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[游戏] 网关

梦幻西游全民pk防御网关 可以直接设置开服列表了
Fantasy Westward Journey national PK defense gateway, you can directly set up a list of open clothes (2017-06-24, C++ Builder, 1059KB, 下载23次)


[网络编程] wxBingsns

BingSNS供销版O2O源码包含了O2O门店服务+网络分销+多级推客+2个商业闭环。 第一个,模式闭环: BingSNS供销源码定位在供销模式,强调的是供销流程,提倡的是帮助供应商打造自己的渠道品牌第二个,支付闭环: 在系统内的任何一笔交易,粉丝可通过微信支付、微信扫码,支付宝,财付通在线收款,系统会自动核算每笔交易中的各个角色(供应商、分销商、门店、推客)的账单明细
BingSNS supply and marketing version of the O2O source code contains the O2O store services+ network distribution+ multi-level push off+2 business closed loop. First, mode closed loop: BingSNS supply and marketing source positioning in the supply and marketing model, the emphasis is on the supply and marketing process, is to help suppliers to build their own channel brand second, pay closed loop: Any transaction within the system, fans can pay through WeChat, Alipay, WeChat scan code, TenPay online payment, the system will automatically check each role in each transaction (suppliers, distributors, stores, twitter) of the statement (2016-09-10, C++ Builder, 6284KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Weboffice2.0

1. 六级分类(总经理、副总经理、总经理助理、部门经理、职员、客户服务),且各级权限亦有不同。 2. 员工自我总结提交,以待上级批注。 3. 公司计划发表,让员工及时知悉公司运行情况。 4. 完全自控且不为他人查看的个人工作日志。 5. 公司所有客户资源分类存贮、产品试用及客服联系资料。
1. The six categories (president, vice president, assistant general manager, department managers, staff, customer service), and have different levels of permissions.         2. The employee self-summary submitted, pending the higher notes.         3. The company plans to issue for staff to be informed of the operation of the company.         4. Fully controlled and not for others to see personal logbook.         5. All customer resource classification storage, product trials and customer service contact information. (2016-03-07, C++ Builder, 212KB, 下载1次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flashgbook_code

只提供部分代码,swf可用闪客精灵解密得到原文件,x-woods flash留言板
Only part of the code, swf available Decompiler decrypt the original file, x-woods flash message board (2016-03-06, C++ Builder, 82KB, 下载2次)


[数据库系统] guestbook56

Prototype uses mob book, the page display, Moderator manage (delete, reply withheld), use, convenient and quick (2016-03-01, C++ Builder, 27KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 2013diangongbei

阿的江佛哦啊诶房间爱二姐夫卡死了得利卡大家 绿壳蛋鸡弗兰卡地方阿洛卡金额欧服啊
dadfe lkjalkejflk adlkfadsfe lakjdflkjaewlf akdjflkjasldf adf dfae (2013-11-23, C++ Builder, 3KB, 下载1次)


[游戏引擎] BLUE

BLUE源码全都是传奇私服的开源源码 都在开服或者还在卖钱的登录器之类的物品
BLUE source all the legendary Sifu open source source code in open service or still make money registrar like items (2012-09-23, C++ Builder, 21596KB, 下载303次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] tulun3

数学建模中的常用算法 - 算法分析 - 道客巴巴 数学建模中的常用算法 成都信息工程...最优化理论的三大非经典算法: 模拟退火法SA、神经网络NN、遗传算法GA 近几年的...
Commonly used mathematical modeling algorithm- Algorithm Analysis- Road passenger Baba mathematical modeling algorithms used in the Chengdu University of Information ... optimization theory of the three non-classical algorithms: simulated annealing SA, neural network NN, GA GA near years ... (2011-08-10, C++ Builder, 11KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] 20109191705688

企业电话客服系统 本系统运用现代化的技术,为中小型企业提供现代化的管理手段,提高企业产品信息的收集、处理能力,联动及反映能力,为各级领导和管理人员提供准确、及时的分析数据,提高管理的科学性和工作效率,促进企业管理工作合理化、规范化、系统化。本系统主要实现以下目标:  系统采用人机交互的方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。
Business telephone customer service system, the system uses modern technology to provide SMEs with modern management tools, and improving product information collection, processing, interaction, and reflect the ability of leaders and managers at all levels to provide accurate and timely analysis of data and improve the management of scientific and efficiency, promote enterprise management rationalization, standardization and systematization. The system is mainly to achieve the following goals:  system uses interactive way, friendly and beautiful interface, information inquiry flexible, convenient, safe and reliable data storage. (2011-02-28, C++ Builder, 631KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] JishiGou_SC_GBK

本次上传的是关于记事狗微博客程序 V1.6.0的设计 请看
The upload is the dog micro-blog program on the notebook design look V1.6.0 (2010-06-29, C++ Builder, 1560KB, 下载4次)


[其他行业] Billiards

VC++超强功能版台球厅计时收费管理系统,数据库使用Access,初始登录密码为111.   本台球计时系统功能主要有:系统参数设置、台球桌信息设置、台球桌使用登记、台球桌调换登记、费用结算、显示台球桌使用状态等。在添加一个使用的台球桌时,系统会自动开始计时,使用完毕后将自动核算出费用。当然,软件的功能还有许多,一些细节上的东西都包括在内,看来作者是下了一番功夫在写本程序,因此VC++编程的Fans们最好下载研究一下哦。
VC++ super-functional version of pool hall time charge management system, database using Access, the initial login password is 111. The main pool timing system functions: System parameter setting, billiards table information is set, billiards tables using the registration, billiards tables exchange registration, cost of settlement, billiard tables show the use of status. Adding a pool table used, the system automatically starts timing out after use will automatically account for the cost. Of course, the software functionality there are many, some of the details of the things that are included, it seems the author is writing down a lot of effort to this program, so VC++ programming Fans who want to download look oh. (2010-03-28, C++ Builder, 156KB, 下载20次)


[按钮控件] huibianchengxu

Compiled program to eat, and can make our lives become more beautiful and the clothes he used to eat should (2010-01-21, C++ Builder, 242KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] DGScreenSpy_0.4d

{*******************************************} { DGScreenSpy } { Version: 0.4d } { Author: BCB-DG } { EMail: iamgyg@163.com } { QQ: 112275024 } { Blog: http://iamgyg.blog.163.com } {*******************************************} 在0.4c基礎上改進。 File List: ---------- DIClient(Indy9.0.18): DIServer(DXClient): D7反向連接方式,服務端采用精簡VCL,程序體積比較小 DClient(ICS6): DServer(ICS6): D7正向連接方式 CClient(ICS5): CServer(ICS5): BCB6正向連接方式
{*******************************************} (DGScreenSpy) (Version : 0.4d) (Author: BCB-DG) (EMail: iamgyg@163.com) (QQ: 112275024) (Blog: http://iamgyg.blog.163.com) {*******************************************} improved on the basis of the 0.4c. File List:---------- DIClient (Indy9.0.18): DIServer (DXClient): D7 reverse connection method, the server uses to streamline the VCL, program size is relatively small DClient (ICS6): DServer (ICS6) : D7 positive connection CClient (ICS5): CServer (ICS5): BCB6 Positive Connection (2009-11-01, C++ Builder, 133KB, 下载22次)


[单片机开发] Intelligenracks

How to address people not at home because of the rain soaked clothes were hanging out the problem? The author uses Elan EM78447A single-chip intelligent chip design a drying rack, it can automatically identify the sunny and rainy days, smart for our Service (2009-04-07, C++ Builder, 238KB, 下载19次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Chat

With BCB to write a chat program, either when the server can also make the client (2007-08-20, C++ Builder, 317KB, 下载32次)


[DSP编程] 维普浏览器OCR

fen否则需依次排队等候。一旦有顾客理完发离去时,排在队头的顾客便可开始理发。若理发店每天 连续营业T小时, 求一天内顾客在理发馆内平均的逗留时间、顾客排队等候理发的队列的平均长度、营业时间到点后仍需 要完成的收尾工作时间 测试数据:理发椅数N及关门时间由用户读入,第一个顾客进门的时刻为0,之后每个顾客进门的时刻由 前一个顾客进门时间确定。即在进门事件发生时即产生两个随机数(durtime,intertime),durtime为进 门顾客理发所需要的服务时间,intertime为下一个顾客将到达的时间间隔。R为
fen otherwise be followed queue. Once customers Jimmy End made to leave, the first in the queue of customers will start barber. If the barber shop daily turnover of T consecutive hours a day for customers in the barbershop where the average length of stay, customers are queuing up at the barbershop the average queue length, hours after the close of the need to complete the relevant work time test data : N barber chairs and closed by the user time to read, a customers went 0 for the moment, the door after each customer from the time a customer comes first time to determine. At the time of the incident comes as a result of two random number (durtime, intertime), the door for customers durtime hairdressing services needed by the time intertime customers for the next one will arrive in the tim (2005-11-22, C++ Builder, 478KB, 下载10次)
