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[collect] SimpleChatCommand_Server

This is a simple chat service based on websocket, which can be used to establish general chat rooms or as a signaling server for WebRTC (2023-11-21, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] web-terminal

欢迎来到 Web- terminal!这是一款为程序员打造的最酷的浏览器主页!本项目灵感来自于Github大佬鱼皮的极客范的yuindex项目,如有需要,请自行在Github上搜索yuindex查看即可
Welcome to Web terminal! This is the coolest browser homepage for programmers! This project is inspired by the geek yuindex project of Github Big Man s fish skin. If you need it, please search yuindex on Github (2023-10-25, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] angular-podcast-app

由Angular 5、Pouchdb、Html5 Web Audio API、PWA功能和Itunes Search API制作的播客应用程序-现场演示:
A podcast app made with Angular 5, Pouchdb, Html5 Web Audio API, PWA Features and Itunes Search API - Live Demo: (2019-06-26, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
