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[WEB开发] zichangkefu

紫昌在线客服QQ咨询美化版 可以设定是否弹出咨询对话框,类似企业QQ。 可应用于企业个人等网站。 图标有PSD源文件自行修改。 下载即可用方便快捷。
Violet Chang online customer service QQ Advisory Meihuaban You can set whether the pop-up dialog box, consulting, similar companies QQ. It can be applied to individual businesses and other sites. PSD source file icon has its own modifications. Download it convenient to use. (2016-05-26, HTML, 67KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] aspqqonline

You can add a floating window QQ online consultation for your ASP site s home page, you can add an unlimited number of customer service QQ, real-time display online status QQ (QQ number and color of the icon to distinguish colors, red line, not online for gray or black ), the visitor can click on the QQ instant message or chat with an agent (2016-03-20, C++ Builder, 26KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ecshopQQfudongkefu-dai-ma

ecshop 悬浮客服插件代码,适用于ecshop273各个版本的
ecshop suspension customer plug-in code for all versions of ecshop273 (2015-09-18, PHP, 6KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Ekefuqunfa

Taobao E customer bulk software, software for the old version, now invalid, for reference only (2015-08-25, Visual Basic, 54KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] sdcmscj_zxkf_v2.0

sdcms2.0及以上版本在线客服插件,免费共享: 另有以下插件演示 采集插件、 标签生成插件、 在线客服插件、 数据备份插件 测试账号:test 测试密码:test
Sdcms2.0 and above version of online customer service plug-in, free of charge: There is another plug-in demo Acquisition plug-in, Tag generation plug-in, Online customer service plug-in, Data backup plugin Test account: Test Test password: Test (2015-06-27, ASP, 179KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xuanfuqq

Using js technology in HTML page to implement a qq client service (2014-11-14, HTML, 17KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] viicms

viicms actual source is available, you can upload space, described in the zip within (2014-02-05, PHP, 29198KB, 下载14次)


[WEB开发] 6457

Media有问必答客服系统 v3.1,php编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。
Media Insider customer service system v3.1, php programming learning source, a good reference. (2014-01-15, PHP, 1497KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ec

Android mobile e-commerce sites, including client service and customer side. (2014-01-10, Java, 8137KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] 6457

Media有问必答客服系统 v3.1,php编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。
Media Insider customer service system v3.1, php programming learning source, a good reference. (2014-01-04, PHP, 1039KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 6457

Media有问必答客服系统 v3.1,php编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。
Media Insider customer service system v3.1, php programming learning source, a good reference. (2013-12-30, PHP, 1181KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] kefu

佳蓝在线客服系统 v3.0(含客服管理软件),php编程学习源码,web网页制作参考资料。
Jia Blue online customer service system V3.0 (including customer service management software), PHP learning programming source code, web Webpage production of reference materials. (2013-12-24, PHP, 1239KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] welive_3.4.0_free

WeLive在线客服系统是一个程序小巧(180kb, 免费开源),安装使用简单的网上在线客服系统, 主要特点: 1. 基于PHP + MySQL + Ajax技术的在线客服系统 2. 用户安装在自己的服务器或虚拟主机, 安装一次可在任意网站或页面中调用
WeLive online customer service system is a program small (180kb, free and open source), installation is simple online online customer service system, the main features: 1. Based on PHP+ MySQL+ Ajax technology, online customer service system 2 users to install on your own server or virtual host, once installed on any site or page can be invoked (2013-07-06, PHP, 729KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] NameCMS_7s_ASP_v1.31

功能介绍 1.后台自主修改添加前台任何位置的内容; 2.域名分类、域名自由添加、域名Whois查询; 3.在线客服等等
failed to translate (2013-05-07, ASP, 736KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] jjkefu_php

账号默认:admin 密码:admin 调用方法: 程序后台即将完善,目前尚未完全完成,客服系统会陆续更新完善! 程序简单,修改方便,功能强大,免费开源。 竖版的客服界面,仿腾讯咨询界面 QQ登录,QQ登录后可以保存聊天记录,下次登录自动提取上次聊天记录! 关键字自动回复!注意:管理员账号为机器人账号,设置关键字后 如果没有任何客服在线即转入机器人自动回复! 获得来路信息以及关键字 - 目前只设置了百度来路关键字! 客服可自定义聊天信息框中广告图片 客服可以发送邀请,邀请后客户接收页面显示邀请客服名称并且抖动及声音提示!
Account default: admin password: admin Call methods: Program background is perfect, at present has not yet completed, customer service system will update in perfect! Program simple, modify the convenient, powerful, free open source. Vertical version of the customer service interface, copy tencent consulting interface QQ login, QQ login to save chat records, next time login automatic extraction last chat record! Key auto reply! Note: the administrator account for robot account, set the key word if there is no any customer service online namely into robot auto reply! Get background information and key word- currently only set the baidu approach key! Customer service can be defined chat information box advertising pictures Customer service can send the invitation, invite customers after receiving page display invite customer service name and jitter and voice prompt! (2013-01-22, PHP, 1216KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] wangwangkefu

淘宝网店装修代码 190像素宽淘宝左侧咖啡色淘宝旺旺客服模板
Taobao shop fitting code 190pixels wide Taobao Wangwang Taobao left coffee service template (2012-06-09, HTML, 1KB, 下载12次)


[WEB开发] Internet-sites

互联网网站即时通信平台 v1.3.1一款用于网站客服的web应用
Internet sites instant messaging platform v1.3.1 a site customer service web application (2012-03-13, PHP, 147KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] mingke555

Minco online customer service system since the development is completed, the recognition and support of the majority of users, but also made ​ ​ a number of valuable suggestions for us to make our system more comprehensive and meet market demand. Some of which intend to develop the customer service system users suffer from the kernel and the principle is not clear but never able to complete customer service system. In order to help more users to develop their own professional customer service systems, reduce your development costs, the site today to launch the online customer service system (individual open source version) (2012-02-05, PHP, 2760KB, 下载17次)


[WEB开发] mk

zhe kuan daima shi mingke kfu xitong (2011-10-18, PHP, 3262KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] class

Baidu is very rare you ask procedures, Q (2008-04-04, ASP, 298KB, 下载33次)
