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[Windows编程] 运用装饰者写的c++咖啡厅点餐系统

当我要增加一种咖啡系类或者增加一种调味品的时候,我只不过是增加一个被装饰类或者增加一个装饰类而已! 这样对以前编写好的整个系统的影响是很小的,也就是说系统的耦合性比较的弱,模块与模块之间的独立性比较强! 类的扩展性非常的好! 这是非常符合面向对象系统设计所追求的“高内聚”,“低耦合”的目标的!
When I want to add a coffee class or a condiment, I just add a decorated class or a decoration class! In other words, the coupling of the system is weak and the independence between modules is strong! Class extensibility is very good! This is very in line with the goal of "high cohesion" and "low coupling" pursued by object-oriented system design! (2020-08-02, C/C++, 8635KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 1.60清包工具

问道私服 1.60,清理背包,辅助工具!希望大家速来测试!
Asked 1.6, clean up the backpack, auxiliary tools! test (2018-05-16, Visual C++, 288KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] GetMAC(2)_api

清空内容這個主要是獲取MAC的內容,以便客戶去使用MAC的計算方法. 您是不是要翻译: 检测到:中文 » 英语自动检测语言中文 »  英语中文 »  日语中文 »  韩语中文 »  法语中文 »  俄语中文 »  西语英语 »  中文日语 »  中文韩语 »  中文法语 »  中文俄语 »  中文西语 »  中文 自动检测语言中文 » 英语英语 » 中文中文 » 日语日语 » 中文中文 » 韩语韩语 » 中文中文 » 法语法语 » 中文中文 » 俄语俄语 » 中文中文 » 西班牙语西班牙语 » 中文专业译员随时待命, 8分钟返回精准译文 This is mainly to obtain the content of the MAC, so that customers to use the calculation method of the MAC. (2015-12-30, Visual C++, 9706KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] tianyishoujizhushou

天翼手机助手: 后台管理系统 推荐应用统计 推荐业务统计 营业厅及账号使用情况 手机上报统计 账号管理 登录注册 权限管理 客户端应用推送 应用分类 应用搜索 应用详细信息展示 推送至用户 推送至通讯录 推送至客户 客户端业务推送 业务详细信息展示 推送至用户 推送至通讯录 PC端 应用信息展示 应用TOP10排名展示 应用搜索 业绩查询
Physical phone assistant: Background management system Recommended statistics Recommend business statistics Business hall and account usage Mobile phone report statistics Account management Log in to register Rights management Push the client application Application of classification Application of search Application details Push to the user Push to address book Push to the client Push the client business Business details Push to the user Push to address book PC Application information display Application of top 10 ranking Application of search Results the query (2015-12-18, Java, 15291KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] car

A project to book ticket. (2015-09-05, Visual C++, 2349KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] KooTao1.3

这款wordpress淘宝客主题是KooTao主题的免费版,收费版已经开卖一段时间,由于主题作者的不断更新,KooTao收费版主题将会在过几天以一个全新的介绍升级下,所以购买过KooTao收费版主题的朋友有福了,作者真心为收费用户考虑下了很多实用的功能,当然现在这款免费的KooTao主题也是十分牛B的,在wordpress淘宝客主题中算是新秀崛起!具体听小编这里慢慢解说哈 首先这款wordpress淘宝客主题KooTao主题是一款绚丽多色的主题,喜欢沉稳的朋友可以要绕路了,这不适合你,然后主题尽可能的将琳琅满目的商品展示给访客,让妹纸们沉迷进来,内页下的更多推荐让点击越深入,PV越高!其悬浮固定的购买,省去了访客上下来去的寻找购买链接,转化一气呵成!
Taobao off this wordpress theme is the free version KooTao topic, the free version has been on sale for some time, since the theme of the author s constantly updated, KooTao charged version of the theme will be a few days with a new introduction to the next upgrade, so bought KooTao charge version of the theme of friends blessed, author really for users to consider charges under a lot of useful features, of course, now this free KooTao theme is also very cow B, regarded rookie Taobao customers rise in wordpress theme! Listen Xiaobian slowly explain specifically where Kazakhstan Taobao off first this wordpress theme is a brilliant theme KooTao multicolor themes, like a friend you can be calm detour, this is not for you, then the theme will be an array of goods as presented to visitors, so sister paper are indulge in, more so that the inside pages under the recommended click the deeper, higher PV! Suspended fixed purchase, eliminating the need for visitors to come and go looking to buy (2015-05-04, PHP, 231KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] KooTao1.3

这款wordpress淘宝客主题是KooTao主题的免费版,收费版已经开卖一段时间,由于主题作者的不断更新,KooTao收费版主题将会在过几天以一个全新的介绍升级下,所以购买过KooTao收费版主题的朋友有福了,作者真心为收费用户考虑下了很多实用的功能,当然现在这款免费的KooTao主题也是十分牛B的,在wordpress淘宝客主题中算是新秀崛起!具体听小编这里慢慢解说哈 首先这款wordpress淘宝客主题KooTao主题是一款绚丽多色的主题,喜欢沉稳的朋友可以要绕路了,这不适合你,然后主题尽可能的将琳琅满目的商品展示给访客,让妹纸们沉迷进来,内页下的更多推荐让点击越深入,PV越高!其悬浮固定的购买,省去了访客上下来去的寻找购买链接,转化一气呵成!
Taobao off this wordpress theme is the free version KooTao topic, the free version has been on sale for some time, since the theme of the author s constantly updated, KooTao charged version of the theme will be a few days with a new introduction to the next upgrade, so bought KooTao charge version of the theme of friends blessed, author really for users to consider charges under a lot of useful features, of course, now this free KooTao theme is also very cow B, regarded rookie Taobao customers rise in wordpress theme! Listen Xiaobian slowly explain specifically where Kazakhstan Taobao off first this wordpress theme is a brilliant theme KooTao multicolor themes, like a friend you can be calm detour, this is not for you, then the theme will be an array of goods as presented to visitors, so sister paper are indulge in, more so that the inside pages under the recommended click the deeper, higher PV! Suspended fixed purchase, eliminating the need for visitors to come and go looking to buy (2015-05-04, PHP, 230KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] MFC-simulation

这么庞大的对象,当然不是每一个类别每一个数据结构 都是我的仿真目标。我只挑选最神秘又最重要,与应用程序主干息息相关的题目,包括: ■ MFC 程序的初始化过程 ■ RTTI(Runtime Type Information)执行时期型别信息 ■ Dynamic Creation 动态生成 ■ Persistence 永续留存 ■ Message Mapping 消息映射 ■ Message Routing 消息绕行
Such a large object, of course, not every category for each data structure Simulation is my goal. I just picked the most mysterious and most important, and closely related to the main subject of the application, including: ■ MFC program initialization process ■ RTTI (Runtime Type Information) run-time Type Information ■ Dynamic Creation dynamically generated ■ Persistence sustainable retained ■ Message Mapping message map ■ Message Routing Messages bypass (2015-02-07, C/C++, 342KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] WEBSERVER

实验一 Windows 环境下用java 实现web 服 务器实验 实验目的: (1) 处理一个 http 请求 (2) 接收并解析 http 请求 (3) 从服务器文件系统中获得被请求的文件 (4) 创建一个包括被请求的文件的 http 响应信息 (5) 直接发送该信息到客户端
Under the experimental realization of a Windows environment with java web service Service is experimental (2014-10-29, Java, 6KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] TicketSystem

汽车客运公司售票系统 设某客运公司每日向10个城市发一个直达班车(中途不停留下客)。每天都发售今、明、后三天的车票。该系统在磁盘上存贮以下信息:1. 今、明、后三天每个班次的基本信息,包括:每个班次的班次号、发车时间、终点城市,座位数量;2.今、明、后三天每个班次的旅客登记表,表项有:姓名、身份证号、座号。
Motor Transport Company ticketing system (2010-09-16, Visual C++, 5837KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] cmmi

能力成熟度整合模式 (Capability Maturity Model® Integration,CMMI® )是一個針對產品與服務發展的流 程改善成熟度模式。它包含發展與維護活動的最佳 執行方法,涵蓋產品從起始到交付與維護的生命週 期。
Capability Maturity Model Integration (Capability Maturity Model ® Integration, CMMI ® ) is a product and service development for process improvement maturity model. It includes the development and maintenance of the best methods of implementation to cover product from start to delivery and maintenance of the life cycle. (2010-05-09, PDF, 1895KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] TuxedoTraining_PasswordIs(xiebj)

tuxedo培训教程.密码是(xiebj).pdf BEA TUXEDO是在企业、Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层 结构的客 户/服务器型关键任务应用系统的强有力工具。它具备分布式事务处理和 应用通信功能,并提供完善的各种服务来建立、运行和管理关键任务应用系统。开 发人员能够用它建立跨多个硬件平台、数据库和操作系统的可互操作的应用系统。 BEA TUXEDO是企业、 Internet 分布式应用中的基础主干平台。它提供了一个开放 的环境,支持各种各样的客 户、数据库、网络、遗留系统和通讯方式。
tuxedo training curricula. password is (xiebj). pdf BEA TUXEDO at the enterprise, Internet, distributed computing environment, such a development and management of three-tier architecture client/server-based mission-critical applications, a powerful tool. It has distributed transaction processing and application of communication functions, and to provide better services to build, run and manage mission-critical applications. Developers can use it to build across multiple hardware platforms, databases and operating systems interoperable applications. BEA TUXEDO is the enterprise, Internet-based distributed applications platform for the backbone. It provides an open environment to support a wide range of clients, databases, networks, legacy systems, and communication. (2009-11-12, Others, 346KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] bank

某银行营业厅共有6个营业窗口,设有排队系统广播叫号,该银行的业务分为公积金、银行卡、理财卡等三种。公积金业务指定1号窗口,银行卡业务指定2、3、4号窗口(设一个队列对窗口进行管理),理财卡业务指定5号窗口。但如果5号窗口忙,而2、3、4号窗口有空闲时,理财卡业务也可以在空闲的2、3、4号窗口之一办理。 客户领号、业务完成可以作为输入信息,要求可以随时显示5个营业窗口的状态。
the queue of bank (2009-05-27, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载25次)


[Windows编程] 216890

dc++(一个曾经大量使用的p2p)的源代码,dc++,开源的p2p源代码,在bt,emule出现以前,还是有很多人用过,可惜现在已经风头不及当年了。。。 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
dc++ (once a large-scale use of p2p) source code, dc++, open-source p2p source code, in the bt, emule appear before, or have a lot of people used, but is now less of the limelight. . . This article comes from off-source shrimp http://www.xkxz.com (2008-09-04, Visual C++, 158KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] howtoword

花一天时间学好Word排版,绝对是一劳永逸的事。 Word不是最重要的,但绝对是影响建模表达、写作效率和修改方便性的关键。 所有与内容无关的排版工作都交给Word去完成吧。
Flower a day to learn Word Publishing, is a matter for once and for all. Word is not the most important, but is the expression of the impact of modeling, writing and revision of the efficiency of the key convenience. All unrelated to the content of the typesetting work to complete it to the Word. (2008-08-22, Others, 4KB, 下载38次)


[Windows编程] HRandJOB

Campus online recruitment platform if the user should be posted on the website and realize their resumes to recruit the company (2008-07-02, C#, 879KB, 下载38次)


[Windows编程] TickSrv

在Windows CE下示範了使用超級終端機的服務,監視Windows CE裝置上的port1000的位置,並且當任何應用程式連線時,提供目前的時間和系統自上次重新設定後所經過的毫秒數。
Under the Windows CE model in the use of super-service terminals, surveillance, Windows CE devices port1000 position, and when any application to connect to provide the current time and the system since the last re-set after a few milliseconds after . (2008-05-16, C++, 819KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] film

1.采集超快,不会出现任何错误,亲测!(此免费版采集程序略微有BUG) 2.集成广告功能! 3.可以设置多个管理员 4.电影错误报告功能 5.安全的后台日志功能! 6.采集的电影自动判断有效性,无效的电影自动删除! 7.后台可视界面的基本设置,(比免费版本增加很多设置) 8.增加友情链接管理 9.永久升级,永久技术支持,唯一支持客服:314048526 10.数据库管理(备份,还原!) 11.支持静态页面和动态页面两种模式 12.2个超稳定的自动采集程序
1. Ultrafast acquisition, there will not be any error, the pro-test! (This free version has a little collection procedures BUG) 2. Integrated advertising features! 3. Can set up multiple administrators 4. Film error reporting function 5. Security log feature background! 6. Collected automatically to determine the effectiveness of the film, the film automatically delete invalid! 7. Background visual interface the basic settings, (the free version more than the addition of many settings) 8. Increase the Links Management 9. Permanent upgrades, permanent technical support, only to support Customer Service: 31404852610. Database management (backup, restore!) 11. support for static pages and dynamic pages in two modes of super-stable 12.2 automatic acquisition procedures (2007-12-03, ASP, 3089KB, 下载104次)


[Windows编程] bea_quick_start

BEA TUXEDO是在企业、Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户/服务器型关键任务应用系统的强有力工具。它具备分布式事务处理和应用通信功能,并提供完善的各种服务来建立、运行和管理关键任务应用系统。开发人员能够用它建立跨多个硬件平台、数据库和操作系统的可互操作的应用系统。BEA TUXEDO是企业、 Internet 分布式应用中的基础主干平台(见图1)。它提供了一个开放的环境,支持各种各样的客 户、数据库、网络、遗留系统和通讯方式。
BEA TUXEDO in enterprises, Internet the Distributed Computing Environment development and management structure of the three-tier client/server-based mission-critical Application System powerful tool. It has distributed transaction processing and application of communication, and to provide better services to create, Operation and management of mission-critical applications. Developers can use it to establish a number of cross-platform hardware, databases and operating systems interoperable applications. BEA TUXEDO enterprises and the Internet distributed applications based on the trunk platform (see figure 1). It provides an open environment, and supports a wide variety of clients, databases, networks, legacy systems and means of communication. (2006-12-13, Others, 401KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] 530912808

主菜单为 1.预定管理 2.住客管理 3.信息查询 4.打印报表 5.日常业务 6.退出 各菜单明细说明 1.预订管理 预订管理 pub_ydgl 会议预订 pub_hyyd 预订等待 pub_wait
to a main menu. Scheduled management 2. Guest Management 3. Information 4. Print statements 5. Day-to-day operations 6. From the menu a detailed note. Advance reservations management pub_ydgl management meeting for booking reservations pub_hyyd pub_wait (2005-04-30, Visual Basic, 2418KB, 下载9次)
