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[云数据库/云存储] tasfe-framework

极客精神,工匠品质,10年磨一剑,只为追求理想和自由!tasfe-framework(The application solutions for enterprise),万千瞩目,集思想与艺术与技术的完美结合,原子化组件,业务化组合,专为提高开发效率而生。你,值得拥有!,
Geek spirit, craftsman quality, 10 years of sharpening a sword, only for the pursuit of ideals and freedom! The task framework (The application solutions for enterprise), which focuses on the perfect combination of ideas, art and technology, atomized components and business combination, is designed to improve development efficiency. You deserve it!, (2017-08-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
