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[MySQL数据库] poddley

搜索带有youtube视频的播客转录的同步和对齐搜索引擎。Nuxt3前端,Express Prisma pm2 MySQL后端。将WhispherX、wav2vec、feedparser、ffmpeg、meilisearch、github操作、bash脚本与SSH一起用于CICD,并将tailwindcss与tailwind引导网格一起使用。
Search-engine for podcast-transcriptions with accompanying youtube videos, synced and aligned. Nuxt3-frontend, Express Prisma pm2 MySQL-backend. Uses WhispherX, wav2vec, feedparser, ffmpeg, meilisearch, github actions, bash-scripts with SSH for CICD and tailwindcss with tailwind-bootstrap-grid. (2024-01-08, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] quicktravelling

主要功能包括:目的地搜索、详情展示、收藏、点赞、排行以及位置定位。同时,采用PhoneGap开发Hybrid App版。前端,主要利用Bootstrap、jQuery、AJAX、Web Storage、高德地图API等实现主要功能;服...
The main functions include: destination search, detail display, favorites, likes, rankings, and location positioning. At the same time, the Hybrid App version is developed using PhoneGap. The front-end mainly utilizes Bootstrap, jQuery, AJAX, Web Storage, and Gaode Map API to achieve main functions; Server (2016-08-08, CSS, 4438KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Integrative-Project

Somos um e-commerce que inicia sua atividade vendendo canecas temáticas para o publico alvo, nerd, geek e pop, repassando uma porcentagem do nosso lucro para ajudar institui??es que linkam com o 4 objetivo da ONU que é educa??o de qualidade. (2021-11-06, HTML, 14665KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] GeekMovie

GeekMovie 极客影院是一个免费的在线观影系统,本网站内容使用Python爬虫技术收集于互联网上公开资源,提供最优质的web界面服务,但不提供也不参与影片档案录制、下载、上传、储存。本站资源永久免费共享、无需安装任何插件、免注册...
GeekMovie Geek Cinema is a free online viewing system. The content of this website is collected using Python crawler technology and publicly available resources on the internet, providing the highest quality web interface services. However, it does not provide or participate in the recording, downloading, uploading, or storage of movie files. This website s resources are permanently shared for free, without the need to install any plugins, and free of registration (2020-07-18, JavaScript, 24371KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] PHP-interview-myway

Record PHP interviews, including computer networks, operating systems, PHP, Redis, and MySQL databases (starting from December 2019). Interviewed with TAL, who to learn from, Headlines, Geek Insurance, Baidu Wenku, Baidu Zhizhi, and other companies. Continuously updating (2022-12-27, Others, 2316KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] 8101端口数据库

问道私服1.60数据库 草关,服务端请自行别处查询!
Asked private servers 1.60 database of grass (2019-01-17, Java, 187KB, 下载7次)


[MySQL数据库] DumpTools

1.修改config中dumpConfig.properties源数据库配置 2.修改config中dumpConfig.properties目标数据库配置,并创建一个db.target.schema值名字的数据库,不创建工具会自动创建 3.配置config中dumpConfig.properties开服时间配置 4.humanids=设置想要导出的玩家id(支持多玩家用,分隔) 5.个人表配置 (表明名,与角色id关联字段名字)注:个人表知道出相关数据 6.忽略表配置 注:忽略表不导出数据 7.个人表,忽略表除外其他表全部导出
1. modify the dumpConfig.properties source database configuration in config 2. modify the dumpConfig.properties target database configuration in config and create a database with the name of the db.target.schema value, which will be created automatically without the creation of the tool 3. configuration config dumpConfig.properties open service time configuration 4.humanids= settings you want to export the ID game player (support play home, separated) 5. individual table configuration (name, name, role ID association field name) Note: the personal table knows the related data 6. ignore table configuration note: ignore table do not export data 7. individual tables, except the table, except the other tables. (2017-12-10, Java, 1436KB, 下载1次)


[MySQL数据库] j_13565_taoke

淘宝客推广系统全站(带数据)3.0 在第二版的基础上,新增十几个商品分类,新增2000多条数据!
Taobao to promote system-wide stand-off (with data) in the second edition of 3.0 on the basis of the new more than a dozen commodity classification, new data more than 2000! (2009-06-09, PHP, 1500KB, 下载35次)
