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[Windows编程] 运用装饰者写的c++咖啡厅点餐系统

当我要增加一种咖啡系类或者增加一种调味品的时候,我只不过是增加一个被装饰类或者增加一个装饰类而已! 这样对以前编写好的整个系统的影响是很小的,也就是说系统的耦合性比较的弱,模块与模块之间的独立性比较强! 类的扩展性非常的好! 这是非常符合面向对象系统设计所追求的“高内聚”,“低耦合”的目标的!
When I want to add a coffee class or a condiment, I just add a decorated class or a decoration class! In other words, the coupling of the system is weak and the independence between modules is strong! Class extensibility is very good! This is very in line with the goal of "high cohesion" and "low coupling" pursued by object-oriented system design! (2020-08-02, C/C++, 8635KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 飞机订票模拟系统

模拟实现如下功能: 1) 航班信息录入与修改:可以录入航班情况,修改航班数据 2) 航班信息查询:可以查询某个航线的情况,例如:输入航班号后,查询起降时间、起飞到达城市、航班票价、票价折扣、确定航班是否满仓;可以输入起飞到达城市,查询开通的飞机航班情况等; 3) 订票操作: 可以订票,如果该航班已经无票,可以提供可替代航班选择,订票结果保存到订票信息中; 4) 退票操作: 可退票,退票后修改相关数据文件; 5) 订票信息录入与修改:可以记录和修改客户订票信息,包括姓名、证件号、预定航班号及机票数量等
The simulation implements the following functions: 1) Flight information input and modification: Flight information can be entered, flight data can be modified 2) Flight information inquiry: you can inquire about the situation of a certain route, such as: inputting flight number, inquiring about take-off and landing time, take-off and arrival city, flight ticket price, discount, determining whether the flight is full or not; you can inputting take-off and arrival city, inquiring about the situation of the opened flight, etc. 3) Booking operation: can book tickets, if the flight has no tickets, can provide alternative flight options, booking results are stored in the booking information; 4) refund operation: refundable tickets, after refund, modify the relevant data files; 5) Input and modification of booking information: Customer booking information can be recorded and modified, including name, certificate number, flight number and number of tickets booked, etc. (2019-05-31, C/C++, 1888KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] Simulate_v3.2

苹果设备虚拟定位软件,可修改定位,随机定位,模拟轨迹,支持ios6-ios12.1系统,支持最新XR、XS、XS Max设备支持所有app定位修改,微信附近人、共享定位、朋友圈,微博,钉钉、企业微信、云之家、云参会、E行销等考勤类软件,映客、陌陌、探探、快手、YY、抖音、火山、虎牙、龙珠、花椒、等各类直播平台,支持各类手游棋牌类王者荣耀、支持查找我的iPhone等
Apple device virtual positioning software, can modify positioning, random positioning, simulation trajectory (2019-01-22, C/C++, 12803KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] Cprogram

永辉超市庆祝开业10周年,特举行大型促销活动。为通知到每位贵宾,并节约成本,采用时下流行的手机短信通知方式。超市有10多万户完整的贵宾资料,分别存放在下面两个文本文件当中(每行一条记录,以Tab键分隔每个域): 贵宾帐户文本。格式为:贵宾卡号<Tab>客户姓名<Tab>身份证号。 贵宾资料文本。格式为:身份证号<Tab>手机号。
Yonghui Supermarket to celebrate the opening of the 10th anniversary special, large-scale promotional activities. For notice to each guest, and cost savings, the use of popular SMS notifications. Supermarkets have more than 10 million guests a complete data were stored in the following two text files which (a record of each line to Tab key to separate each domain): VIP account text. Formats are: VIP card number <tab> Guest Name <tab> ID number. VIP text information. Format: phone number <tab> ID number. (2008-12-25, C/C++, 37KB, 下载3次)
