menu, thanks End﹏ on CSS help. After opening the pages are turned off by default, click after the stretch it out, the menu is based on the DIV, easy to modify, but also more practical, typical application is used for online customer service. (2014-12-01, Java, 31KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] src

Paradise 1 game server emulator, you can run a complete simulation of heaven, to support all of the tasks (2011-01-03, Java, 834KB, 下载87次)


[Java编程] simulated_annealing

Using simulated annealing algorithm achive "traveler" problem. (2009-11-25, Java, 15KB, 下载29次)


[Java编程] Java_Code

java code (2009-06-11, Java, 260KB, 下载20次)


[Java编程] boke

Want to develop podcasting system看啦friend here, a great podcast system, high-performance value of the source web site development, JSP. (2008-12-24, Java, 3280KB, 下载14次)
